  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • Mizukage
  • A Mizukage (Vízárnyék) Kirigakure (Ködrejtek) vezetője. Öt Mizukage volt eddig eredetileg, de csak hármat mutattak a sorozatban. Az ő szavuk a politikai és katonai döntések felett állnak. A Mizukage hadiszállása a legnagyobb épület egesz Kirigakuréban, és a víz jelet viseli.
  • [[File:Gengetsu_H%C5%8Dzuki.png|left|thumb|Il Secondo Mizukage.]] Gengetsu Hozuki è stato il Secondo Mizukage (二代目水影, Nidaime Mizukage) del Villaggio della Nebbia. Era un membro del Clan Hozuki.
  • ffffhhjg
  • The Mizukage (Literally meaning "Water Shadow") is the leader of Kirigakure no sato. As such, their word holds sway over all political and military issues that present themselves regarding Kiri and its inhabitants. Zabuza Momochi once tried to assassinate a Mizukage as part of a coup d'etat, but failed. At some point in time, Madara Uchiha was a Mizukage. Shogun Akira is currently the Mizukage, a record for all Kages to be that young.
  • El Mizukage (水影, Mizukage - literalmente "Sombra del Agua") es el líder supremo político y militar de Kirigakure. El Mizukage es el líder y dirigente absoluto de Kirigakure. Ellos son generalmente los más fuertes de la aldea, sólo 6 ninjas han ganado ese título hasta ahora. Su palabra tiene poder sobre todas las cuestiones políticas y militares con respecto a Kiri y sus habitantes. La residencia del Mizukage és donde habita y cumple sus funciones; el edificio más amplio y más importante de Kirigakure, que lleva el kanji Mizu (水 - "agua").
  • El Mizukage (水影, Mizukage - literalmente "Sombra del Agua") es el líder supremo político y militar de Kirigakure. El Mizukage es el líder y dirigente absoluto de Kirigakure. Ellos son generalmente los más fuertes de la aldea, sólo 6 ninjas han ganado ese título hasta ahora. Su palabra tiene poder sobre todas las cuestiones políticas y militares con respecto a Kiri y sus habitantes. La residencia del Mizukage és donde habita y cumple sus funciones; el edificio más amplio y más importante de Kirigakure, que lleva el kanji Mizu (水 - "agua").
  • Der Mizukage (水影) ist der Anführer von Kirigakure und der stärkste Shinobi im Dorf. Man konnte von Kakashi Hatake erfahren, dass Zabuza Momochi mit seinen Leuten den Mizukage angreifen wollte, dies jedoch scheiterte. Als Tobi in einem Gespräch mit Kisame Hoshigaki seine Maske abnahm, erkennt dieser ihn als Mizukage. Laut Mei wurde der 4. Mizukage von jemandem kontrolliert, ob es sich dabei um Tobi gehandelt hat oder dieser überhaupt der Kage von Kiri war, ist unbekannt. Der aktuell amtierende Mizukage ist der Rokudaime.
  • Le est le dirigeant du village caché de Kiri au Pays de l'Eau. Cette position donne un grand pouvoir de décision politique et militaire concernant Kiri et ses habitants. Il y a eu Cinq Mizukage. Le palais du Mizukage, qui est le plus grand du village, est facilement reconnaissable car il arbore le kanji Mizu (litt. « Eau »).
  • The is the leader of Kirigakure. There have been five official Mizukage and their word holds sway over all political and military issues that present themselves regarding Kirigakure and its inhabitants. The Mizukage's building is the widest and largest landmark in Kirigakure, bearing the kanji for on it.
  • The only named Mizukage that has been introduced so far in the series is Madara Uchiha. Though it's unknown when he gained the title of Kage and how many Mizukage came before and after him, it's not unreasonable to guess that he was the First. It has been confirmed that Madara is not the current Mizukage. Nothing has been revealed about his time as Kiri's leader, with the exception of him having a relationship with Kisame Hoshigaki, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.
  • The Mizukage, or 'Water Shadow', is the title which the singular primary leader of the Country of Water's Hidden Shinobi Village -Kirigakure no Sato- bears. It follows the tradition of the leaders of every village being referred to as the most important element to the village, and 'Shadow' at the end, which fits perfectly well with the shinobi-nin of Kirigakure, whom utilize water to such a degree that the Mizukage title should not be used in any other village, or go unused in Kirigakure no Sato.
  • A Mizukage (Vízárnyék) Kirigakure (Ködrejtek) vezetője. Öt Mizukage volt eddig eredetileg, de csak hármat mutattak a sorozatban. Az ő szavuk a politikai és katonai döntések felett állnak. A Mizukage hadiszállása a legnagyobb épület egesz Kirigakuréban, és a víz jelet viseli.
  • [[File:Gengetsu_H%C5%8Dzuki.png|left|thumb|Il Secondo Mizukage.]] Gengetsu Hozuki è stato il Secondo Mizukage (二代目水影, Nidaime Mizukage) del Villaggio della Nebbia. Era un membro del Clan Hozuki.
  • ffffhhjg
  • The Mizukage (Literally meaning "Water Shadow") is the leader of Kirigakure no sato. As such, their word holds sway over all political and military issues that present themselves regarding Kiri and its inhabitants. Zabuza Momochi once tried to assassinate a Mizukage as part of a coup d'etat, but failed. At some point in time, Madara Uchiha was a Mizukage. Shogun Akira is currently the Mizukage, a record for all Kages to be that young.
  • El Mizukage (水影, Mizukage - literalmente "Sombra del Agua") es el líder supremo político y militar de Kirigakure. El Mizukage es el líder y dirigente absoluto de Kirigakure. Ellos son generalmente los más fuertes de la aldea, sólo 6 ninjas han ganado ese título hasta ahora. Su palabra tiene poder sobre todas las cuestiones políticas y militares con respecto a Kiri y sus habitantes. La residencia del Mizukage és donde habita y cumple sus funciones; el edificio más amplio y más importante de Kirigakure, que lleva el kanji Mizu (水 - "agua").
  • El Mizukage (水影, Mizukage - literalmente "Sombra del Agua") es el líder supremo político y militar de Kirigakure. El Mizukage es el líder y dirigente absoluto de Kirigakure. Ellos son generalmente los más fuertes de la aldea, sólo 6 ninjas han ganado ese título hasta ahora. Su palabra tiene poder sobre todas las cuestiones políticas y militares con respecto a Kiri y sus habitantes. La residencia del Mizukage és donde habita y cumple sus funciones; el edificio más amplio y más importante de Kirigakure, que lleva el kanji Mizu (水 - "agua").
  • The Mizukage, or 'Water Shadow', is the title which the singular primary leader of the Country of Water's Hidden Shinobi Village -Kirigakure no Sato- bears. It follows the tradition of the leaders of every village being referred to as the most important element to the village, and 'Shadow' at the end, which fits perfectly well with the shinobi-nin of Kirigakure, whom utilize water to such a degree that the Mizukage title should not be used in any other village, or go unused in Kirigakure no Sato. The title is also a hinting of both arrogance and the proper place in rank of Kirigakure no Sato over the other water wielding Hidden Villages, such as Amegakure no Sato and Takigakure no Sato. It is a mark of the respect the country is given by other countries, and as such is held in even higher esteem by it's people.
  • Der Mizukage (水影) ist der Anführer von Kirigakure und der stärkste Shinobi im Dorf. Man konnte von Kakashi Hatake erfahren, dass Zabuza Momochi mit seinen Leuten den Mizukage angreifen wollte, dies jedoch scheiterte. Als Tobi in einem Gespräch mit Kisame Hoshigaki seine Maske abnahm, erkennt dieser ihn als Mizukage. Laut Mei wurde der 4. Mizukage von jemandem kontrolliert, ob es sich dabei um Tobi gehandelt hat oder dieser überhaupt der Kage von Kiri war, ist unbekannt. Der aktuell amtierende Mizukage ist der Rokudaime.
  • Le est le dirigeant du village caché de Kiri au Pays de l'Eau. Cette position donne un grand pouvoir de décision politique et militaire concernant Kiri et ses habitants. Il y a eu Cinq Mizukage. Le palais du Mizukage, qui est le plus grand du village, est facilement reconnaissable car il arbore le kanji Mizu (litt. « Eau »).
  • The is the leader of Kirigakure. There have been five official Mizukage and their word holds sway over all political and military issues that present themselves regarding Kirigakure and its inhabitants. The Mizukage's building is the widest and largest landmark in Kirigakure, bearing the kanji for on it.
  • The only named Mizukage that has been introduced so far in the series is Madara Uchiha. Though it's unknown when he gained the title of Kage and how many Mizukage came before and after him, it's not unreasonable to guess that he was the First. It has been confirmed that Madara is not the current Mizukage. Nothing has been revealed about his time as Kiri's leader, with the exception of him having a relationship with Kisame Hoshigaki, one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.
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