  • Gran Quivera
  • Gran Quivera (sometimes known as Prenglar V due to its locaton) is one of the two habitable worlds in the Prenglar system, the other is Morgaine's World. * Type: Terrestrial * Orbital Radius: 200.88 million km (1.35 AU) * Local Year: 375 standard days (625 local days) * Local Day: 15 standard hours * Gravity: 1.0 * Diameter: 12,500 km * Habitable World Data: * Hydrosphere: 60% water (9.6% ice) * Atmosphere: 73% nitrogen, 18% oxygen, 2% carbon dioxide, trace others * Land Area: Six large continents, with a few dozen major islands. * Climate: Varied with large temperate regions * Trade: Heavy business and industry, especially electronics, engineering, manufacturing, and basic goods. * Government: Representative * Population: Heavy, mixed
  • Gran Quivera (sometimes known as Prenglar V due to its locaton) is one of the two habitable worlds in the Prenglar system, the other is Morgaine's World. * Type: Terrestrial * Orbital Radius: 200.88 million km (1.35 AU) * Local Year: 375 standard days (625 local days) * Local Day: 15 standard hours * Gravity: 1.0 * Diameter: 12,500 km * Habitable World Data: * Hydrosphere: 60% water (9.6% ice) * Atmosphere: 73% nitrogen, 18% oxygen, 2% carbon dioxide, trace others * Land Area: Six large continents, with a few dozen major islands. * Climate: Varied with large temperate regions * Trade: Heavy business and industry, especially electronics, engineering, manufacturing, and basic goods. * Government: Representative * Population: Heavy, mixed (all of the major races and many minor races; approx. 16.35 billion) The people of Gran Quivera are very generally cosmopolitan and highly educated although they evidence a certain haughtiness at times.