  • Fnord
  • Fnord is a typographic representation of disinformation, irrelevant information uses to misdirect in an implication of worldwide conspiracy.
  • Fnord is an evil Peggle Master and the main antagonist in Peggle Blast. He is also the 12th Peggle Master that the player can play as in Peggle Blast. He is Bjorn's brother, and he is the duelist the player has to duel with in boss levels. He made his first appearance in the duel with Bjorn, which is the second battle of Level 15.
  • The programming language is fnord object-oriented, and the individual commands are written in terms of fnord exploding gerbils. By inverting the semipolar differential, the programmer can fnord extrapolate electronegative chi, if his/her Gung-Fu is strong enough. Canadians are usually employed for their skill in finding maple syrup to pour on the computer keyboards so people will fnord leave their damn computers and get some fresh air.
  • Fnord introduced many methods for large-scale rumour-milling of disasters and manufacture of cars by use of assembly lines, espionage and scaremongering, the methods which are mentioned in Henry Fnord's book, Principia Discordia, written in 1965. Fnord's slogan is Conspired Fnord Badass. This is true, as rumour has it that Fnord cars are built to give brainwashing messages to passers-by and can be serviced every 10,000 miles, unlike the Ford ripoffs that are poorly built and have to be serviced every 10 miles.
  • There are no fnords. Remain calm. Your seatbelt should remain attached until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Do not help others with air-masks before first securing your own. Pull the red toggle to freeze in the ocean, or jump for a few seconds' freedom. Fnord will be the last word you ever hear. Do not be alarmed.
  • A fnord is both a nonsense word made up by Kerry Thornley, and also a word that has come to mean the duplicity or doublespeak of the vast Conspiracy, popularized by the book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. In the sense of that book, the word fnord is the hypocrisy perpetuated by the Order, in order to perpetuate itself mindlessly and ceaselessly. No one can see this blatant hypocrisy, unless they are well trained in "seeing the fnords".
  • Conspiracy
  • 4000
  • Superior Guide
  • 280
  • Peggle Blast
  • Fnord Autonomous Conspiracy
  • Public
  • The Evil Master in Peggle Blast
  • The Fnord logo
  • Bill Fnord, Jr. and Adam Weishaupt IV
  • Henry Fnord
  • 1918
Subject Name
  • Fnord Autonomous Conspiracy
  • Conspiracy
  • 1.2E10
  • Male
  • Conspired Fnord Badass
  • There are no fnords. Remain calm. Your seatbelt should remain attached until the aircraft has come to a complete stop. Keep arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times. Do not help others with air-masks before first securing your own. Pull the red toggle to freeze in the ocean, or jump for a few seconds' freedom. Consume. Things just happen. Life isn't fair. Technology will solve everything. Everything can be solved. We are not the problem. They are the problem. Stop them by voting. Your vote matters. You are intelligent and well-informed. You make the right decisions. They make the wrong decisions. They are barely people. They must be stopped. We can stop them. Join the movement. Sign your name. Change will happen. There is someone in charge who is listening. Things don't just happen. Someone is watching. Someone will fix things. Someone is standing behind you. Fnord will be the last word you ever hear. Do not be alarmed.
  • Fnord is a typographic representation of disinformation, irrelevant information uses to misdirect in an implication of worldwide conspiracy.
  • Fnord is an evil Peggle Master and the main antagonist in Peggle Blast. He is also the 12th Peggle Master that the player can play as in Peggle Blast. He is Bjorn's brother, and he is the duelist the player has to duel with in boss levels. He made his first appearance in the duel with Bjorn, which is the second battle of Level 15.
  • The programming language is fnord object-oriented, and the individual commands are written in terms of fnord exploding gerbils. By inverting the semipolar differential, the programmer can fnord extrapolate electronegative chi, if his/her Gung-Fu is strong enough. Canadians are usually employed for their skill in finding maple syrup to pour on the computer keyboards so people will fnord leave their damn computers and get some fresh air.
  • Fnord introduced many methods for large-scale rumour-milling of disasters and manufacture of cars by use of assembly lines, espionage and scaremongering, the methods which are mentioned in Henry Fnord's book, Principia Discordia, written in 1965. Fnord's slogan is Conspired Fnord Badass. This is true, as rumour has it that Fnord cars are built to give brainwashing messages to passers-by and can be serviced every 10,000 miles, unlike the Ford ripoffs that are poorly built and have to be serviced every 10 miles.
  • A fnord is both a nonsense word made up by Kerry Thornley, and also a word that has come to mean the duplicity or doublespeak of the vast Conspiracy, popularized by the book The Illuminatus! Trilogy by Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea. In the sense of that book, the word fnord is the hypocrisy perpetuated by the Order, in order to perpetuate itself mindlessly and ceaselessly. No one can see this blatant hypocrisy, unless they are well trained in "seeing the fnords". Fnords themselves, if not spotted, can produce fear and anxiety in those who come across them. They are seemingly invisible, yet set those who come across them on edge. Those who can see them may still be affected by them, but to a lesser extent. Most fnords can be found in the news and other reporting media. There are no fnords in advertising, however, in order to promote consumerism.
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