  • Jack Kirby
  • Jack Kirby
  • Jack Kirby
  • Jack Kirby
  • Jack Kirby
  • __NOEDITSECTION__[[Category:Year of Death - ]]
  • thumb Jack Kirby es el nombre artístico del historietista estadounidense judío Jacob Kurtzberg, nacido en Nueva York el 28 de agosto de 1917 creció en Lower East Tower y fallecido en Thousand Oaks (California) el 6 de febrero de 1994. Se le considera uno de los autores más influyentes de la historia del comic book estadounidense, y el dibujante de superhéroes por antonomasia. Junto a Stan Lee creó durante los años sesenta gran parte de los personajes más importantes de Marvel Comics, tales como Los 4 Fantásticos, Thor, Los Vengadores o X-Men, propulsando el renacimiento del género durante la denominada Edad de Plata de los comic-books. Categoría:Producción
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jack Kirby Real Name Jacob Kurtzberg Gender Date of Birth August 29, 1917 Date of Death February 6, 1994 Place of Birth New York City, New York, United States of America First publication Unknown
  • thumb|300px|Jack KirbyJack Kirby (* 28. August 1917 als Jacob Kurtzberg; † 6. Februar 1994), in Comic-Kreisen auch als "The King" bekannt, war einer der einflussreichsten und bekanntesten Zeichner US-amerikanischer Comics.
  • Unfortuneately, he became dissatisfied with working with Marvel, and joined Marvel's main rival: DC Comics. There, he could be more creative with his art, and create some stories of his own. He mixed previously created lines, such as Superman, with his own lines to form a storyline spanning almost all DC titles. He soon returned to Marvel, though was treated improperly and was not given his full pay, among other employment benefits. He left Marvel and began working with animation. He died February 6, 1994.
  • Jack Kirby, is one of the creators of the Iron Man comic books.
  • The Late Jack Kirby is the co-creator of Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and and many others.
  • Jacob Kurtzberg (August 28, 1917 – February 6, 1994), better known by his pen name "Jack Kirby", was an American comic book artist, writer and editor regarded by historians and fans as one of the major innovators and most influential creators in the comic book medium. He has many notable creations including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Fourth World, Hulk, Kamandi, Manhunter, Newsboy Legion, Thor, Young Romance and the X-Men.
  • Jack Kirby (August 28, 1917 – February 6, 1994) was the co-creator of the character The Hulk. In 1962, he helped Stan Lee come up with the idea/plot of the giant monster. He also penciled the first five issues, as well as 19 other issues in later years. Kirby has commented on his influences in drawing the character, recalling as inspiration the tale of a mother who rescues her child who is trapped beneath a car. He also said, "As long as we're experimenting with radioactivity, there's no telling what may happen, or how much our advancements in science may cost us."
  • Jack "King" Kirby (*28 Aug. 1917 in New York City als Jacob Kurtzberg, † 6. Feb. 1994 in Thousand Oaks in Kalifornien) war einer der einflussreichsten und bekanntesten Zeichner amerikanischer Comics.
  • El difunto Jack Kirby es el co-creador del Capitán América, Los 4 Fantásticos, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor y muchos otros. Categoría:Creadores de Cómics
  • As a child Kirby fought as the protector of Dream Land, a mystical world full of Crack Heads and Magic Worshiper Blimps. Eventually Kirby left, destroying Dream Land in the process with the help of Sesame Street. Kirby went on and traveled the barren waste land called Empty Space. Kirby got bored and created the Marvel Universe with another much smaller diety Joe Simon. Together they created the Marvel Universe's first superhero, Captain America, who was a bit more a pimped out soldier than a superhero. Kirby decided that Simon was no longer needed (his creations were crap), but spared him and let him be Captain America's guardian angel. Kirby then went to the universe that the man we won't talk about about. He created a few superheroes like The Green Arrow, but then left because this guy
  • Jacob Kurtzberg (born August 28, 1917, died February 6, 1994) is a legendary writer and artist who worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics going under the name Jack Kirby and Jack Curtiss. Along with Joe Simon, he created Captain America. He also worked with Stan Lee in creating the many characters including, but certainly not limited to, the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, and Silver Surfer.
  • Er zijn uitzonderingen, tekenaars die met gemak vier pagina's per dag in potlood opzetten, zoals Jack Kirby en John Byrne. De eerstgenoemde was in zijn hoogtijdagen een klasse apart. Niet alleen zijn snelheid, maar ook zijn manier van tekenen boezemde bij menig collega ontzag in. Hij presteerde het om een tekening bij een detail te laten beginnen: de onderkant van een schoenzool van een persoon te paard, in volle galop, boeven achtervolgend midden in Manhattan. . . en ga zo maar door. Dit gebeurde met zoveel precisie en gemak dat het leek alsof Kirby aan het overtrekken was. Menig tekenaar werd door Kirby's kunnen geintimideerd. Mort Meskin, tekenaar van de Vigilante, werkte in de vijftigerjaren op de D.C.redactie toen op een goede dag Jack Kirby binnen kwam stappen. Kirby begon zijn dag z
  • (See Also: Jack Kirby's Biography at the Marvel DataBase) Kirby paid homage to the climactic 'Statue of Liberty' scene from Planet of the Apes in the first issue of the successful DC Comics comic book series, Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth, in 1972. The Kamandi series has been accused of plagiarising the Apes movie, because it featured a boy ("the last boy") in a post-apocalyptic world controlled by talking animals - tigers, dogs, gorillas, etc. Kirby denied this (he claimed in one interview that he hadn't seen the Apes movies, but in others he said he had, and was well aware of the film series when working on Kamandi), and in any case, the series developed its own unique story from that initial concept as it continued over 40 issues. Kirby had first used the name Kamandi in a caveman-type
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jack Kirby File:Jack Kirby.JPG Gallery Real Name Jacob Kurtzberg Pseudonyms Jack Kirby Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff
  • Jack Kirby (ur. 28 sierpnia 1917 w Nowym Jorku, zm. 6 lutego 1994 w Thousand Oaks) – urodzony jako Jacob Kurtzberg, amerykański rysownik komiksów, autor i redaktor. Dorastał w Nowym Jorku, po czym dołączył do rodzącego się przemysłu komiksowego w 1930 roku. Tworzył komiksy pod różnymi pseudonimami, lecz ostatecznie zdecydował się na Jack Kirby. W 1941 roku jako rysownik wraz z Joe Simonem (pisarzem) stworzyli bardzo udaną postać superbohatera – kpt. Amerykę dla Timely Comics. Od 1940 Kirby tworzył dużą ilość komiksów dla różnych wydawnictw, często łącząc siły z Simonem. Po służbie wojskowej podczas II wojny światowej Kirby wrócił do komiksów i pracował nad różnymi gatunkami. Tworzył dla wielu wydawców Archie Comics i DC Comics, ale ostatecznie w 1950 przyłączył się do Atlas Comics,
  • all
  • New York City, New York, United States
  • * :Category:Jack Kirby/Appearances
  • all
  • 1994-02-06
  • Comming Soon
  • New York City, New York
  • all
  • Straight
  • Thousand Oaks, California
  • 76
  • 1994
  • Jack Kirby
  • Jacob Kurtzberg
  • N/A
  • 1917-08-28
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • 1917-08-28
  • Teddy
  • Charles Nicholas
  • Fred Sande
  • Jack Curtiss Curt Davis
  • Lance Kirby
  • Ted Grey
  • Unknown
  • all
  • August
  • February
  • * *
  • 1917
  • Unknown
  • Jack Kirby
  • Writer; Penciler; Inker; Cover Artist; Editor
  • 6
  • New York City
  • 1994-02-06
  • 28
  • 29
  • Lisa Kirby
  • Barbara Kirby
  • Neal Kirby
  • Roz Goldstein Susan Kirby
  • Male
  • Writer
  • Storyboard Artist
  • Original Artwork
  • Jacob Kurtzberg
  • USA
  • United States
  • Jacob Kurtzberg
  • all
  • Jack Kirby
  • American
  • all
  • New York City. New York and Died in Thousand Oaks, California
  • New York City. New York and died in Thousand Oaks, California
  • 6.311718E7
Writer name
  • Jack Kirby
  • New York
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • Thousand Oaks, California, United States
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • all
  • __NOEDITSECTION__[[Category:Year of Death - ]]
  • Er zijn uitzonderingen, tekenaars die met gemak vier pagina's per dag in potlood opzetten, zoals Jack Kirby en John Byrne. De eerstgenoemde was in zijn hoogtijdagen een klasse apart. Niet alleen zijn snelheid, maar ook zijn manier van tekenen boezemde bij menig collega ontzag in. Hij presteerde het om een tekening bij een detail te laten beginnen: de onderkant van een schoenzool van een persoon te paard, in volle galop, boeven achtervolgend midden in Manhattan. . . en ga zo maar door. Dit gebeurde met zoveel precisie en gemak dat het leek alsof Kirby aan het overtrekken was. Menig tekenaar werd door Kirby's kunnen geintimideerd. Mort Meskin, tekenaar van de Vigilante, werkte in de vijftigerjaren op de D.C.redactie toen op een goede dag Jack Kirby binnen kwam stappen. Kirby begon zijn dag zo om een uur of negen, tien, en wist voor vijven 8 a 10 schitterend uitgewerkte potloodpagina's af te leveren. Dat Mort Meskin gedemotiveerd raakte laat zich raden. Hij weigerde verder op de D.C.redactie te werken zolang Kirby daar aanwezig was. Kirby werkte verlammend op zijn collega's, zijn invloed was zo overweldigend dat veel tekenaars het liefst zo ver mogelijk uit zijn buurt vandaan bleven.
  • thumb Jack Kirby es el nombre artístico del historietista estadounidense judío Jacob Kurtzberg, nacido en Nueva York el 28 de agosto de 1917 creció en Lower East Tower y fallecido en Thousand Oaks (California) el 6 de febrero de 1994. Se le considera uno de los autores más influyentes de la historia del comic book estadounidense, y el dibujante de superhéroes por antonomasia. Junto a Stan Lee creó durante los años sesenta gran parte de los personajes más importantes de Marvel Comics, tales como Los 4 Fantásticos, Thor, Los Vengadores o X-Men, propulsando el renacimiento del género durante la denominada Edad de Plata de los comic-books. Categoría:Producción
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jack Kirby Real Name Jacob Kurtzberg Gender Date of Birth August 29, 1917 Date of Death February 6, 1994 Place of Birth New York City, New York, United States of America First publication Unknown
  • thumb|300px|Jack KirbyJack Kirby (* 28. August 1917 als Jacob Kurtzberg; † 6. Februar 1994), in Comic-Kreisen auch als "The King" bekannt, war einer der einflussreichsten und bekanntesten Zeichner US-amerikanischer Comics.
  • (See Also: Jack Kirby's Biography at the Marvel DataBase) Kirby paid homage to the climactic 'Statue of Liberty' scene from Planet of the Apes in the first issue of the successful DC Comics comic book series, Kamandi: The Last Boy on Earth, in 1972. The Kamandi series has been accused of plagiarising the Apes movie, because it featured a boy ("the last boy") in a post-apocalyptic world controlled by talking animals - tigers, dogs, gorillas, etc. Kirby denied this (he claimed in one interview that he hadn't seen the Apes movies, but in others he said he had, and was well aware of the film series when working on Kamandi), and in any case, the series developed its own unique story from that initial concept as it continued over 40 issues. Kirby had first used the name Kamandi in a caveman-type newspaper strip idea he pitched in 1956, entitled Kamandi of the Caves; and in September the following year, in Harvey Comics' Alarming Tales #1, he drew a science-fiction story entitled The Last Enemy, in which a man travels to the future and finds that humans are extinct and the world is ruled by tribes of intelligent tigers, dogs, and rats. It was a combination of these two stories that led to the Kamandi comic. On the other hand, there was undoubtedly a strong Apes influence on the comic series that emerged. DC Comics publisher Carmine Infantino had failed to secure the comic-book license for the Apes movies, shortly beforehand. He had wanted Kirby to do their Apes series, and instead offered creative control of a new series to Kirby on the understanding that he develop a 'Planet of the Apes'-style concept (Infantino thus claimed to have created the premise for the series). Kirby revived his Kamandi concept from the fifties, and the final DC Comics version was a hybrid of Kirby's original character and Planet of the Apes. The Statue of Liberty cover was included at Infantino's insistence; Kirby later complained in interview that he didn't want to do it because it was so obviously copying Apes. Image:Kirby 2.jpg The comic book rights to Planet of the Apes had been acquired by Roy Thomas of Marvel Comics, DC's rival, by 1974, but Kirby had ended his first run at Marvel (1958-1970) when he joined DC, and by the time he returned to Marvel (1976-1978), the series was already winding down. A letter from a fan in an April 1976 issue of the UK Planet of the Apes comic asked if Jack Kirby could be asked to draw an 'Apes' story in the future, prompting the reply, "We'd dearly like to show our gratitude by telling you that Jack Kirby will immediately be switched to the drawing chores. But, with our forward planning already laid out, we have to break the news that the chances of Jack exercising his unique talents on an apes series are slim indeed." Image:Kirby 3.gif Image:Kigor Monsterbird.jpg As Apes passed out of the mass consciousness to be replaced by newer sci-fi franchises, it seemed that Kirby would never work on an Apes project, but there was one more quirk of his career that would give a tantalising glimpse of what might have been. In the late 1970s, Kirby abandoned comics for animation studios, working with DePatie-Freleng on the animated Fantastic Four series in 1978 (along with co-creator Stan Lee and Marvel writer Roy Thomas). DePatie-Freleng had earlier produced the 1975 Return to the Planet of the Apes animated series, and were later bought out by Marvel in 1981. Jack Kirby also worked with Hanna-Barbera and Walt Disney around this time. In 1980, he began working with Ruby-Spears Productions, designing characters and backgrounds for Thundarr the Barbarian, Goldie Gold and Action Jack and Mr. T. Kirby and comic artist Doug Wildey were both then creative consultants on Chuck Norris: Karate Kommandos and The Centurions. During his time with Ruby-Spears, Kirby began drawing presentation boards for new animation projects. Among the presentations he proposed was a Planet of the Apes cartoon based on the 1974 TV series - Joe Ruby and Ken Spears had been employed as story editors on that series. Concept sketches by Kirby have been unearthed, and the most widely-circulated is of Virdon, Burke, (both looking rather different), a female astronaut (“blonde companion of astronauts”) and Toomak, a “human slave boy.” A second, much more unusual sketch seems to show an enormous gorilla with hands aloft; in one hand a male human astronaut; in the other a human female in what appears to be a super-hero outfit. In the background a human or ape figure carries a banner while riding a dragon-like flying reptile over a mountain. The images of the giant gorilla among mountains and, particularly, of the flying reptile are more reminiscent of 'Kygoor' and the 'Monster Bird' from Return to the Planet of the Apes - Doug Wildey had been supervising director and associate producer for that series. Ruby-Spears' Apes series was never developed, but in 2010 Ruby-Spears and Sid & Marty Krofft announced plans to revive some of the original characters Kirby had also designed during that time, in as many forms as possible.
  • Unfortuneately, he became dissatisfied with working with Marvel, and joined Marvel's main rival: DC Comics. There, he could be more creative with his art, and create some stories of his own. He mixed previously created lines, such as Superman, with his own lines to form a storyline spanning almost all DC titles. He soon returned to Marvel, though was treated improperly and was not given his full pay, among other employment benefits. He left Marvel and began working with animation. He died February 6, 1994.
  • Jack Kirby, is one of the creators of the Iron Man comic books.
  • The Late Jack Kirby is the co-creator of Captain America, The Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and and many others.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Image:Information-silk.png|Character Template rect 0 0 20 20 Staff Template desc none Jack Kirby File:Jack Kirby.JPG Gallery Real Name Jacob Kurtzberg Pseudonyms Jack Kirby Employers [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]], [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] , [[|]][[Category: Staff]] Job Titles Writer; Penciler; Inker; Cover Artist; Editor Gender Date of Birth August 28, 1917 Date of Death February 6, 1994 Place of Birth New York City, New York, United States of America First publication Unknown
  • Jack Kirby (ur. 28 sierpnia 1917 w Nowym Jorku, zm. 6 lutego 1994 w Thousand Oaks) – urodzony jako Jacob Kurtzberg, amerykański rysownik komiksów, autor i redaktor. Dorastał w Nowym Jorku, po czym dołączył do rodzącego się przemysłu komiksowego w 1930 roku. Tworzył komiksy pod różnymi pseudonimami, lecz ostatecznie zdecydował się na Jack Kirby. W 1941 roku jako rysownik wraz z Joe Simonem (pisarzem) stworzyli bardzo udaną postać superbohatera – kpt. Amerykę dla Timely Comics. Od 1940 Kirby tworzył dużą ilość komiksów dla różnych wydawnictw, często łącząc siły z Simonem. Po służbie wojskowej podczas II wojny światowej Kirby wrócił do komiksów i pracował nad różnymi gatunkami. Tworzył dla wielu wydawców Archie Comics i DC Comics, ale ostatecznie w 1950 przyłączył się do Atlas Comics, znanego później pod nazwą Marvel Comics. Od 1960 Kirby wraz z pisarzem-edytorem Stanem Lee stworzył wiele poważnych postaci dla Marvela Fantastyczną czwórkę, X-Menów oraz Hulka. Pomimo wysokiej sprzedaży i uznania krytyków dla tytułów Lee i Kirby’ego, Kirby czuł się potraktowany niesprawiedliwie i opuścił firmę w 1970 roku, przyłączając się do rywala Marvela – DC Comics. Podczas pracy w DC Kirby stworzył swoją sagę Czwarty Świat, która obejmowała kilka komiksowych tytułów. Mimo popularności tych i kilku innych tytułów na rynku, zostały anulowane. Kirby wrócił na krótko do Marvela, a w połowie 1970 rozpoczął działalność w animacji telewizyjnej i komiksach niezależnych. W późniejszych latach, Kirby zyskał duże uznanie za swoje osiągnięcia zawodowe i jest uważany przez historyków oraz fanów za jednego z największych innowatorów i najbardziej wpływowych twórców komiksu. W 1987 roku Kirby, wraz z Carlem Barksem i Willem Eisnerem, był jednym z trzech twórców czczonych na inauguracji Will Eisner Comic Book Hall of Fame.
  • Jacob Kurtzberg (August 28, 1917 – February 6, 1994), better known by his pen name "Jack Kirby", was an American comic book artist, writer and editor regarded by historians and fans as one of the major innovators and most influential creators in the comic book medium. He has many notable creations including Captain America, Fantastic Four, Fourth World, Hulk, Kamandi, Manhunter, Newsboy Legion, Thor, Young Romance and the X-Men.
  • Jack Kirby (August 28, 1917 – February 6, 1994) was the co-creator of the character The Hulk. In 1962, he helped Stan Lee come up with the idea/plot of the giant monster. He also penciled the first five issues, as well as 19 other issues in later years. Kirby has commented on his influences in drawing the character, recalling as inspiration the tale of a mother who rescues her child who is trapped beneath a car. He also said, "As long as we're experimenting with radioactivity, there's no telling what may happen, or how much our advancements in science may cost us."
  • Jack "King" Kirby (*28 Aug. 1917 in New York City als Jacob Kurtzberg, † 6. Feb. 1994 in Thousand Oaks in Kalifornien) war einer der einflussreichsten und bekanntesten Zeichner amerikanischer Comics.
  • Jacob Kurtzberg (born August 28, 1917, died February 6, 1994) is a legendary writer and artist who worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics going under the name Jack Kirby and Jack Curtiss. Along with Joe Simon, he created Captain America. He also worked with Stan Lee in creating the many characters including, but certainly not limited to, the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Hulk, Spider-Man, Thor, and Silver Surfer. He was credited for the original artwork used for The Marvel Super Heroes. He was a storyboard artist on Fantastic Four. He is credited for writing characters for The Marvel Super Heroes, Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Fantastic Four, Fred and Barney Meet the Thing, The Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, "Pryde of the X-Men", X-Men, Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, Silver Surfer, The Avengers: United They Stand, X-Men: Evolution, Ultimate Avengers II, Planet Hulk, Iron Man: Armored Adventures, The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Thor: Tales of Asgard, Marvel Anime: Iron Man, Marvel Anime: X-Men, Iron Man: Rise of Technovore, Avengers Confidential: Black Widow & Punisher, Ultimate Spider-Man, Avengers Assemble, and Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H..
  • El difunto Jack Kirby es el co-creador del Capitán América, Los 4 Fantásticos, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor y muchos otros. Categoría:Creadores de Cómics
  • As a child Kirby fought as the protector of Dream Land, a mystical world full of Crack Heads and Magic Worshiper Blimps. Eventually Kirby left, destroying Dream Land in the process with the help of Sesame Street. Kirby went on and traveled the barren waste land called Empty Space. Kirby got bored and created the Marvel Universe with another much smaller diety Joe Simon. Together they created the Marvel Universe's first superhero, Captain America, who was a bit more a pimped out soldier than a superhero. Kirby decided that Simon was no longer needed (his creations were crap), but spared him and let him be Captain America's guardian angel. Kirby then went to the universe that the man we won't talk about about. He created a few superheroes like The Green Arrow, but then left because this guy was the worst boss ever. Luckily for the DC universe, Bob Kane, Jerry Siegel, and Joe Shuster saved them after He-Who-We-Do-Not-Talk-About got fired by God. Kirby went back to his own universe and teamed up with semi-retired martial arts expert, Stan Lee. Together they created The Fantastic Four, Thor the Norse God of Hammers, Ironman, the living weapon, The X-Men, The Silver Surfer (he ended up being a herald for God), The Hulk(he became Kirby's bodyguard), among others. Kirby returned to DC for a brief time trying to hit on Wonder Woman, but it didn't work. He punished DC by killing You-Know-Wheeler-Nicholson. They shrugged their shoulders and walked away. Kirby returned to the Marvel Universe and created a team of assasins, The Avengers, wich included a God, a pimped-out soldier, another God and living weapon among others. Jack Kirby also made the devil give his spawn to Kirby as an offering and Kirby made the devil's spawn become a spy for Kirby's causes.
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