  • Church Organ Puzzle
  • The Church Organ Puzzle is a puzzle found within the Church of the Holy Way in Silent Hill: Homecoming. It is located in front of a large pipe organ, however, the actual organ itself is not the puzzle, but is the passageway. It must be solved in order to obtain the Shepherd Family Ring and to gain access to the Order's underground Lair.
  • The Church Organ Puzzle is a puzzle found within the Church of the Holy Way in Silent Hill: Homecoming. It is located in front of a large pipe organ, however, the actual organ itself is not the puzzle, but is the passageway. It must be solved in order to obtain the Shepherd Family Ring and to gain access to the Order's underground Lair. The player must first unlock the mechanism in the center of the organ with the Ceremonial Dagger. This will open the gates in order for the player to explore the rest of the church. Then five plates must be collected from around the church and placed in the correct positions to solve the puzzle. Once solved, the organ will open revealing Adam Shepherd and the passageway behind him.