  • Tuwaly pie
  • Tuwaly pie was a Bajoran dessert. In 2371, Lupaza served tuwaly pie in Shakaar Edon's home on Bajor. (DS9: "Shakaar") According to a line cut from the episode, Lupaza often put too much Rekja into the pie.
  • Tuwaly pie is a Bajoran pastry made of tuwaly. In 2371, Lupaza served tuwaly pie in Shakaar Edon's home. Furel hoped she had not added to much rekja to it. (DS9 episode: "Shakaar") In 2376, the dessert was sold in the market at Dinaaj on Bajor. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "A Walk in the Path of the Emissary") In 2377, Treir recommended tuwaly pie to Cenn Desca when he visited Quark's for the first time. Treir described it as "decadent". (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)
  • Tuwaly pie was a Bajoran dessert. In 2371, Lupaza served tuwaly pie in Shakaar Edon's home on Bajor. (DS9: "Shakaar") According to a line cut from the episode, Lupaza often put too much Rekja into the pie.
  • Tuwaly pie is a Bajoran pastry made of tuwaly. In 2371, Lupaza served tuwaly pie in Shakaar Edon's home. Furel hoped she had not added to much rekja to it. (DS9 episode: "Shakaar") In 2376, the dessert was sold in the market at Dinaaj on Bajor. (ST - New Worlds, New Civilizations short story: "A Walk in the Path of the Emissary") In 2377, Treir recommended tuwaly pie to Cenn Desca when he visited Quark's for the first time. Treir described it as "decadent". (DS9 novel: Fearful Symmetry)