  • Garison
  • Garison
  • Garison
  • Garison
  • Chercher "garison" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Chief Petty Officer Garison był oficerem Starfleet w 23 wieku, człowiek, mężczyzna. W 2254, służył na pokładzie U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701 pod dowództwem Kapitana Christopher Pike. Służył w dywizji operacji, jako oficer komunikacyjny statku.
  • Garison était un sous-officier de Starfleet au 23ème siècle.
  • Garison was een menselijke hoofd onderofficier aan boord van de USS Enterprise onder het commando van kapitein Christopher Pike in 2254. Garison diende als de communicatie officier toen de Enterprise een noodoproep van de SS Columbia onderschepte. (TOS: "The Cage" • "The Menagerie, Deel I" en "Deel II")
  • Chief Petty Officer Garison was a male Human Starfleet enlisted crewmember in the 23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise in 2254 under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. Garison was one of the ship's communications officers. Garison returned to the transporter room with Spock when it was determined that the transporter controls came back on. He was about return to the bridge, when it was discovered that all power had returned to the ship, but stopped as the transporter powered up, returning Colt and Number One.
  • 2254
  • Chief Petty Officer Garison
  • Man
  • Active
  • Garison
  • CPOGarrison.jpg
  • Male
  • Chief Petty Officer Garison was a male Human Starfleet enlisted crewmember in the 23rd century. He served in the operations division aboard the USS Enterprise in 2254 under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. Garison was one of the ship's communications officers. That same year, Garison was at his station when the Enterprise intercepted the distress call from the SS Columbia. He was among all of the Talos IV landing parties, where he carried a large radio backpack. He was among the initial landing party that discovered the illusory Columbia camp, then later during Number One's failed attempt to use a laser cannon to shear off the rock-face to gain entry into the Talosian's underground settlement. He was also meant to join the third party, which was attempting to transport into the Talosian's underground settlement, but was prevented by the Talosians, who only allowed the transport of Number One and J.M. Colt. After the incident in the transporter room, Garison returned to the bridge, where he took up the navigator's position (while Jose Tyler moved over to the helm position) and operated the intercraft as Spock made said announcement that the ship was going to escape Talos. However, the Talosans felt otherwise and disabled the Enterprise. Garison later watched as Spock disassembled the helm/navigation console to determine the cause of the ship's malfunction, and moments later, when the Talosians accessed the ship's library computer, he ran over to the science station to observed information being reviewed. Garison returned to the transporter room with Spock when it was determined that the transporter controls came back on. He was about return to the bridge, when it was discovered that all power had returned to the ship, but stopped as the transporter powered up, returning Colt and Number One. Following the return of Pike and crew to the bridge, he took up his position at the communication's station as the ship departed Talos. (TOS: "The Cage" ) Footage of his experience aboard the Enterprise under Captain Pike during the original visit to Talos IV, from 13 years prior, was transmitted from that planet during Spock's fictional court martial aboard the same ship in 2267. (TOS: "The Menagerie, Part I" , "The Menagerie, Part II" )
  • Chercher "garison" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
  • Chief Petty Officer Garison był oficerem Starfleet w 23 wieku, człowiek, mężczyzna. W 2254, służył na pokładzie U.S.S. Enterprise, NCC-1701 pod dowództwem Kapitana Christopher Pike. Służył w dywizji operacji, jako oficer komunikacyjny statku.
  • Garison était un sous-officier de Starfleet au 23ème siècle.
  • Garison was een menselijke hoofd onderofficier aan boord van de USS Enterprise onder het commando van kapitein Christopher Pike in 2254. Garison diende als de communicatie officier toen de Enterprise een noodoproep van de SS Columbia onderschepte. (TOS: "The Cage" • "The Menagerie, Deel I" en "Deel II")