  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • 1112
  • Le razze covenant aumentano di numero. Nel 1112 d.C. anche i Droni si uniscono all'alleanza, ma il loro ruolo è quello di operai o schiavi. I droni assomigliano a grandi insetti verdi che volano, essi utilizzano principalmente armi con scarsa potenza di fuoco come le pistole al plasma. Categoria:Cronologia
  • ヤンミー(ドローン)T.A.T 4 の種族がコヴナントに統合される。
  • The Yanme'e; a tier 4 civilization, were incorporated into the Covenant as a slave race.
  • Les Yanme'es sont intégrés aux Covenants en tant qu'esclaves.
  • En 1112 ocurren los siguientes hechos: * Los Yanme'e, una civilización del Nivel 4, son incorporados al Covenant como una raza esclava.
  • Alle sind überrascht, als ausgerechnet Vanessa mit einem Testament in Jennys Namen ihre Bereitschaft zur Mithilfe im Kampf gegen Axel signalisiert. Noch ahnt niemand, dass bei der Verkündung des Erbes auf einmal ein echtes Testament von Jenny auftaucht.Die letzte Nacht vor der Australien-Reise von Ingo steht an und Ingo plant, die Nacht mit Annette als besonderes Event im Imbiss zu verbringen. Trotz Skepsis seitens Annette lässt sie sich darauf ein. Doch ihr Gefühl soll ihr Recht geben, denn irgendwie schafft es Ingo mal wieder, dass alles schief läuft.Isabelle ist entschlossen, Ben an ihre gemeinsamen glücklichen Zeiten zu erinnern, damit er sich erneut in sie verliebt. Als dieser Plan jedoch scheitert, erkennt Isabelle, dass sie nur Bens Beschützerinstinkte wecken muss, damit sie ihm wie
  • Julia, now wearing proper 19th-century clothing, decides not to go to Collinwood to introduce herself, and instead goes to the mausoleum. She puts her head close to Barnabas' coffin and tries to get a sign from him. Julia is unable to resist and decides to break open Barnabas' coffin with a large rock. Meanwhile, Samantha is walking through the woods when she feels as if she is being followed. Barnabas appears close by and Samantha screams. The next morning, Julia meets with Ben in the foyer and they agree they must chain Barnabas back in his coffin.
  • 1112
  • 1970-09-22
  • 1097
  • 1840
  • 1970-09-29
  • 1112
  • Le razze covenant aumentano di numero. Nel 1112 d.C. anche i Droni si uniscono all'alleanza, ma il loro ruolo è quello di operai o schiavi. I droni assomigliano a grandi insetti verdi che volano, essi utilizzano principalmente armi con scarsa potenza di fuoco come le pistole al plasma. Categoria:Cronologia
  • Alle sind überrascht, als ausgerechnet Vanessa mit einem Testament in Jennys Namen ihre Bereitschaft zur Mithilfe im Kampf gegen Axel signalisiert. Noch ahnt niemand, dass bei der Verkündung des Erbes auf einmal ein echtes Testament von Jenny auftaucht.Die letzte Nacht vor der Australien-Reise von Ingo steht an und Ingo plant, die Nacht mit Annette als besonderes Event im Imbiss zu verbringen. Trotz Skepsis seitens Annette lässt sie sich darauf ein. Doch ihr Gefühl soll ihr Recht geben, denn irgendwie schafft es Ingo mal wieder, dass alles schief läuft.Isabelle ist entschlossen, Ben an ihre gemeinsamen glücklichen Zeiten zu erinnern, damit er sich erneut in sie verliebt. Als dieser Plan jedoch scheitert, erkennt Isabelle, dass sie nur Bens Beschützerinstinkte wecken muss, damit sie ihm wieder nahe sein kann. Und diesmal scheint sie Erfolg zu haben.
  • ヤンミー(ドローン)T.A.T 4 の種族がコヴナントに統合される。
  • The Yanme'e; a tier 4 civilization, were incorporated into the Covenant as a slave race.
  • Les Yanme'es sont intégrés aux Covenants en tant qu'esclaves.
  • En 1112 ocurren los siguientes hechos: * Los Yanme'e, una civilización del Nivel 4, son incorporados al Covenant como una raza esclava.
  • Julia, now wearing proper 19th-century clothing, decides not to go to Collinwood to introduce herself, and instead goes to the mausoleum. She puts her head close to Barnabas' coffin and tries to get a sign from him. Julia is unable to resist and decides to break open Barnabas' coffin with a large rock. At Collinwood, Gabriel continues to investigate the earring he found before Gerard walks into the drawing room. Gabriel informs him he is to go to Rose Cottage once he finishes reading Flora's new book, which Gerard apparently finds fascinating. The two argue for a moment before Gabriel decides he believes Gerard does have some powers, and brings up the topic of the earring. Gabriel tells him he found the earring in the playroom, and they wonder who it belongs to. In the mausoleum, Julia removes the chains from Barnabas' coffin and nervously opens it. Barnabas opens his eyes and stares at her momentarily, but he doesn't recognize her and tries to strangle her. She is saved by Ben, and Barnabas is shocked at his appearance. He asks how long he has been in the coffin and Ben tells him it's 1840, roughly 45 years since he was chained up by his father. He again goes after Julia, but Ben convinces him to let her go, and she runs out of the mausoleum. Barnabas wonders if anyone from the late 18th century is still alive, and where his father is. Ben informs him that Joshua has been dead for "many years" and Daniel is now an old man, also dying, and they are the only two left from his mortal life. Ben explains that Julia claims to know him in the future, but Barnabas scoffs at the story. He tries to convince Barnabas to get back in his coffin, but he refuses and runs out. After he leaves, Julia returns to the mausoleum. She fears that if Barnabas is caught, then Barnabas in 1970 will cease to exist. Ben tells her she must go to Collinwood and introduce herself, so they can prepare for Barnabas' inevitable arrival as well. Meanwhile, Samantha is walking through the woods when she feels as if she is being followed. Barnabas appears close by and Samantha screams. In the drawing room, Gerard examines a small statue when he hears Samantha rushing in through the front door. She claims that she saw a strange man in the woods who chased her. Gabriel shows up and makes fun of her, but Gerard believes her story and decides to go search the grounds. Gabriel says it's not worth his time because there are police all around the estate: apparently a woman has been attacked on a road near the cemetery, drained almost completely of her blood. Samantha leaves for a moment and Gerard and Gabriel continue to bicker at one another over what "use" Gabriel has for Gerard. Samantha returns and wants to leave Collinwood for the night, but there is a knock on the door. Samantha opens it and finds Julia, who immediately notices Gerard and is frightened by him, but she calms herself down and introduces herself as "Julia Collins." Julia formally meets Samantha, Gabriel and Gerard, however Gerard is clearly suspicious of her. She asks if "her brother" Barnabas has arrived yet, but they are clueless as to who she is talking about. Julia explains that she and Barnabas are the children of the Barnabas who lived at Collinwood in the late 18th century. She has been living in Pennsylvania for the past several years, but Barnabas remained in England and is soon coming to America. Ben arrives and helps Julia along with her story, but Gerard nearly catches her in a lie when talking about Barnabas. Gerard decides to go to the village to pick up Julia's luggage, but not before he shares a drink with the rest of the family in welcoming her to Collinwood. The next morning, Julia meets with Ben in the foyer and they agree they must chain Barnabas back in his coffin. Julia and Ben arrive at the mausoleum and find Barnabas' coffin is gone. Back at Collinwood, Gerard has found the matching earring in Julia's bedroom, making him even more suspicious. When Julia returns to Collinwood, he asks her many questions about when she arrived in town and her life in Pennsylvania. Julia struggles with his questions before he finally starts talking about the earring. He shows it to her, much to her surprise, but she only mentions the unusual design of it. Gerard calls her bluff and demands to know what she wants at Collinwood.
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