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- She lives in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina and is the cousin of the 1903 version of Linus. She wears a pink dress and has blond hair which she wears in two short pigtails with pink ribbons. Much of the episode in which Dolly appears takes place outdoors, during which time she wears a small pink beret on her head. Dolly invites Linus to spend the holidays with her. He arrives accompanied by Charlie Brown and their two horse and buggy drivers, Snoopy and Woodstock. Dolly tells the two boys about the Wright brothers and their development of the airplane. She takes them to see Orville and Wilbur Wright's historic first flight on December 17, 1903 and introduces them to Peppermint Patty and Marcie, the Wright brothers' two young assistants. The character is not referred to as "Dolly van Pelt" in the episode and it is not stated whether she is related to Linus on his mother's or his father's side of the family. Lucy and Rerun do not appear and are not mentioned in the episode. Given that Schulz only considered the events in the comic strip to be canonical and all storyline developments in other media not to be, and given that the entire episode takes place in 1903, Dolly cannot truly be said to be related to the van Pelt children who appear in the daily comic strip.
- Dolly is the 30th chapter of Sora no Otoshimono manga.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Dolly is a red-haired rag doll originally featured in the Rankin/Bass Christmas television special Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. She lives on the Island of Misfit Toys, an island sanctuary for toys that no little boy or girl loves, including herself. The reason for Dolly being there was never explained in the special, leaving many watchers wondering why she was a Misfit, due to her normal-looking appearance. The special's producer, Arthur Rankin Jr., said that her problem was in fact psychological, caused from being rejected/abandoned by her mistress and suffering depression from being unloved. The 2014 graphic novel The Island of Misfit Toys, written by Brendan Deneen, confirms this by showing that she used to belong to a girl named Sue (hence her describing herself as "a dolly for Sue" in the song "The Most Wonderful Day Of The Year"), but was accidentally left behind when Sue moved away. Dolly's lines and role in the special were extended after the popularity of the Misfit Toys increased and the ending was extended to show Santa Claus picking them up. Her wish to belong to a loving little girl is granted when Rudolph leads Santa to her and the other toys, and she becomes the first toy to get delivered on that foggy Christmas Eve. According to the above-mentioned Island of Misfit Toys graphic novel, the Ostrich-Riding Cowboy, whom she had formed a deep friendship with during the story, also ends up being delivered to the same house as her. Dolly made a brief cameo in episode "'Tis the Fifteenth Season". In one scene, Homer briefly watches a fictional stop-motion television special titled The Year Santa Got Lost, in which she and a few other Misfit Toys are shown listening to a story told by a mailman voiced by Jimmy Stewart.
- Dolly and her many minions were the creations of Elliot Wade, an American who had gained possession of the Dolly Dearest doll company in Mexico and moved his family out in order to oversee the project - however he was unaware that evil spirits had been disturbed from the archaeological site of a nearby tomb belonged to an ancient and tribal Mayan cult known only as Sanzia ("Satan on Earth" in Spanish) who once worshipped and feed the warm blood of slaughtered children to the mythological Devil Child that is so evil it nearly caused their extinction before they put the creature to its howling death and sealed it away. These roaming spirits that are actually split from the soul of the Devil Child itself, broke out of the tomb, quickly found a vessel to enter the mortal world in the form of the many dolls Elliot had made: much like in Child's Play, Elliot gave one of the dolls to his daughter Jessica to keep - this doll is known as "Dolly" and acts as the main villain since she tries to possess Elliot's daughter and corrupt her innocence. After a few grisly murders however, Elliot and his family along with become aware of Dolly and her plans, they fight back - climaxing in them blowing up the Dolly Dearest factory with dynamite: as Dolly and the other dolls explode the evil spirits are dispersed and peace seemingly restored to the area.
- Dolly (ドリー Dorī?), referred to as Prototype (0号 (プロトタイプ) Zero-gō (Purototaipu)?, lit. "Number 0"), is a character introduced in Toaru Kagaku no Railgun. She is a clone of Misaka Mikoto, a prototype for the Sisters for their mass production. She was a friend of both Shokuhou Misaki and Kouzaku Mitori when they were younger. Originally deceased at the start of the story, all her memories and knowledge are later transferred to a clone of hers after her old body expired. In spite of this, she is essentially the same person and as such the same character.
- Dolly war ein Vampir des New York Vampir Clan. Sie wurde in Der Aufstieg des Hotel Dumort erwähnt.
- A camera movement along the camera z-axis, towards or away from the subject. Usage: "Dolly in", "Dolly out". Refers to a wheeled cart that the camera is mounted to. Replaced in almost all video production by the smooth-operating power Zoom lens. However, zooms and dollys look and feel different. Combine both for the Vertigo Effect. Can also refer to any motion parallel to or around the subject, though this is more properly referred to as a Truck, also managed at one time with a camera mounted on a wheeled cart running along a small railroad-style track. Today, many of these shots are handled with a Steadicam instead, but there are still uses for the traditional tracked dolly. See also Orbital Shot.
- Dolly a New York-i klán egyik tagja.
- Dolly is the 31st overall episode of Tegami Bachi
- Dolly was a television variety show hosted by Dolly Parton which aired Sundays on ABC during the 1987-1988 television season. The show was initially successful but could not retain its audience, and was cancelled.
- Onepu Nuva's doll. Dolly wears a pink dress, and has yellow hair. In one comic, it was revealed that Onepu was having a tea party with Dolly. Being humiliated, Onepu planned to move to a foreign country.
- Dolly is a hairstyle, costing 1,200 Gold each. Dolly may also refer to a reoccurnig series of clothing.
- When Dolly learns Woody's name, she asks if he's gonna "stick with that". She has shown to be sassy, and apparently the brains of of Bonnie's Toys as she was the only one not dense enough to misread "Andy" when Woody holds his boot upside down.
- Dolly is a vampire and a member of the New York vampire clan in the 1900s.
- Dolly fue una vampiresa del clan de vampiros de Nueva York.
- Dolly ist ein weibliches Schaf. Sie hat am 16. April Geburtstag und ist eine impulsive Dorfbewohnerin.
- Please check out Hexadecimal Chart to see what codes are available to name. The hexadecimal code that matches this color is F9FF8B
- Helen says: My first experiment with a 3D program so don't laugh. The Dolly was made by Helen and can be found in Helen's Bibble Directory.
- The Dolly, also known as the Peach Doll, is a key item in Paper Mario.
- Hola. Yo sólo quería registrar esto, ya que es la causa de que mi vida sea un infierno. Permítanme primero empezar por dejar que todos sepan que yo no creo en lo sobrenatural, el vudú, brujería, o religión si es el caso; y aunque no puedo explicar lo que ha ocurrido en mi casa, acabo de asumir deshacerme de esta cosa, sin embargo. No sé mucho acerca de esta muñeca. Mi esposa y yo fuimos a una venta de garage hace unos meses, cuando nuestra hija de 3 años la sacó de un cofre que tenía extraños objetos. La muñeca parecía bastante inofensiva, pero cuando examiné por la parte de atrás, me di cuenta que tenía unos extraños símbolos por todas partes. Le pregunté a la dueña de la venta de garaje qué significaban esos símbolos, por si acaso. Me costó mucho entender cuando la señora me dijo que la muñeca provenía de Irán. Lo mejor que podía pensar era que la muñeca estaba hecha a mano en Irán, y que los símbolos no eran más que una especie de leyenda iraní. Mi esposa se sentía un poco preocupada sobre dejar a nuestra hija con una muñeca con tales marcas tan extrañas. Yo le dije que era sólo una muñeca, y le ofrecí a la señora de la venta de garaje para comprarla. Ella me respondió que no sabía cómo la muñeca había llegado hasta el cofre, y que no estaba a la venta, pero cuando le dije a mi hija que ella no la podía tener, comenzó a llorar de forma histérica. Nos dirigimos de nuevo al auto, y vimos a la mujer de la venta de garaje corriendo detrás de nosotros, ella le entregó a mi hija la muñeca. Yo estaba muy emocionado, al igual que mi hija, pero cuando intenté preguntarle cuánto le debía, ella respondió: “No hay cargo, sólo váyanse rápido”. Le di las gracias y nos metimos de nuevo al auto, estábamos a punto de arrancar cuando el hombre de la casa salió furioso de su garaje y se puso detrás de mi auto, me impedía arrancar. Tuve que salir y pedirle que se mueva, él dijo que tan pronto como le regresara lo que no fue legítimamente vendido. Le pregunté si se refería a la muñeca. Él me dijo que sí, y que la quería de vuelta. Exclamó que no era un juguete de niños, y que yo no tenía idea lo que poseía. Yo pedí disculpas y traté de conseguir de nuevo la muñeca de mi hija, pero ella ni quería ni oír hablar de eso, tiraba y agarraba la muñeca. La señora que hacía la venta de garaje se acercó hasta nosotros y nos dijo que sólo tomáramos la muñeca, pero el otro caballero se negó, diciéndole que ella no tenía derecho de vendérnosla, y luego comenzaron a discutir en otro idioma, probablemente en Árabe. Yo no podía creer lo enfurecido que estaba el caballero. Le gritaba muy fuerte a la señora, y le dijo que se fuera dentro, él dijo “cuida de esto” pero ella se negó, y nos dijo que nos fuéramos, rápido, y le dijo al hombre que no merecía la muñeca, lo que sea que eso significara. Por último me grito: “Dame la muñeca, ¡AHORA!” Yo le dije que no tenía ningún problema dándole de vuelta la muñeca, y que se calme, que yo sólo necesitaba obtenerla de mi hija, ya que ella no la quería soltar. El hombre de pronto parecía sin aliento, y su esposa, o lo que sea que fuera, le dijo que necesitaba tomar su medicación. Él dijo que no me dejaría ir, mientras caminaba hacia su casa a tomar la medicación. Necesito decir, que yo no quería quedarme, entonces volví a intentar sacarle la muñeca a mi hija, pero ella estaba teniendo un ataque. La mujer me dijo “Por favor, sólo váyanse. Tomen la muñeca, cuiden bien de ella. Ahora, por favor váyanse, antes de que él regrese.” Encendimos el auto y nos fuimos a toda velocidad, preguntándonos qué diablos había pasado y por qué ese hombre quería tanto a esa muñeca. Ahora, todo esto sucedió hace unos meses, y así es como lo recuerdo exactamente todo. Pero lo que iba a venir en los próximos 3 meses más o menos, me hacen pensar totalmente diferente acerca de por qué ese hombre quería tanto a la muñeca. Mi hija dormía con ella cada noche, e incluso la llamó “Dolly”, cuando después de sólo una semana, cosas extrañas comenzaron a suceder. En primer lugar, nuestra hija comenzó a despertarse en medio de la noche, gritando por las horribles pesadillas que tenía. Como padres, nos tomamos esto como normal, porque todos los niños tienen pesadillas en medio de la noche. El problema fue, que pasó de tener una pesadilla por semana, a una cada noche, a varias cada noche. Empezamos a dejar que durmiera en nuestra cama todas las noches, pero nos dimos cuenta que todos empezamos a tener esas pesadillas, sueños extraños, sueños de terror. Ahora, como dije antes, yo no creo en todas esas cosas, yo hasta el día de hoy creo que estos sueños fueron inducidos psicológicamente por todo lo que había ocurrido, pero cuando mi hija empezó a explicar sus pesadillas a mi esposa, fueron muy similares a las de ella, sueños de horribles gusanos gigantes, que subían a la superficie a tirar de sus víctimas (mi esposa e hija) hacia las profundidades de la tierra. Mi esposa me explicó sus pesadillas a mí, y poco después, comencé a tenerlas también. Creo que era como ver una película, y soñar con ella en la noche. Sin embargo, las pesadillas se pusieron tan vividas, que mi esposa e hija se despertaban gritando. En este punto, no tuve en cuenta a la muñeca, ya que todavía no tuvo algo que ver con nuestro dilema. Era el mes que venía, que nos tuvo a todos pensando diferente. Mi hija empezó despertándose en las noches diciendo que “Dolly” quería ser “libre”. Le dije que yo no le entendía, y ella me explicó que Dolly le había dicho que quería ser libre. Lo tomé como sólo una cosa que los niños hacen, y le dije a mi hija que se fuera e intentara dormir. Una mañana nos despertamos, y no podíamos encontrar a la muñeca, mi hija estaba muy nerviosa, entonces realizamos búsquedas por todas partes de la casa, para finalmente encontrarla en el bolsillo de mi saco. Le pregunté a mi hija por qué la puso ahí, pero ella juró que no lo hizo. Le pregunté a mi esposa si ella la puso en ese lugar, pero negó haberlo hecho. Honestamente, no sé cómo llego allí, pero se la devolví a mi hija, y ella era feliz de nuevo. Mi hija llegó al punto de que no iría a ninguna parte sin Dolly, siempre la llevaba bajo el brazo, o en la mano, y hablaba con ella constantemente durante horas. Era como si estuviera teniendo una conversación con una persona real. Una noche en la mesa, tomé a Dolly y la puse lejos de ella, le dije que la podría tener de vuelta si comía toda la cena, ya que ella no estaba comiendo mucho, hablando con esa muñeca estúpida. Ella lloró con tanta fuerza, que terminó vomitando en la mesa. En ese punto, yo ya había tenido suficiente! Le dije a mi esposa que era el momento justo para tirar a la muñeca a la basura, que nuestra hija se había vuelto grande e independiente de Dolly. Ella argumentó que tirarla sería como tirar mi televisor pantalla grande a la basura, y que nuestra hija realmente amaba a Dolly. Yo no estaba de acuerdo, y tomé la muñeca y la arrojé a la basura mientras mi hija dormía. Mi esposa me atrapó en el acto, y terminó por recuperar la “cosa” de la basura. Por último, hace poco, mi hija se despertó en medio de la noche, y nos dijo a mi esposa y a mí, que Dolly quería llevarla a dar un paseo nocturno, y que yo abriría la puerta principal para que pudieran salir de la casa. ERAN LAS 3 AM, ¡GENTE! ¿¡qué diablos!? Esto se prolongó durante una semana, por lo menos. Luego como si las pesadillas no fueran suficiente, mi hija nos despertó, afirmando que Dolly había caminado a través de la cama por sí misma, de un extremo al otro. Ella supuestamente le dijo a mi hija que era “mágica”, y que un día, mi hija va a ver quién es Dolly realmente! En este momento, mi esposa estaba teniendo los sueños de gusanos enormes, y las criaturas viscosas. Todo esto fue demasiado. Sigo convencido de que todo esto es causado por la falta de sueño, o por algún tipo de delirio. Sin embargo, en mi opinión, un niño de 3 años no debería estar hablando de esta manera. Ahora, no sé qué hacer con esta cosa! Mi esposa dice que ella no me la dejará tirar, y que podría llegar a ser una reliquia familiar. Le dije que si no me la dejaba tirar, que sólo la vendería en eBay. ¡Ella se puso furiosa! De todos modos, mi esposa e hija fueron a pasar un tiempo con su madre (la abuela de mi hija), así que escondí la maldita cosa en mi caja fuerte, y supuse que no podrían encontrarla antes de que se fueran. Mi hija estaba histérica! Pero estoy usando esto como mi oportunidad para finalmente, y en última instancia, deshacerme de la cosa. Después de buscar más de una hora, mi hija me miró fijo a los ojos y me dijo: “Papá, sé que la tienes, y Dolly lo sabe también! Ella va a asegurarse de que el gusano grande venga por la noche!” Alguien por favor dígame, ¿Cómo diablos un niño de 3 años habla así? De todos modos, aquí esta su oportunidad gente, estoy vendiendo esta cosa, ya que está empezando a arruinar mi matrimonio y mi vida. No sé si esto detendrá las pesadillas o no, pero sí sé que es mejor para mi hija finalmente deshacerse de la cosa! He tomado fotos de la parte delantera de la muñeca, que parece agradable y dulce, y de la parte posterior de la muñeca, que tiene marcas de las cuales no tengo idea de su origen, o qué demonios quieren decir. Si alguien puede decir qué significan estas marcas, o si tienen alguna idea, por favor, contacta conmigo y hazme saber! Tengo bastante curiosidad, si quieren decir algo, o si es sólo un montón de tonterías. No sé lo que se utilizó para escribir estas marcas en la muñeca. Se ve como una especie de tinta o yodo, o algo así. ¿Quién sabe? De todas formas, he incluido fotos de cerca de las áreas con las marcas para su placer visual. Voy a empezar a hacer una oferta en $5.00. Una vez más, si alguien sabe lo que significan estos símbolos, sería muy apreciada la info! Gracias por hacer una oferta, y finalmente, sacando este lío de mi vida. Estaba revisando tu sitio que es asombroso, y quería pasarte alguna información sobre la muñeca embrujada de eBay… Los símbolos en la parte posterior de la cabeza de la muñeca son del Necronomicon. (Un libro, probablemente ficticio, con la intención de invocar demonios.) El símbolo de arriba es el sello de Marduk. – “El señor de señores, el maestro de los magos, su nombre no debe ser llamado, salvo cuando ningún otro lo haga, y es la responsabilidad más terrible para el que lo haga.” La palabra para su invocación es “Dugga”… . Los cuatro últimos símbolos son la segunda línea son del texto de Urillia – .. “ …El libro del gusano. Este contiene las fórmulas por el cual los demoledores de destrucción pueden realizar sus ritos. Estas son las oraciones de los ensnarers, los mentirosos en espera, los demonios ciegos del caos, el más más antiguo”. Sólo quería pasar a lo largo de esto, el pensamiento de los lectores o del caballero que envió el mensaje original, me gustaría saber lo que estaba viendo. Todo el material citado fue tomado de Necronomicon, probablemente pueda encontrarlo en cualquier tienda de libros, si está interesado, yo lo he encontrado en una mina de Fronteras. Mantenga el sitio interesante! Ah, y si es posible, respóndeme y déjame saber…… (Por si no lo sabía, el Necronomicon es un libro ficticio mencionado en los libros de H.P Lovecraft). ATENCIÓN: Por favor, lea esta frase en voz alta: “Hola, Molly.” Si lo leíste en voz alta como dicen las instrucciones, vas a estar seguro. Si lo leíste en tu cabeza Molly va a estar segura también… Dentro de tu cabeza. Categoría:Muñecos Categoría:Demonios
- A doll in Paper Mario that looks excatly like Peach. It belongs to Goombaria. Mario and Goompa find it in the woods in Jr. Troopa's territory. When you return it to Goombaria, she will give Mario a kiss and a Star Piece
- Dolly is a rag doll from Disney/Pixar's Toy Story 3. She is one of the toys owned by Bonnie. She and the rest of Bonnie's toys help Woody get back to Sunnyside.
- Dolly is the love interest of the steel-toothed assassin Jaws from the 1979 film Moonraker. She was portrayed by Blanche Ravalec.
- Dolly is a character featured in The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie PC game. She is the farm hand that tends to the seahorses in King Neptune's castles.
- Dolly is a character in Toy Story 3 and Toy Story Toons. She is one of the toys owned by Bonnie Anderson.
- Dolly is a character in Killer Is Dead. She is a secondary antagonist, directly assisting David by misdirecting the members of the Bryan Execution Firm. Mondo duels with her in dreams several times, and is ultimately able to partially shake himself free of her influence. The Art of Killer Is Dead description: "A girl who appears in Mondo's dreams. Moves as if floating, and laughs in a decidedly creepy manner. Seems to be trying to actively alter Mondo's memories through his dreams."
- Hello. I just wanted to list this item because it's causing my life to be a living hell. Let me first start off by letting everyone know that I don't believe one bit in the supernatural, voodoo, witchcraft, or religion for that matter; and although I cannot explain what has been happening in my home, I would just assume get rid of this thing, nevertheless. I don't know much about this doll. My wife and I went to a garage sale a few months ago, when our 3 year old daughter pulled it out of a chest of strange looking items. The doll looked harmless enough, but when I examined the back of it, I noticed strange symbols all over it. I asked the lady who was running the garage sale what the symbols meant, if anything. I had a hard time understanding her as she let me know that she was from Iran. The best I could tell is that the doll was handmade in Iran, and that the symbols were merely some sort of Iranian legend. My wife felt a bit weary about letting our daughter have a doll with such strange markings on it, and what others would think if they saw them as well. I told her that it was just a doll, and offered to purchase it. She replied that she didn't know how the doll had gotten into the chest, and that it wasn't for sale, but when I told my daughter that she couldn't have it, she began to cry hysterically. We headed back to the car to find the lady running up behind us. She handed my daughter the doll. I was thrilled, as was my daughter, but when I tried to ask her how much I owed her, she replied, "No charge, you just go quick." I thanked her, and we got into our car and were about to leave when a man came blazing out of her garage and stood in behind the car, preventing me from leaving. I had to get out and ask him to move. He said he would, just as soon as he got back what was not rightfully sold. I asked him if he meant the doll. He told me yes, and that he wanted it back. He exclaimed that it wasn't a kid’s toy, and that I had no idea what I had. I apologized and tried to get the doll back from my daughter, but she wouldn't hear of it; pulling and gripping the doll. Soon after, the lady running the garage sale came to the car and told us to just take the doll, but the other gentleman refused, saying she had no right to sell it to us, and then just started arguing with her in another language, probably in Arabic. I couldn't believe how infuriated the gentleman was getting. He was outright yelling at her, and told her to go inside, and that he would "take care of this." She refused, and told us to leave, quickly, and told the man that he did not deserve the doll, whatever the hell that meant. Finally, he barked at me, yelling, "GIVE ME THE DOLL, NOW!" I told him that I had no problem giving him back the doll, and to calm down, and that I just needed to get it from my daughter. The man soon seemed a bit out of breath, and his wife, or whoever she was, told him he needed to take his medication. He told me NOT to leave, as he blared into the house. Needless to say, I didn't want to stick around, so I one last time tried to retrieve the doll from my daughter, but she was having a fit. The lady told me, "Please, just go. Take the doll; take good care of it. Now, please go, before he returns." I took the doll, and sped away, wondering what the heck had just happened, and why he wanted the doll so badly. Now, all of this happened a few months ago, and this is how I remember it all to the best of my knowledge. But what was about to come of the next 3 months or so would make me think entirely different about why that man wanted the doll back so badly. My daughter slept with the doll every night, and even named it, "Dolly", when after only a week, a few strange things began to happen. First, our daughter began waking up in the middle of the night, screaming because of bad dreams. As parents, we took this as normal because of the fact that all kids have nightmares in the middle of the night. The problem was, that she went from having maybe one every week, to one every night, to several each night. We began to let her sleep with us at night, but then realized that we all started having weird dreams; scary dreams. Now, like I said, I don't believe in all this mumbo-jumbo stuff, and I believe to this day that these dreams were psychologically induced because of all that had been happening, but when my daughter started explaining her nightmares to my wife, they were extremely similar to her own nightmares; dreams of giant, hideous worms coming up from the ground, and pulling their victims (my wife and daughter) into the earth. My wife explained her nightmares to me, and soon after, I began to have them as well. I see this as like seeing a movie, and dreaming of it soon after. Nevertheless, the nightmares got so vivid, that both my wife & daughter would wake up screaming. At this point, we still didn't consider the doll as having anything to do with our dilemma. It was the month to come that had us all thinking differently. My daughter started waking us up and telling us that "Dolly" wanted to be 'free.' I told her that I didn't understand, and she told me that Dolly had told her that she wanted to be free. I dismissed it as just a pretend thing that children do, and told her to try and get some sleep. One morning, we woke up, and the doll couldn't be found. We searched everywhere, to finally find the doll in my long coat's jacket pocket that I never wear, hanging in my closet. I asked my daughter why she put it there, and she swore up and down that she didn't. I asked my wife if she put it there, and she declined doing it as well. Honestly, I don't know how it got there, but I gave it back to my daughter, and she was happy again. My daughter got to the point where she wouldn't go anywhere without Dolly. She always had her under her arm, or in her hand, and talked to her constantly for hours. It was like she was having a full-blown conversation with a real person. One night at the dinner table, I took Dolly away from her and told her that she could have her back after she ate all her dinner because she wasn't eating, just talking to that stupid doll. She cried so violently, she ended up throwing up all over the table. At this point, I'd had enough! I told my wife that it was time to just throw the doll away, and that our daughter had grown dependent on Dolly. She argued the fact that it would be like throwing my big screen television away, and that she really loved dolly. I disagreed, and took the doll & threw it in the trash one night while my daughter was sleeping. My wife caught me, and ended up retrieving the thing from the garbage. We argued all night. Finally, just recently, my daughter woke up in the middle of the night and told my wife and I, that Dolly wanted my daughter to take her for a walk in the middle of the night, and to open the front door and leave the house. IT WAS 3AM, PEOPLE!!! What the hell! This went on for another week, at least. Then, as if the nightmares weren't enough, my daughter woke us up, claiming that Dolly had walked across the bed by herself, from one end to the next. She supposedly told my daughter that she was "Magic", and that one day, my daughter would see who Dolly really was! At this time, my wife was having dreams of huge worms, and slimy creatures. This was all too much. I am still convinced that all of this is still caused by either lack of sleep, or some sort of delusional state of mind. Nevertheless, in my opinion, a 3-year old shouldn't be talking this way, make-believe or not. Now, I don't know what to do with this thing! My wife says that she won't let me throw it away, and that it could prove to be a family heirloom. I told her that if she's not going to let me throw it away, then I’d just sell it on eBay. She was furious! Anyhow, my wife & daughter went to spend some time with her mother, so I hid the damn thing in my safe, and claimed that I couldn't find it before they left. My daughter was hysterical! I'm using this as my chance to finally, and ultimately get rid of the thing. After looking for over an hour, my daughter looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Daddy, I know you have it, and Dolly knows too! She's going to make sure the big worm comes at night!" Will someone please tell me how in the heck a 3-year old talks like this? Anyway, here's your chance people. I'm selling this thing because it's beginning to ruin my marriage, and my life. I don't know if this will stop the nightmares or not, but I do know that it's best for my daughter to finally get rid of the thing! I've taken pictures of the front of the doll, which looks nice & sweet, and the back of the doll, which has markings of which I have no idea of their origin, or what in the heck they mean. If someone can tell me what these markings mean, or has any clue whatsoever, please email me and let me know! I am a bit curious if they mean anything at all, or if it's just a bunch of bunk. I don't know what was used to write these marking on the doll. It looks like some sort of ink or iodine, or something. Who knows? Anyway, I've included close-up pics of the areas with the markings for your viewing pleasure. I'll even include the shipping. I'll start the bidding at $5.00. Again, if anyone knows what these symbols mean, I would be much appreciated for the info! Thanks for bidding, and finally taking this mess out of my life. From: spritle15@hotmail.comWas checking out your site which is great and wanted to pass along some information about the e-bay haunted doll story.... The symbols on the back of the doll's head are from the Necronomicon. (A book, probably fictitious, with the intent to invoke demons.) The top symbol is the seal of Marduk - "the lord of lords, master of magicians. His name should not be called except when no other will do, and it is the most terrible responsibility to do so. The word of his calling is Dugga..." - The bottom four symbols are the second line of the text of Urillia - "...the book of the worm. It contains the formulae by which the wreakers of havoc perform their rites. These are the prayers of the ensnarers, the liers-in-wait, the blind fiends of Chaos, the most ancient evil." Just wanted to pass this along, thought the readers or the gentleman who posted the original message might like to know what he was looking at. All the quoted material was taken from Necronomicon, can probably find in any book store if interested, I found mine at a Borders. Keep up the interesting site! Oh, and if possible, mail me back and let me know......