  • ARO
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Aro is the primary Protagonist of Aether. His full name is still unnamed. The information in this article will be limited to facts that have nothing to do with the present book, to block soilers.
  • Aro era uno de los tres líderes de los Vulturi, el clan dominante del mundo de los vampiros. Era ampliamente aceptado como el líder general de los Vulturi, y mostraba el don de la telepatía táctil, siendo capaz de leer los pensamientos y los recuerdos de alguien con un solo toque. Él era el esposo de Sulpicia y el hermano mayor de Didyme. Utilizaba a Chelsea para cambiar las lealtades de los vampiros a quien quería que se uniera a los Vulturi y asegurar su estado de poder. Él fue interpretado por Michael Sheen en las adaptaciones cinematográficas.
  • "Mommy, is that the guy you said bats for the other team?" -Rifftrax
  • ARO (short for Auto Romania) was an off-road vehicle manufacturer located in Câmpulung-Muscel, Romania. Production of ARO vehicles have restarted under the aegis of a Czech company called Auto Max Czech (AMC). For a short while, Daihatsu-powered AROs were produced in Spain and Portugal under the brands Hisparo and Portaro, respectively.
  • Aro on luonnonvaraisen heinä- ja ruohokasvillisuuden ja joskus myös pensaiden peittämä verrattain kuiva ja puuton alue.
  • Aro was a small droid manufacturer founded by Lirran Aro. It was based in the Corellian system and produced security droids. It was later learned that Aro security droids had been reprogrammed to assassinate a noted Corellian official, which forced Aro to declare bankruptcy when they were hit with bad publicity and a huge drop in sales.
  • Aro is a BJD from Dollmore's I Doll line. The basic Aro is available in either a boy or a girl. The name "Aro" stems from "make clear into one's heart" in pure Korean.^^ "Aro" has a cute and chubby body, little pretty face and 2 kinds of hands... ^^ The round eyes and softly smiling lips,,, so lovely~!! ^^
  • thumb|Die Lichtsonne AroThe larger of the two suns of our world Myra, sun of light, commonly referred to only as sun, is named Aro. Some say, Aro is the Chariot of Fire of the supreme Fathergod Chnum or Erainn - others say, that the Fathergod gave that task to Catpoc, while occupying himself with adultery instead.
Row 9 info
Row 8 info
Row 4 info
  • Jonah, John Michaels
  • Michael Sheen, John,
Row 10 title
  • Nationality/Race:
Row 7 title
  • Grandchild
  • Negro azabache
Row 1 info
  • Habilidades vamíricas básicas
Row 8 title
  • Sibling
Row 4 title
  • Nickname/Alias
Row 9 title
  • Significant Other
  • Spouse/
  • Líder de los Vulturi
  • Azienda produttrice di droidi
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • Pálida
Row 1 title
  • Powers/Abilities
  • *Mediado de los 20 *Mediado de los 40
  • *Rojo lechoso *Negro
  • *Sulpicia *Didyme † *Marco *Cayo *Athenodora *La guardia de los Vulturi
Row 5 info
  • Masculino
Row 2 title
  • Occupation
Row 6 title
  • Child
  • Alrededor del año 1300 a.C, Grecia
Row 10 info
  • Dominican, Irish, Welsh
Row 5 title
  • Parent
Row 3 info
Row 3 title
  • Vessels:
Row 7 info
  • Alrededor del año 1280 a.C
Box Title
  • 2006
  • Aro
  • Aro
  • Droid manufacturer
  • Aro
  • 1957
Company Name
  • ARO S.A.
  • Amo
  • 250
  • 5
company type
  • Automotive
  • 250
company logo
  • 120
  • Câmpulung-Muscel, Argeş, Romania
wikipage disambiguates
Row 11 info
  • Alive
Row 11 title
  • Status:
  • Aro is the primary Protagonist of Aether. His full name is still unnamed. The information in this article will be limited to facts that have nothing to do with the present book, to block soilers.
  • Aro era uno de los tres líderes de los Vulturi, el clan dominante del mundo de los vampiros. Era ampliamente aceptado como el líder general de los Vulturi, y mostraba el don de la telepatía táctil, siendo capaz de leer los pensamientos y los recuerdos de alguien con un solo toque. Él era el esposo de Sulpicia y el hermano mayor de Didyme. Utilizaba a Chelsea para cambiar las lealtades de los vampiros a quien quería que se uniera a los Vulturi y asegurar su estado de poder. Él fue interpretado por Michael Sheen en las adaptaciones cinematográficas.
  • "Mommy, is that the guy you said bats for the other team?" -Rifftrax
  • ARO (short for Auto Romania) was an off-road vehicle manufacturer located in Câmpulung-Muscel, Romania. Production of ARO vehicles have restarted under the aegis of a Czech company called Auto Max Czech (AMC). For a short while, Daihatsu-powered AROs were produced in Spain and Portugal under the brands Hisparo and Portaro, respectively.
  • Aro on luonnonvaraisen heinä- ja ruohokasvillisuuden ja joskus myös pensaiden peittämä verrattain kuiva ja puuton alue.
  • Aro was a small droid manufacturer founded by Lirran Aro. It was based in the Corellian system and produced security droids. It was later learned that Aro security droids had been reprogrammed to assassinate a noted Corellian official, which forced Aro to declare bankruptcy when they were hit with bad publicity and a huge drop in sales.
  • Aro is a BJD from Dollmore's I Doll line. The basic Aro is available in either a boy or a girl. The name "Aro" stems from "make clear into one's heart" in pure Korean.^^ "Aro" has a cute and chubby body, little pretty face and 2 kinds of hands... ^^ The round eyes and softly smiling lips,,, so lovely~!! ^^
  • thumb|Die Lichtsonne AroThe larger of the two suns of our world Myra, sun of light, commonly referred to only as sun, is named Aro. Some say, Aro is the Chariot of Fire of the supreme Fathergod Chnum or Erainn - others say, that the Fathergod gave that task to Catpoc, while occupying himself with adultery instead.
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is Affiliation of
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