  • Omnipotent God Zodiark the Precept Keeper
  • Zodiark is a winged serpent with 12 angel wings that are blue. He is the god of Arceus. Appearance Zodiark is a red serpent with 12 blue, giant angel wings that glows purple. He has yellow lanterns below the wings and between the serpent, he has green wires. Stats First appearance: Zodiark and the power of Espers Last appearance: The Greatest Legendary Hero/Villain War Size: Variable Type: Serpent Power: Omnipotent Weak against: None Immune to: All Age: Infinity yotta years old Trivia
  • Zodiark is a winged serpent with 12 angel wings that are blue. He is the god of Arceus. Appearance Zodiark is a red serpent with 12 blue, giant angel wings that glows purple. He has yellow lanterns below the wings and between the serpent, he has green wires. Stats First appearance: Zodiark and the power of Espers Last appearance: The Greatest Legendary Hero/Villain War Size: Variable Type: Serpent Power: Omnipotent Weak against: None Immune to: All Age: Infinity yotta years old Trivia * A yotta year is a septillion years. * Zodiark has a humanoid form in the real world. * Zodiark is also known as keeper of the precepts.