  • Naevia
  • She is Lucretia's personal and loyal slave. She becomes Crixus' love interest after he declares his affection. The two are seen by Ashur making love, and in attempt to gain vengeance on Crixus for crippling him, asks for Naevia's purity from Batiatus. After Naevia reveals this to Crixus, he attacks Ashur, revealing their affair to all. She is sold after this, and Crixus vows to find her. After the rebellion, he sets out to seek information about her whereabouts, and eventually finds her in the deepest mines of Rome, taking her back with him. While she was sold from master to master, it's revealed some of them had done unspeakable things to her, and this forces Crixus to teach her how to fight like a warrior, so that no man will ever hurt her again.
  • She is Lucretia's personal and loyal slave. She becomes Crixus' love interest after he declares his affection. The two are seen by Ashur making love, and in attempt to gain vengeance on Crixus for crippling him, asks for Naevia's purity from Batiatus. After Naevia reveals this to Crixus, he attacks Ashur, revealing their affair to all. She is sold after this, and Crixus vows to find her. After the rebellion, he sets out to seek information about her whereabouts, and eventually finds her in the deepest mines of Rome, taking her back with him. While she was sold from master to master, it's revealed some of them had done unspeakable things to her, and this forces Crixus to teach her how to fight like a warrior, so that no man will ever hurt her again.