  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Papa's Cheeseria 2: (Chilifest) Chiliwich (??? in other holidays) Chili Cheese (??? in other holidays) Chili Peppers (??? in other holidays) ??? (??? in other holidays) Chili Peppers (??? in other holidays) Awesome Sauce Crinkle Cut Fries Cheddar Topping Bacobits
  • thumb|Bobby (2266) Bobby dient von 2266 bis 2267 als Besatzungsmitglied der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Bobby was the Blue Dark Ranger and Billy Cranston's evil counterpart. Green No More
  • It should also be noted that Bobby also has his name spelled 'Bobbie' in the series, not to be confused with the other homeless man named Bobbie.
  • In the 66th episode, Soda Swamp, he is bathing with Misty into the swamp filled with soda. In the 162nd episode, Bouncy Bayou, he is trying to catch some jelly fish by using his claws, but they swim away from him. Tiffi lets him use her fishing rod with a bobber as a bait. In the 29th Dreamworld episode, Bubbly Bog, he and Tiffi appearing to be jumped for joy as the swamp bubbles. He reappears in Episode 192, making him one of the characters to have less appearances on Flash version than on HTML5 version.
  • Bobby is an imprinted personality used by Alpha for an engagement with a client named Lars for an apparent crime spree across the country. This personality was used for a double engagement with Whiskey, and was employed when elements of Karl William Kraft surfaced. Bobby also seems to be amongst the dominant personalities after Alpha's composite event.
  • "Menschenfressender" Bobby (人食いボビー, Hito-gui bobī) ist ein Mann, welcher auf Shinigamis Index steht. Er ist ein Serienmörder, welcher in Iowa mordete. Wegen seines Titels kann man davon ausgehen, dass Bobby ein Kannibal war und seine Opfer aß. Er wurde nur erwähnt.
  • Bobby is the street-tough member of Varsity Fanclub. ("The Boyband Superfan Interrogation")
  • Bobby is a young child that lives in or around the Sunnyvale Trailer Park and is known for throwing bags of garbage around the park.
  • Bobby is a porn actor. He first appears in Blood Rites.
  • Bobby interrupts Jessica's video blog, or "Vlog" while she is throwing a party to ask where the bathroom is. He joins her to say hello to the camera. He attends UNL (University of North Louisiana).
  • Bobby is one of the skilled engineers who maintain the vital Fort Briggs in working order under the command of Major General Armstrong. When some of the other engineers begin to hear strange sounds in the large pipelines on the lowest level of the fort, Bobby is called to offer his expert opinion and correctly deduces that the sounds are not coming from within the pipes but from beneath the fort's foundation. He narrowly escapes danger when the Homunculus Sloth bursts from the ground.
  • Bobby is a character in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.
  • Bobby is a playable mascot released in the UK & Ireland Update.
  • Bobby is a salvage barge, who, like all the other barges, is a good friend of the tugs and always quiet. He is very encouraging and lifted George's spirits when he didn't win an award. For a while, he was part of the Salvage Team with Theodore, Rebecca and Northumberland. They all worked together to find an old rusty ship's anchor at the bottom of the ocean.
  • Bobby is a gremlin from Halloweentown, who moved to the mortal world as a transferred student from Canada (a cover up for Halloweentown) in order to learn how to live among mortals. According to Gwen, his kind only likes to eat honey-flavored "Grasshopper Flakes." He is played by Bob Lanoue.
  • Bobby was a strange blue guy that was the son of Grover and Aayla Secura. He had an unfortunate habit of touching himself frequently, especially in public. Bobby later went on to be one of the leaders of the The Mega Destruction Team. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • Bobby is a who works in the animal facility where Paz also works. He performs animal handling duties and is capable of determining if an animal is healthy or not (as he did with baby pigeon City Face). He is often seen covered in multiple mice. He created the pigeon fact sheet seen as Chapter 29's bonus page. He also typed up the love letter that Paz sent to Kat.
  • Bobby is a Naval Tug.
  • Bobby is a fat man who is a mayor.
  • Bobby is a man who appeared in "People v. SecNav".
  • Bobby is an NPC.
  • Bobby is is a major pig
  • Bobby is the twin brother of Robby.
  • Bobby was a mobster who worked for Ernest deSalvo.
  • Bobby è un gigante pirata.
  • Bobby appeared briefly in the Season Sixteen episode, "Faith Hilling".
  • Bobby es un niño que es integrante de la Comunidad a la que pertenece John Locke.
  • Bobby es un personaje de única aparición en la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy, habiendo aparecido solamente en el capítulo ¿Qué fué de Billy Comosellame?.
  • Bobby was a photographer for the pin-up site, Fatal Babes. He found an Ornitholestes in the woods. amazed, he tried to take a photo. The flash startled the Ornitholestes and he was attacked and killed.
  • Bobby es uno de los personajes masculinos de Un Show Más. Hizo su debut en el episodio "Mi Mami", realizando el papel de personaje menor. Él parece trabajar en el vivero, y ayuda a la gente llevar a las plantas pesadas, como el árbol de limón. Se ríe de los chistes de Musculoso. Más tarde, aparece en el episodio "Los Veo Allá", donde es un portero que le dice a las personas que están o no están permitidas en la fiesta y en Gracias a Dios es Martes es una de las tantas personas que vienen con Musculoso para la fiesta de Margarita. Esas son sus únicas apariciones hasta el momento.
  • His father was a rescue worker but he never knew him. Brought up by his uncle and aunt in a little farm outside the city, he decided to leave it all behind to join the Rescue Clan so that he too could become a legendary rescue worker. He lies about his age to be accepted by Kerry and becomes an assistant to Hax, Slyde or Alec, depending on the mission at hand. By hefting their bags around for them, he’ll eventually learn the tricks of the trade.
  • Bobby était un officier de Starfleet au 23ème siècle.
  • Bobby is, presumably, a member of the Sindacco Family, a cosa nostra mob family. Bobby lives on the East coast of the United States of America, which could be Liberty City, Carcer City or Vice City. It is mentioned by two members of the Sindacco family that he had recently become an open homosexual.
  • Bobby is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.
  • still under construction
  • Bobby es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto, que es mencionado por dos miembros de la Familia Sindacco en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Introduction, mientras enterraban el cadáver de otro miembro. Bobby es un hombre homosexual que vive en, posiblemente, Liberty City. Es posible que Bobby haya sido alguien muy respetado y poco femenino en el pasado, posible razón por la cual sus compañeros de trabajo se sorprenden al descubrir su orientación sexual. Es posible que Bobby sea miembro de la Familia Sindacco pero no hay nada que lo confirme.
  • Bobby è un ragazzino che viveva nella comunità in cui si trovava Locke nell'episodio "Further Instructions". Sembra conoscere Locke dal fatto che i due si salutano al momento di sedersi a tavola per pranzare.
  • Bobby kommt in Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms vor. Er ist ein Wachmann von Misthallery. Es gibt mehrere von ihnen, die alle den Befehlen von Polizeipräsident Levin Jakes gehorchen. Wie die Polizisten von Monte d'Or und die Polizisten von Scotland Yard sehen sie alle gleich aus.
  • Bobby is an enemy from Clarence's Big Chance and is a policeman who first appears in the Bathroom of Clarence's House for "obvious" reasons and later appears in other rooms of his house, in the Suburbs and the Streets at Night. Bobby can't move, and damages Clarence by contact and by the bullets of the firearm he holds. Clarence can defeat Bobby by jumping on him.
  • Bobby (ボビー Bobi?) es un personaje de la Pelicula 4. Es uno de un dúo de Gigantes similares a Dorry y Brogy . Ellos compitieron en la Dead End Race . No lo hacen muy lejos a través de la carrera, sin embargo, como después de la caída general (una cascada gigante de barcos navegando afuera) llegan a una curva en el carril de agua y van demasiado rápido para en lugar de optar por aumentar su velocidad y saltar a la pista siguiente. Sin embargo no fue suficiente y los dos caen y terminan estrellándose en algunos edificios, desde entonces no se ven más.
  • Bobby ist ein Junge in der Kommune, in der Locke Mitglied ist. Er öffnet Locke das Haupttor und erhält von ihm eine Tüte Süßigkeiten. („“) John Locke Dargestellt von Terry O'Quinn
  • Bobby – domniemany asystent Spielberga, w rzeczywistości prowadzący program „Z kamerą wśród idiotów”. Ośmieszył Kiepski, Boczka i Paździocha przedtem nakręciwszy z nimi śmieszne sceny w przebraniach (Kiepscy i Boczek za Niemców, a Paździoch za Rosjanina) – mówiąc przy tym z amerykańskim akcentem. Wystąpił w odcinku pt. Kiepski film. W jego rolę wcielił się Mariusz Czajka.
  • Bobby was a werewolf who appeared in episode 4 of Series 5. He is portrayed by Ricky Grover.
  • "The Pathological Liar", Bobby can't seem to shake the nasty habit of telling stories. Bobby seemingly uncontrollably lies about everything, his age, name, birthplace, favorite color...everything. Hes been known to introduce himself on the first day of school as a completely different person, only to have the teacher point out that there is nobody by that name on the roster. Bobby deeply despises his constant lying, and really does try to help it, but just doesn't believe he can.
  • Bobby is the secretary of a prison in Los Angeles. This is a fictional character who appears briefly in Rush Hour.
  • Bobby is Miller's son shown at the end of Veterans Day. He had a speaking role, saying "It's an honor sir" to Martin Johanssen, saluting him, after his father introduce one another. He is voiced by Ben Diskin.
  • Bobby was a kid attacked by a drug dealer, but the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider intervened to save him.
  • Bobby was the replacement Billy that Grim and Mandy found online. He tried to steal Billy's life from him but failed and went to an unknown dimension that Billy made to get rid of Bobby so that Billy could have his life back.
  • Bobby is a resident of Haven, Oklahama. Bobby appears after he just saw a dropship coming to land near Joseph Capelli's position. Bobby handed Shrapnel Grenades over to Capelli. Afterwards, Bobby teamed up with Lester, Capelli, Billy, Angus and a few other residents to form a defensive squad to hold back the Death Squads and allowing the townspeople to escape. Bobby continues to fight with the others, but is killed by a Brawler, crushing him with its fists.
  • Bobby is a Roman demigod or legacy whose godly heritage is unknown.
  • Bobby is a child living in Highpool. He has hidden his rabid dog, Rex, in the cave.
  • Bobby is a member of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on bourbon.
  • Bobby is a friend of Nate. He was seen on June 2, 2013.
  • Bobby is a character that resembles Flapjack except with a unibrow and a tuxedo. His resemblance to Flapjack has proven unfortunate for him as like Mr. Henderson, he has gotten into trouble a lot. In "Lead 'Em and Weep", Flapjack and K'nuckles had given a man a wedgie, who was ready to beat them up and break their bones but Bubbie save them and put Bobby and Mr. Henderson in their places and they were beaten up and their bones were broken (offscreen) and Bobby and Mr. Henderson has never been seen since.
  • The four of them auditioned on October 25, 1985 for the Battle of the Bands at the Hill Valley High School gymnasium, playing a hard rock version of The Power of Love. They were rejected, as the head judge thought they were "just too darn loud".
  • Bobby was a child living as part of a community located on a private retreat alongside Mike, Jan, and several other people. When John Locke had arrived into the retreat one day, Bobby opened the gate for him and was rewarded with a bag of candy.
  • Bobby was a kid who lived at the commune where Locke lived in "Further Instructions". He appeared to know Locke because Locke said "hi" to him when he sat down for lunch.
  • Bobby is a NPC who appears during the Halloween events. He allows players to enter the Costume Brawl.
  • Bobby [Bagarre Costumée] est un personnage non joueur qui permet de parciciper à la Bagarre Costumée durant Halloween.
  • Bobby is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • thumb|186px|BobbyBobbie ist ein Dikdik (afrikanische Zwergantilope). Er kommt nur in Madagascar 2 vor, als das Wasser ausgetrocknet ist. Makunga verwechselt ihn mit Charlie, der nirgendwo vorkommt.
  • Bobby – postać epizodyczna, występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Jest właścicielem warsztatu opancerzającego samochody. Kategoria:Postacie w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961
  • Bobby é uma criança que vive na comunidade onde Locke vivia em "Further Instructions". Bob abriu a porteira da comunidade para Locke e Eddie. Ele parece conhecer bastante Locke, por quê Locke disse "Oi" e também o mesmo deu doces para Bob.
  • Bobby est un enfant qui vit dans la même communauté que Locke. Il semble le connaître car Locke lui dit « salut » au moment de passer à table. (Embuscade)
  • Bobby jest miłym chłopakiem. Zawsze wszystkim pomaga, nawet jak kogoś nie lubi. lubi: - pomagać nie lubi: - siedzieć bezczynnie Kategoria:Postacie Rakso100000
  • Bobby was a male Human Jedi Initiate studying with the Jedi Order during the final decade of the Galactic Republic.
  • Bobby is a smiley, humorous and easy-going guy who manages to smile at all of Caroline and Max's antics. He is traditional and like Caroline, he thinks the 10th date is then the date you get it on and not the 3rd. Bobby is honest and seem to truly love Caroline, putting up with the mess Caroline makes putting him in a difficult situation with his mother all the time and ruining his prospects in his hobby, bowling. He never gets mad at her, just when you think things are going down, Bobby says the sweetest thing to Caroline and they share a passionate kiss again!
  • In March 1945, Bobby, along with Pete, and another member of the group had assembled at Connely's Inn, when Connely used a radio to contact Dieterhoffmann about the activities of one of the guests, Indiana Jones. When Connely received word to kill Jones, the three thugs tried to get him in his room, but Jones escaped with help from his assistant, Brendan O'Neal and a picture of Jesus Christ. Switching to chase Jones by car, Bobby drove a car, while his partner shot at O'Neal's fleeing vehicle. After Jones and O'Neal escaped on foot when their car was destroyed, Bobby suggested to turn the cars around when their target was spotted on a horse-drawn cart. As Jones and O'Neal neared the ferry, Jones began throwing bags off the cart, which Bobby attempted to dodge. While avoiding the sacks, he
  • Bobby is the leader of the Goodfeather pigeons, whose character was inspired by the film roles of Robert De Niro (such as Travis Bickle, Jake LaMotta, and Jimmy Conway). He tends to get along with Squit and Pesto, but always laughs his head off whenever the two end up getting into a scuffle. He is also the only one who can translate the Godpigeon's elderly gibberish.
  • A Romeo and Juliet type story about a lonely Hindu teenager (Rishi Kapoor) who falls for Bobby (Dimple Kapadia), a feisty girl from a Christian family of Portuguese descent. He's rich, she's poor, they're from different religions, his father despises her and her father, her father rather likes her boyfriend as a person but has been too badly insulted by the boy's father to be okay with the relationship. Things come to a happier ending than in Romeo and Juliet, with the two fathers teaming up to beat off some goons who were harrassing the youngsters, and then rescuing each other's child from a cliffhanger situation.
  • Bobby is a Ridgeway student who appeared in iSaw Him First. Sam had set up a "kissing booth" in the Ridgeway hallway, which she claimed was for charity. In reality, she was trying to get Shane to kiss her so that she would be able to date him (per the agreement Sam had with Carly). However, Shane didn't have a dollar with him, so Sam told Bobby to lend him one. While Bobby was searching his pockets, the bell rang for class, and Shane had to leave. Bobby was played by Andrew Sibner. He had previously appeared on another Dan Schneider comedy, Zoey 101.
  • Bobby is a spastic penguin and the brother of Mac4eva434. Rookie thought he was his brother. Rookie thought Bobby was his brother because Bobby kept calling Rookie, "". Agent Comics101 forced Rookie to take good care of his "baby brother", and Rookie tried to get rid of him all day. G ran a DNA test proving Bobby was not related to Rookie. To further confirm G's theory, his real brother, Mac4eva434, found him after flyers had been posted.
  • Bobby's duties include turning on the microwave, playing guitar when Willie Nelson sings, and explaining when Stephen is wrong. Because Stephen does not make mistakes, this is a very easy job. Bobby was also sent on a commando mission with Ric Ocasek and Killer, to free Stephen Jr. from his cage with only one large hole in it. The mission was a complete failure as Stephen Jr. was sent from one cage to another: upon Bobby's return, he informed a heart-broken Stephen that his son had been captured by Canadians and is now lost in Canada. To save his son, Stephen suggested that everyone who lives in Washington state should go to the border between Canada's Mexico and California's Canada and wave succulent fish in the air (specifically, salmon) to help Stephen Jr. find his way home. However, he
  • James Wilson went to visit Vanessa while she was waiting for word on the transplant and found her speaking to her sister Theresa about Bobby. It was clear that they had broken up because Vanessa had quit drinking while Bobby remained an alcoholic. When Bobby showed up, Vanessa was glad to see him but Theresa was angry that he had been drinking. He went to leave when Wilson intervened and reminded Theresa that Bobby could convince Vanessa to have treatment. She agreed to let them talk and Bobby did manage to convince Vanessa to accept further treatment.
  • Bobby was a member of Clarence's Gang, presumerably charged with handling explosives or demolitions for the robbery committed immediately before Lewis and Murphy get the call to intercept them on Industrial Way. Unfortunately for Bobby, his measurements were off, and as well as blowing open whatever vault or strong room held the money they were after, he incinerated the money too. It's unknown if Bobby survived his ordeal, as he was not seen or mentioned again after Lewis pushed him off the windshield and tossed him onto the road.
  • Bobby steals Steve's shoes at a party in "I Am the Walrus". Bobby appears in a group of teenagers who apparently like skateboarding in "Con Heir". In "Bar Mitzvah Hustle", he appears in the school cafeteria, where he gasps when Etan Cohen threatens to Snot that he will never have a bar mitzvah after convicted of stealing Etan's bar mitzvah money. He attends the Chimdale Prison kickball game in "Man in the Moonbounce" and can be seen outside of the hotel in "Fartbreak Hotel". Bobby exits the Gravatron ride at a carnival with Stan, Steve and Snot in "Why Can't We Be Friends?".
  • Lieutenant Bobby was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during a historic five-year mission that starship undertook. From 2266 to 2267, he often alternated between the command and operations divisions while he served as a maintenance technician, security guard, and transporter chief. Bobby was frequently seen working as a repair technician, responding to battle damage and normal maintenance requests. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" , "Mudd's Women" , "The Man Trap" )
  • M
  • 3
  • 5
  • 6
  • 15
  • Mighty Morphin 2
  • Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies
  • Unknown
  • Good
  • Keeping the facilities of Fort Briggs in perfect working order
  • Soda Swamp : Tiffi blows through the straw to bring the fizz back into the swamp.
  • Vive nella stessa comunità di Locke
  • 2
Primera aparición
  • California, USA
  • 140
  • Dreamworld:
  • Reality:
  • Bobby
  • Mężczyzna
  • Bobby.png
  • Humano
Row 4 info
  • Masculino
  • Roman
  • People that are stronger than him
  • BW058
  • ボビー Bobby
  • männlich
  • Widowed
  • Bobby
Row 1 info
  • TBA
  • 3.786912E8
Actor de Doblaje
  • Ninguno
  • 2267
  • ボビー
  • Bobby
  • ボビー
  • EspecialesyPeliculasColores
  • Vivant
  • Lieutenant Bobby
  • Strangers and anyone his creator dislikes, Monsieur Mallah, trains
Row 4 title
  • First Appearance:
  • Unknown
  • Criminale
  • 4.73364E8
  • No voiced dialogue
  • California
  • Pirata
  • 2
Row 2 info
  • Spinner Dolphin
  • yes
Row 1 title
  • Portrayed By:
Row 5 info
  • TBA
  • blue
  • Bobī
Row 2 title
  • Species:
Greek/Roman form
  • None
Ultima aparición
  • Soda Swamp : His swamp lost all of its fizz.
  • Soda-Swamp.png
  • Bobī
Row 5 title
  • Last Appearance:
Row 3 info
  • Male
  • Common
  • Californie
Row 3 title
  • Gender:
  • Bobby
  • Todd McFarlane; Greg Capullo
  • Melee
  • *Arturo Genosa *Joan Dallas *Emma *Giselle *Jake Guffie *Inari Raith *Trixie Vixen *Lara Romany
Box Title
  • Bobby
  • Suzie
  • None
  • Unknown
  • Chippe
  • AL
  • Rush Hour
  • The Son of Neptune
  • The Lost Hero
  • Student
  • Bobby
  • Team A
  • Blue
  • A monks' temple
  • UK terrain appears while playing as Bobby
  • Blue Dark Ranger
  • Bobby
  • Created by Melvin's power
  • Soda Swamp, Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Desconocida.
  • 9
  • Unknown
  • 20.0
  • Desconhecida, provavelmente entre 8-12
  • unbekannt, wahrscheinlich zwischen 8-12
Voiced by
  • Melee
  • None
  • Alive
  • Unknown
  • Active
  • Vivo
  • am Leben
  • Vivo
  • Alive/Imprinted into Alpha
  • 2
  • "Faith Hilling"
First Appearance
  • Minor Character
  • yes
  • Bobby
  • Breeder Village
  • California, Estados Unidos
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Chippe
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Bobby
  • Stephan Wasserstein
  • Thar is nop fizz in ma swamp ennymoe!
  • Jedi
  • Humanoid
  • dark
  • dragon
  • electric
  • fairy
  • fire
  • flying
  • ghost
  • grass
  • normal
  • poison
  • water
  • UK & Ireland
  • 250
  • Police
  • Male
  • TBA
  • Unova
  • Mieszkał na terenie komuny
doblaje por
  • Accompanying Melvin
  • 20
Character Name
  • Bobby
  • Damage +3
  • Bobbie
  • Melvin's "imaginary" friend
  • Burt
  • TBA
  • 200
  • Está en la misma comunidad que Locke.
  • Is at the same commune as Locke
  • Lebt in der Kommune, der Locke beitritt
  • Abriu uma porteira da comunidade e ganhou doces de Locke
  • "New" Billy
  • 1
Birth Place
  • $0.99/£0.73 or 100 from the prize machine
  • Unknown
  • 2
  • Bobby
  • Legionnaire
  • Bobby
  • The Lonely Deino!
  • Bobby
  • Member of the 5th Cohort
  • Stephan Wasserstein
  • show
  • Bobby.png
  • Bobby
Marital Status
  • Single
  • Unknown
  • Rescue
  • 1
  • TBA
Image size
  • 290
  • American
  • Breeder
  • 1
  • baseball cap
  • #55DC77
  • Blue
  • Bobby
  • N/A
  • Super Strength,
  • Invisibility,
  • Enhanced Jumps
  • High Resilience,
  • Sharp Claws,
  • Superhuman Endurance,
  • 3
  • Agent Chippe
  • Bobby
  • Dark Rangers.jpg
  • Policía
  • * Carmichael * Leonard Bloom * Clamp Grosky * Chelmey
  • Koalak Mountain
  • * In the beginning of the series there was another bum in the Bowery Alleyways who went by the name of Bobbie. This is not to be confused with this character of Bobby who plays a much bigger role in the series.
  • Spawn
  • No voiced dialogue
  • Student
  • Blueshirt thug
  • Vive na comunidade
  • 200
  • 250
  • Bobby-Mi mami.png
  • Bobby.JPG
  • ポリス
  • anime
  • Bobby
  • Soda Swamp
  • Vivo
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Engineer
  • Bouncer
  • Porn actor
  • Scotland Yard Constable
  • "Batta-bing!"
  • "The Godpigeon!"
  • "You walking with me?"
  • Bobby
  • 2007-11-09
  • Human
  • The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy
  • 4
  • Storytelling
  • TBA
  • California, USA
  • Kalifornien
  • Attends University of North Louisiana
  • California
  • 345600.0
Image File
  • Bobby.png
  • Africa
  • Wildlife Reserve
  • Takashi Hikida
  • Gate guard
  • Bobby
  • Max Jansen Weinstein
  • Barry Shabaka
  • --03-21
  • New Grange, Ireland
  • Masculino
  • Bobby.png
  • 7
wikipage disambiguates
  • Nessuna
única aparición
  • ¿Qué fué de Billy Comosellame?
  • Dans la même communauté que Locke
  • Bobby is a smiley, humorous and easy-going guy who manages to smile at all of Caroline and Max's antics. He is traditional and like Caroline, he thinks the 10th date is then the date you get it on and not the 3rd. Bobby is honest and seem to truly love Caroline, putting up with the mess Caroline makes putting him in a difficult situation with his mother all the time and ruining his prospects in his hobby, bowling. He never gets mad at her, just when you think things are going down, Bobby says the sweetest thing to Caroline and they share a passionate kiss again! Unlike Andy, Bobby is more cautious with what he tells Caroline, waiting before he told her about his Bowling hobby, knowing she wouldn't like it. Bobby knows Caroline very well and said she won't have to come to watch him bowl again before she could say anything. That was exactly what she wanted though she acted the opposite all those time. Also, Bobby is very serious about Caroline very quickly. Introducing her to his family members. Bobby's family, mother and 2 sisters, is obsessed and still cannot get over Bobby's ex girlfriend, Jessica, mentioning her name all the time, making Caroline uncomfortable. Despite being a jealous person, Bobby lied to Caroline, saying he wasn't jealous 'just to seem cool' in front of Caroline. But when Caroline was at the movie premiere with Andy, Bobby went to the diner and asked the diner people how was Andy like, "Is he good looking? Rich? Does he have Amazon Prime? I'm dying here." While he was there Sophie came and showed him photo of Caroline and Andy at the Premiere. Bobby asked, "Is that hand on her lower back of upper butt?" Next thing we know, Bobby appears at the premiere and shouted, "EY! Mr Candy Guy! Get your hands off my girl!" He pushed the 'wrong Andy', the actor acting as Andy. At the very end of Season 6, Bobby meets Randy (who just proposed to Max) for the first time. They recognised each other quickly. Randy was the lawyer on set of "Move Out, You're Forty" who fired Bobby's mother and sisters from the show. They got outside and fought.
  • Papa's Cheeseria 2: (Chilifest) Chiliwich (??? in other holidays) Chili Cheese (??? in other holidays) Chili Peppers (??? in other holidays) ??? (??? in other holidays) Chili Peppers (??? in other holidays) Awesome Sauce Crinkle Cut Fries Cheddar Topping Bacobits
  • thumb|Bobby (2266) Bobby dient von 2266 bis 2267 als Besatzungsmitglied der USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) unter dem Kommando von Captain James T. Kirk.
  • Bobby was a member of Clarence's Gang, presumerably charged with handling explosives or demolitions for the robbery committed immediately before Lewis and Murphy get the call to intercept them on Industrial Way. Unfortunately for Bobby, his measurements were off, and as well as blowing open whatever vault or strong room held the money they were after, he incinerated the money too. Clarence did not appreciate this mistake. After the gang and the two officers exchanged fire, Bobby was an early casualty, being struck in the thigh. Clarence wasted no time in "throwing him out of the gang" - and into the windscreen of Murphy and Lewis. It's unknown if Bobby survived his ordeal, as he was not seen or mentioned again after Lewis pushed him off the windshield and tossed him onto the road.
  • Bobby was the Blue Dark Ranger and Billy Cranston's evil counterpart. Green No More
  • It should also be noted that Bobby also has his name spelled 'Bobbie' in the series, not to be confused with the other homeless man named Bobbie.
  • In the 66th episode, Soda Swamp, he is bathing with Misty into the swamp filled with soda. In the 162nd episode, Bouncy Bayou, he is trying to catch some jelly fish by using his claws, but they swim away from him. Tiffi lets him use her fishing rod with a bobber as a bait. In the 29th Dreamworld episode, Bubbly Bog, he and Tiffi appearing to be jumped for joy as the swamp bubbles. He reappears in Episode 192, making him one of the characters to have less appearances on Flash version than on HTML5 version.
  • Bobby is an imprinted personality used by Alpha for an engagement with a client named Lars for an apparent crime spree across the country. This personality was used for a double engagement with Whiskey, and was employed when elements of Karl William Kraft surfaced. Bobby also seems to be amongst the dominant personalities after Alpha's composite event.
  • "Menschenfressender" Bobby (人食いボビー, Hito-gui bobī) ist ein Mann, welcher auf Shinigamis Index steht. Er ist ein Serienmörder, welcher in Iowa mordete. Wegen seines Titels kann man davon ausgehen, dass Bobby ein Kannibal war und seine Opfer aß. Er wurde nur erwähnt.
  • Bobby is the street-tough member of Varsity Fanclub. ("The Boyband Superfan Interrogation")
  • Bobby is a young child that lives in or around the Sunnyvale Trailer Park and is known for throwing bags of garbage around the park.
  • Bobby is a porn actor. He first appears in Blood Rites.
  • Lieutenant Bobby was a male Human Starfleet officer in the 23rd century. He served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk, during a historic five-year mission that starship undertook. From 2266 to 2267, he often alternated between the command and operations divisions while he served as a maintenance technician, security guard, and transporter chief. Bobby was frequently seen working as a repair technician, responding to battle damage and normal maintenance requests. (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver" , "Mudd's Women" , "The Man Trap" ) Following the death of Alfa 177 canine, Dr. Leonard McCoy covered the animal in a blanket and handed it to Bobby and requested an "autopsy in depth". (TOS: "The Enemy Within" ) According to the final draft of the script, this character was described as an orderly, though wearing a operations division jumpsuit. He and a sciences technician were chased in the ship's corridor by a rapier-wielding Lieutenant Sulu, who was under the influence of the Psi 2000 virus. Following the incident, he was among the guards who entered the engineering control room to apprehend the polywater intoxicated Kevin Riley, who had taken control of the ship through that station. (TOS: "The Naked Time" ) He served also served as the transporter chief during the Enterprise's rendezvous with the Antares. (TOS: "Charlie X" ) During the Romulan Neutral Zone Incursion, when the Enterprise was attempting to outrun a plasma torpedo, Kirk signed off on his clipboard and handed it to Bobby, instructing him to "feed this into the space recorder and jettison immediately." (TOS: "Balance of Terror" ) He later served as member of the ship's security. When the Enterprise was thrown back in time to 1969, Bobby was attacked by United States Air Force Captain John Christopher, who stole his phaser. (TOS: "Tomorrow is Yesterday" ) He later joined the landing party during its beam down to Deneva. (TOS: "Operation -- Annihilate!" ) Bobby also wore a sciences division jumpsuit, serving as a medical assistant at the bedside of Khan Noonien Singh. (TOS: "Space Seed" )
  • Bobby interrupts Jessica's video blog, or "Vlog" while she is throwing a party to ask where the bathroom is. He joins her to say hello to the camera. He attends UNL (University of North Louisiana).
  • Bobby is one of the skilled engineers who maintain the vital Fort Briggs in working order under the command of Major General Armstrong. When some of the other engineers begin to hear strange sounds in the large pipelines on the lowest level of the fort, Bobby is called to offer his expert opinion and correctly deduces that the sounds are not coming from within the pipes but from beneath the fort's foundation. He narrowly escapes danger when the Homunculus Sloth bursts from the ground.
  • Bobby is a character in Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven.
  • Bobby is a playable mascot released in the UK & Ireland Update.
  • Bobby is the leader of the Goodfeather pigeons, whose character was inspired by the film roles of Robert De Niro (such as Travis Bickle, Jake LaMotta, and Jimmy Conway). He tends to get along with Squit and Pesto, but always laughs his head off whenever the two end up getting into a scuffle. He is also the only one who can translate the Godpigeon's elderly gibberish. He seems to be the brains of the operation. It's Bobby's job to keep Pesto from killing Squit, even if he has to get involved in the fight. Unfortunately for Squit, however, Bobby usually finds the beatings hilarious. There are occasions where he keeps Pesto in check just by glaring at him, mainly because Pesto's temper gets all of them into trouble.
  • Bobby is a salvage barge, who, like all the other barges, is a good friend of the tugs and always quiet. He is very encouraging and lifted George's spirits when he didn't win an award. For a while, he was part of the Salvage Team with Theodore, Rebecca and Northumberland. They all worked together to find an old rusty ship's anchor at the bottom of the ocean.
  • Bobby is a gremlin from Halloweentown, who moved to the mortal world as a transferred student from Canada (a cover up for Halloweentown) in order to learn how to live among mortals. According to Gwen, his kind only likes to eat honey-flavored "Grasshopper Flakes." He is played by Bob Lanoue.
  • Bobby is a spastic penguin and the brother of Mac4eva434. Rookie thought he was his brother. Rookie thought Bobby was his brother because Bobby kept calling Rookie, "". Agent Comics101 forced Rookie to take good care of his "baby brother", and Rookie tried to get rid of him all day. G ran a DNA test proving Bobby was not related to Rookie. To further confirm G's theory, his real brother, Mac4eva434, found him after flyers had been posted. He once helped Aunt Arctic solve a code. Poor AA had locked herself out of her igloo after forgetting the combination to her security system. Bobby had overheard the beeping sounds the item produced, and began to recite them in tune. Others who tried to help the journalist enter her home realized that Bobby had memorized her access code, and several attempts to coax him out of it eventually resulted in AA's igloo being unlocked. Things they had attempted included candy, a free tour of G's laboratory, etc. . Folks even offered to read him nursery rhymes for a soothing effect, but Bobby then screamed a lot because he claimed he heard "scary songs" while listening the the rhymes. In the end, however, a female peach-colored penguin sporting red hair and earing a green hooded sweatshirt had the Moderators block the annoying Bobby. She had to force him out of Aunt Arctic's house, shouting "Bobby! Go home! You don't live here!".
  • Bobby was a strange blue guy that was the son of Grover and Aayla Secura. He had an unfortunate habit of touching himself frequently, especially in public. Bobby later went on to be one of the leaders of the The Mega Destruction Team. File:Wiki.pngThis article is a stub. You can help Darthipedia by expanding it. If you don't, we'll destroy your planet.
  • Bobby is a who works in the animal facility where Paz also works. He performs animal handling duties and is capable of determining if an animal is healthy or not (as he did with baby pigeon City Face). He is often seen covered in multiple mice. He created the pigeon fact sheet seen as Chapter 29's bonus page. He also typed up the love letter that Paz sent to Kat.
  • Bobby is a Naval Tug.
  • Bobby is a fat man who is a mayor.
  • Bobby is a man who appeared in "People v. SecNav".
  • Bobby is an NPC.
  • Bobby is is a major pig
  • Bobby is the twin brother of Robby.
  • Bobby was a mobster who worked for Ernest deSalvo.
  • Bobby è un gigante pirata.
  • James Wilson went to visit Vanessa while she was waiting for word on the transplant and found her speaking to her sister Theresa about Bobby. It was clear that they had broken up because Vanessa had quit drinking while Bobby remained an alcoholic. However, as Vanessa's condition got worse, she started to refuse painful treatment to extend her life in order to buy time for the transplant. Challenged by House to find some way to get Vanessa to agree, Wilson remembered that when Vanessa was refusing treatment for her cancer, Bobby was the one who convinced her to accept more chemotherapy. He decided to call Bobby and lie to him by saying Vanessa wanted to see him. When Bobby showed up, Vanessa was glad to see him but Theresa was angry that he had been drinking. He went to leave when Wilson intervened and reminded Theresa that Bobby could convince Vanessa to have treatment. She agreed to let them talk and Bobby did manage to convince Vanessa to accept further treatment.
  • Bobby appeared briefly in the Season Sixteen episode, "Faith Hilling".
  • Bobby es un niño que es integrante de la Comunidad a la que pertenece John Locke.
  • Bobby es un personaje de única aparición en la serie Las Macabras Aventuras de Billy y Mandy, habiendo aparecido solamente en el capítulo ¿Qué fué de Billy Comosellame?.
  • Bobby was a photographer for the pin-up site, Fatal Babes. He found an Ornitholestes in the woods. amazed, he tried to take a photo. The flash startled the Ornitholestes and he was attacked and killed.
  • Bobby es uno de los personajes masculinos de Un Show Más. Hizo su debut en el episodio "Mi Mami", realizando el papel de personaje menor. Él parece trabajar en el vivero, y ayuda a la gente llevar a las plantas pesadas, como el árbol de limón. Se ríe de los chistes de Musculoso. Más tarde, aparece en el episodio "Los Veo Allá", donde es un portero que le dice a las personas que están o no están permitidas en la fiesta y en Gracias a Dios es Martes es una de las tantas personas que vienen con Musculoso para la fiesta de Margarita. Esas son sus únicas apariciones hasta el momento.
  • His father was a rescue worker but he never knew him. Brought up by his uncle and aunt in a little farm outside the city, he decided to leave it all behind to join the Rescue Clan so that he too could become a legendary rescue worker. He lies about his age to be accepted by Kerry and becomes an assistant to Hax, Slyde or Alec, depending on the mission at hand. By hefting their bags around for them, he’ll eventually learn the tricks of the trade.
  • Bobby était un officier de Starfleet au 23ème siècle.
  • Bobby is, presumably, a member of the Sindacco Family, a cosa nostra mob family. Bobby lives on the East coast of the United States of America, which could be Liberty City, Carcer City or Vice City. It is mentioned by two members of the Sindacco family that he had recently become an open homosexual.
  • Bobby is a character in Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy.
  • still under construction
  • Bobby steals Steve's shoes at a party in "I Am the Walrus". Bobby appears in a group of teenagers who apparently like skateboarding in "Con Heir". In "Bar Mitzvah Hustle", he appears in the school cafeteria, where he gasps when Etan Cohen threatens to Snot that he will never have a bar mitzvah after convicted of stealing Etan's bar mitzvah money. He attends the Chimdale Prison kickball game in "Man in the Moonbounce" and can be seen outside of the hotel in "Fartbreak Hotel". Bobby is part of a group of kids that drag a police helicopter and officer through the streets in "Less Money, Mo' Problems". Bobby exits the Gravatron ride at a carnival with Stan, Steve and Snot in "Why Can't We Be Friends?". Bobby joins Steve for Cartoon rush hour in Cartoon City at the Familyland Theme Park in "Familyland".
  • Bobby es un personaje de la saga Grand Theft Auto, que es mencionado por dos miembros de la Familia Sindacco en Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Introduction, mientras enterraban el cadáver de otro miembro. Bobby es un hombre homosexual que vive en, posiblemente, Liberty City. Es posible que Bobby haya sido alguien muy respetado y poco femenino en el pasado, posible razón por la cual sus compañeros de trabajo se sorprenden al descubrir su orientación sexual. Es posible que Bobby sea miembro de la Familia Sindacco pero no hay nada que lo confirme.
  • Bobby è un ragazzino che viveva nella comunità in cui si trovava Locke nell'episodio "Further Instructions". Sembra conoscere Locke dal fatto che i due si salutano al momento di sedersi a tavola per pranzare.
  • Bobby kommt in Professor Layton und der Ruf des Phantoms vor. Er ist ein Wachmann von Misthallery. Es gibt mehrere von ihnen, die alle den Befehlen von Polizeipräsident Levin Jakes gehorchen. Wie die Polizisten von Monte d'Or und die Polizisten von Scotland Yard sehen sie alle gleich aus.
  • Bobby is an enemy from Clarence's Big Chance and is a policeman who first appears in the Bathroom of Clarence's House for "obvious" reasons and later appears in other rooms of his house, in the Suburbs and the Streets at Night. Bobby can't move, and damages Clarence by contact and by the bullets of the firearm he holds. Clarence can defeat Bobby by jumping on him.
  • Bobby (ボビー Bobi?) es un personaje de la Pelicula 4. Es uno de un dúo de Gigantes similares a Dorry y Brogy . Ellos compitieron en la Dead End Race . No lo hacen muy lejos a través de la carrera, sin embargo, como después de la caída general (una cascada gigante de barcos navegando afuera) llegan a una curva en el carril de agua y van demasiado rápido para en lugar de optar por aumentar su velocidad y saltar a la pista siguiente. Sin embargo no fue suficiente y los dos caen y terminan estrellándose en algunos edificios, desde entonces no se ven más.
  • Bobby ist ein Junge in der Kommune, in der Locke Mitglied ist. Er öffnet Locke das Haupttor und erhält von ihm eine Tüte Süßigkeiten. („“) John Locke Dargestellt von Terry O'Quinn
  • Bobby – domniemany asystent Spielberga, w rzeczywistości prowadzący program „Z kamerą wśród idiotów”. Ośmieszył Kiepski, Boczka i Paździocha przedtem nakręciwszy z nimi śmieszne sceny w przebraniach (Kiepscy i Boczek za Niemców, a Paździoch za Rosjanina) – mówiąc przy tym z amerykańskim akcentem. Wystąpił w odcinku pt. Kiepski film. W jego rolę wcielił się Mariusz Czajka.
  • Bobby was a werewolf who appeared in episode 4 of Series 5. He is portrayed by Ricky Grover.
  • "The Pathological Liar", Bobby can't seem to shake the nasty habit of telling stories. Bobby seemingly uncontrollably lies about everything, his age, name, birthplace, favorite color...everything. Hes been known to introduce himself on the first day of school as a completely different person, only to have the teacher point out that there is nobody by that name on the roster. Bobby deeply despises his constant lying, and really does try to help it, but just doesn't believe he can.
  • Bobby is the secretary of a prison in Los Angeles. This is a fictional character who appears briefly in Rush Hour.
  • Bobby's duties include turning on the microwave, playing guitar when Willie Nelson sings, and explaining when Stephen is wrong. Because Stephen does not make mistakes, this is a very easy job. Bobby was also sent on a commando mission with Ric Ocasek and Killer, to free Stephen Jr. from his cage with only one large hole in it. The mission was a complete failure as Stephen Jr. was sent from one cage to another: upon Bobby's return, he informed a heart-broken Stephen that his son had been captured by Canadians and is now lost in Canada. To save his son, Stephen suggested that everyone who lives in Washington state should go to the border between Canada's Mexico and California's Canada and wave succulent fish in the air (specifically, salmon) to help Stephen Jr. find his way home. However, he is either lost in a veritable sea of soft lumber or is unable to find the fish due to the large number of fishy Canadians all around him. On the October 19, 2005 edition of The Report, Stephen put Bobby On Notice because he said he likes candy apples, which are a threat to America's children. Bobby continues to work for The Report thanks to a Time Paradox, there is no truth that Bobby was eaten by Our Beloved Colbert since it never happend thanks to our time machine.
  • A Romeo and Juliet type story about a lonely Hindu teenager (Rishi Kapoor) who falls for Bobby (Dimple Kapadia), a feisty girl from a Christian family of Portuguese descent. He's rich, she's poor, they're from different religions, his father despises her and her father, her father rather likes her boyfriend as a person but has been too badly insulted by the boy's father to be okay with the relationship. Things come to a happier ending than in Romeo and Juliet, with the two fathers teaming up to beat off some goons who were harrassing the youngsters, and then rescuing each other's child from a cliffhanger situation. Bobby was directed by respected auteur and movie star Raj Kapoor, as a vehicle for his son Rishi Kapoor. It was a huge hit with teenagers, for its very contemporary main characters, who actually looked and acted like adolescents. Today it is mostly known for making instant stars out of Rishi and Dimple, for its catchy songs, and for Raj Kapoor's camera's undue fascination with Dimple's legs.
  • Bobby is Miller's son shown at the end of Veterans Day. He had a speaking role, saying "It's an honor sir" to Martin Johanssen, saluting him, after his father introduce one another. He is voiced by Ben Diskin.
  • Bobby was a kid attacked by a drug dealer, but the Dan Ketch Ghost Rider intervened to save him.
  • Bobby was the replacement Billy that Grim and Mandy found online. He tried to steal Billy's life from him but failed and went to an unknown dimension that Billy made to get rid of Bobby so that Billy could have his life back.
  • Bobby is a resident of Haven, Oklahama. Bobby appears after he just saw a dropship coming to land near Joseph Capelli's position. Bobby handed Shrapnel Grenades over to Capelli. Afterwards, Bobby teamed up with Lester, Capelli, Billy, Angus and a few other residents to form a defensive squad to hold back the Death Squads and allowing the townspeople to escape. Bobby continues to fight with the others, but is killed by a Brawler, crushing him with its fists.
  • Bobby is a Roman demigod or legacy whose godly heritage is unknown.
  • Bobby is a child living in Highpool. He has hidden his rabid dog, Rex, in the cave.
  • Bobby is a member of the Alco-Hogs. His name is a pun on bourbon.
  • Bobby is a friend of Nate. He was seen on June 2, 2013.
  • Bobby is a character that resembles Flapjack except with a unibrow and a tuxedo. His resemblance to Flapjack has proven unfortunate for him as like Mr. Henderson, he has gotten into trouble a lot. In "Lead 'Em and Weep", Flapjack and K'nuckles had given a man a wedgie, who was ready to beat them up and break their bones but Bubbie save them and put Bobby and Mr. Henderson in their places and they were beaten up and their bones were broken (offscreen) and Bobby and Mr. Henderson has never been seen since.
  • The four of them auditioned on October 25, 1985 for the Battle of the Bands at the Hill Valley High School gymnasium, playing a hard rock version of The Power of Love. They were rejected, as the head judge thought they were "just too darn loud".
  • Bobby was a child living as part of a community located on a private retreat alongside Mike, Jan, and several other people. When John Locke had arrived into the retreat one day, Bobby opened the gate for him and was rewarded with a bag of candy.
  • Bobby was a kid who lived at the commune where Locke lived in "Further Instructions". He appeared to know Locke because Locke said "hi" to him when he sat down for lunch.
  • Bobby is a NPC who appears during the Halloween events. He allows players to enter the Costume Brawl.
  • Bobby [Bagarre Costumée] est un personnage non joueur qui permet de parciciper à la Bagarre Costumée durant Halloween.
  • Bobby is a character appearing in Pokémon: BW Rival Destinies.
  • thumb|186px|BobbyBobbie ist ein Dikdik (afrikanische Zwergantilope). Er kommt nur in Madagascar 2 vor, als das Wasser ausgetrocknet ist. Makunga verwechselt ihn mit Charlie, der nirgendwo vorkommt.
  • Bobby – postać epizodyczna, występująca w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961. Jest właścicielem warsztatu opancerzającego samochody. Kategoria:Postacie w Grand Theft Auto: London, 1961
  • Bobby é uma criança que vive na comunidade onde Locke vivia em "Further Instructions". Bob abriu a porteira da comunidade para Locke e Eddie. Ele parece conhecer bastante Locke, por quê Locke disse "Oi" e também o mesmo deu doces para Bob.
  • Bobby est un enfant qui vit dans la même communauté que Locke. Il semble le connaître car Locke lui dit « salut » au moment de passer à table. (Embuscade)
  • Bobby is a Ridgeway student who appeared in iSaw Him First. Sam had set up a "kissing booth" in the Ridgeway hallway, which she claimed was for charity. In reality, she was trying to get Shane to kiss her so that she would be able to date him (per the agreement Sam had with Carly). However, Shane didn't have a dollar with him, so Sam told Bobby to lend him one. While Bobby was searching his pockets, the bell rang for class, and Shane had to leave. Bobby then said that he didn't have a dollar, and asked Sam what he could get for 50 cents. Sam said that she would spit on him. Bobby quickly said, "Deal," after which Sam said, "Get out of here!" and sprayed him with a water gun, sending him running. Bobby was played by Andrew Sibner. He had previously appeared on another Dan Schneider comedy, Zoey 101.
  • In March 1945, Bobby, along with Pete, and another member of the group had assembled at Connely's Inn, when Connely used a radio to contact Dieterhoffmann about the activities of one of the guests, Indiana Jones. When Connely received word to kill Jones, the three thugs tried to get him in his room, but Jones escaped with help from his assistant, Brendan O'Neal and a picture of Jesus Christ. Switching to chase Jones by car, Bobby drove a car, while his partner shot at O'Neal's fleeing vehicle. After Jones and O'Neal escaped on foot when their car was destroyed, Bobby suggested to turn the cars around when their target was spotted on a horse-drawn cart. As Jones and O'Neal neared the ferry, Jones began throwing bags off the cart, which Bobby attempted to dodge. While avoiding the sacks, he crashed into a construction pit. His partner in charge, and Pete, who drove another car, continued the chase on foot without Bobby. Several days later, Bobby sat on the stairs at Connely's Inn when the Blueshirts met up with Dieterhoffman, Kurt, Seigfried, and the other Nazis who had arrived to retrieve the Spear of Longinus. While Dieterhoffmann argued with his hostage, Rebecca Stein, Jones returned to the inn, slipped in from upstairs, and held a knife to Bobby on the stairs as his own hostage to trade for Rebecca. Not concerned about Bobby, Dieterhoffmann let Jones know he could kill Bobby if he liked. Connely disagreed with losing one of his men and Dieterhoffmann revealed that he cared nothing for Connely's cause, and ordered Kurt to get Jones. Jones pushed Bobby down the stairs at the burly Nazi, who then grabbed him and threw him off the side of the staircase to get towards his target. Bobby's head hit the ground first, killing him. With Bobby down, Pete attacked Kurt, who punched him out. Enraged over Bobby's death, Connely hit Kurt over the head with a stick, but then Dieterhoffmann shot Connely. In the confusion, Jones and Rebecca Stein escaped with Seigfried's part of the spear.
  • Bobby jest miłym chłopakiem. Zawsze wszystkim pomaga, nawet jak kogoś nie lubi. lubi: - pomagać nie lubi: - siedzieć bezczynnie Kategoria:Postacie Rakso100000
  • Bobby was a male Human Jedi Initiate studying with the Jedi Order during the final decade of the Galactic Republic.
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