  • AFK
  • Afk
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • AFK
  • Afk
  • Afk
  • Away From Keyboard
  • AFK is an abbreviation that stands for "Away From Keyboard". The term is used if a player is away/going away from his/her computer to do something else (bathroom break, going for lunch, taking out the trash, etc.)
  • Unless a continuous emote is used (like glare), the pirate will slump down and use the sleep emote, and the letters AFK will appear in gray above their head. A pirate can get out of being AFK by moving around or clicking the screen. Being AFK can be dangerous if you are around enemies, because you run the risk of them moving and attacking you. It can also be dangeous during the Halloween Event because the moon might become full and you will be attacked by other pirates.
  • away from keyboard = ich bin gerade nicht am Computer Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Аббревиатура от Away From Keyboard. Означает Далеко от клавиатуры или компьютера. Применяется для обозначения, что игрок отошел от компьютера и стоит его подождать. Категория:Сокращения
  • Away from keyboard. This term is typically used when one will be unresponsive for an extended period of time. In contrast to the acronym, BRB where the user indicates that they will return shortly, the acronym AFK is used when the user will be away from the computer, or otherwise will not be responding for several minutes.
  • AFK is Internet slang, which means "Away From Keyboard", i.e., the player has stepped away from their computer.
  • AFK is leetspeak for "Away From Keyboard."
  • Acronym of Away From Keyboard
  • Away from Keyboard. Bin nicht am Computer.
  • From: DanielleP23 on Twitter
  • Es cuando un player deja su char en tibia sin hacer nada.
  • Abbreviation for the phrase "Away From Keyboard". Used to indicate that the player has their character logged-in, but they will not be at their computer to respond to anything that happens in Tibia. Sometimes a person will say "BRB" ("Be Right Back") to indicate that they are stepping away from their computer for a short amount of time.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Skrót AFK pochodzi z języka angielskiego i oznacza "away from keybord". Oznacza to, że osoba zawiadamiająca o swoim AFK odchodzi na jakiś czas od komputera. Kategoria:Słownik
  • AFK = Away From Keyboard Often seen in chat or as the name of a shop to indicate that the player is not nearby to respond to messages.
  • Afk (Away From Keyboard/Lejos de teclado) es un término que se usa en partidas online y significa que un jugador está ausente, está lejos del ordenador o el teclado o simplemente que no está disponible. Debido al aumento de juegos online, el término se ha masificado considerablemente. Categoría:Warcraft II Categoría:Warcraft III Categoría:Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
  • thumb|left|372px|Skriv !afk på för att bli AFK! Om du måste gå iväg från datorn är det bra att kunna visa andra att du inte är där. Du gör det genom att bli AFK. Hur blir man det då? Jo, du skriver "!afk på" för att starta det, och "!afk av" för att stänga av det. När du startat det ser det ut som om din hund sover. När du är AFK kan du fortfarande bli skadad och attackerad. Det är därför det är en bra idé att bli AFK på ett säkert ställe. De bästa platserna för dig att bli AFK är i din hundkoja och i templet där inget ont kan hända dig.
  • AFK is dead for the moment, for we decided to uh.. SCATTER TO THE WINDS. You can find the main core of AFK members in the new guild, Canard. It also consists of Kaze members. PM any one of us if you ever like what you see of it~!
  • AFK, acronyme anglais de away from keyboard (loin du clavier), désigne le fait qu'un joueur ne soit plus devant son ordinateur ou occupé, donc indisponible.
  • AFK-away from keyboard. This is often used like brb to say that you are not at your computer,the term AFK is used like an adjective (to be away from keyboard). Sometimes in irc environments this can be used for a prolonged amount of time.
  • Away From Keyboard. Commonly used abbreviation in online games to tell other players that one is away for a while.
  • AFK means "Away From Keyboard", and is generally said in a game or chat, to let others know that they may not see any comments directed to them. Many times, it also means that the person is going to take a while before returning, however in some cases, it is used for a short time absence when the term "BRB" could have been used as well.
  • The zZz symbol does not necessarily mean that a character is AFK, however. Some players may choose to appear AFK if not desiring to interact with others. Bad computer freezes can result in a player being unable to access the game, even though that player's character may still be logged in. This may result in Death. In a few cases of deaths caused by widespread freezing, Game Masters have helped players to recover their possessions.
  • AFK means Away From Keyboard and is a frequently used acronym in MMOs and other games.
  • AFK to akronim od angielskiego terminu :Away From Keyboard", który oznacza, że dany użytkownik nie jest teraz przy komputerze. Komenda /afk istnieje, by można było dać znać innym, że obecnie jest się AFK. Imię postaci będzie wtedy wyświetlane w formie Imię, a każdy kto wyśle do takiej postaci wiadomość, otrzyma automatyczne powiadomienie o tym stanie. Użytkownik wpisujący komendę /afk może również ustawić jej opis, w kodzie wpisując go po spacji. Przykład: Osoba A mówi: /afk eating food. Osoba B mówi: /w A Hello. Osoba B otrzymuje: A is Away from Keyboard: eating food.
  • AFK is an acronym for Away From Keyboard, meaning a user is not at their computer. An /afk command also exists which lets users who message you know that you are AFK.WoWBCG 2 The name of the character will show up as Name, and an auto-response will be sent to anyone who sends the flagged user a tell. A message can also be typed after /afk which will be included in the auto-reply. Auto responses will also be sent for ready checks. Example: Person A says: /afk eating food. Person B says: /w A Hello. Person B receives: A is Away from Keyboard: eating food
  • AFK è un acronimo che sta per Away From Keyboard (lontano dalla tastiera), e indica che un giocatore non è davanti al computer. Si entra nello stato AFk digitando /afk nella chat del gioco, e un messaggio automatico viene inviato per chiunque wispi al personaggio AFK. Nello stato afk la tag compare nel nome del personaggio. Prima di premere invio ed entrare in AFK si può digitare il proprio messaggio automatico che viene inviato agli altri. Nel caso di Ready Check viene mandato un messaggio automatico a chi ha inviato il check avvisandolo dello stato del giocatore AFK. B say: /w A Ciao :)
  • Away from keyboard, azaz távol a billentyűzettől, a kifejezés azt jelenti, hogy a felhasználó épp nem tartózkodik a gépnél. A /afk parancs segítségével bárki AFK jelzéssel láthatja el magát. Ekkor a karakter neve az Név formátumban jelenik meg, illetve bárki, aki üzenetet küld az adott karakternek, automatikus választ kap. A /afk parancs után megadható egy rövid üzenet is, amely az automatikus válasz része lesz. Az automatikus válaszokat ready checkkek esetén is küldi a játék. Person A says: /afk vacsorázok Person B says: /w A Hello. Person B receives: A is Away from Keyboard: vacsorázok
  • Torras
  • 18
  • rushu
  • 2
  • y
  • Away From Keyboard
  • AFK is an abbreviation that stands for "Away From Keyboard". The term is used if a player is away/going away from his/her computer to do something else (bathroom break, going for lunch, taking out the trash, etc.)
  • Unless a continuous emote is used (like glare), the pirate will slump down and use the sleep emote, and the letters AFK will appear in gray above their head. A pirate can get out of being AFK by moving around or clicking the screen. Being AFK can be dangerous if you are around enemies, because you run the risk of them moving and attacking you. It can also be dangeous during the Halloween Event because the moon might become full and you will be attacked by other pirates.
  • AFK è un acronimo che sta per Away From Keyboard (lontano dalla tastiera), e indica che un giocatore non è davanti al computer. Si entra nello stato AFk digitando /afk nella chat del gioco, e un messaggio automatico viene inviato per chiunque wispi al personaggio AFK. Nello stato afk la tag compare nel nome del personaggio. Prima di premere invio ed entrare in AFK si può digitare il proprio messaggio automatico che viene inviato agli altri. Nel caso di Ready Check viene mandato un messaggio automatico a chi ha inviato il check avvisandolo dello stato del giocatore AFK. A say: /afk sono andato un attimo di là B say: /w A Ciao :) B riceve: A is Away From Keyboard: sono andato un attimo di là Andare AFK in un server PvP non è molto consigliato, perché si dà l'opportunità a chiunque passi di compiere una facile kill.
  • away from keyboard = ich bin gerade nicht am Computer Kategorie:Begriffsklärung Kategorie:Abkürzungen
  • Аббревиатура от Away From Keyboard. Означает Далеко от клавиатуры или компьютера. Применяется для обозначения, что игрок отошел от компьютера и стоит его подождать. Категория:Сокращения
  • Away from keyboard. This term is typically used when one will be unresponsive for an extended period of time. In contrast to the acronym, BRB where the user indicates that they will return shortly, the acronym AFK is used when the user will be away from the computer, or otherwise will not be responding for several minutes.
  • AFK is Internet slang, which means "Away From Keyboard", i.e., the player has stepped away from their computer.
  • AFK is leetspeak for "Away From Keyboard."
  • Acronym of Away From Keyboard
  • Away from Keyboard. Bin nicht am Computer.
  • AFK is an acronym for Away From Keyboard, meaning a user is not at their computer. An /afk command also exists which lets users who message you know that you are AFK.WoWBCG 2 The name of the character will show up as Name, and an auto-response will be sent to anyone who sends the flagged user a tell. A message can also be typed after /afk which will be included in the auto-reply. Auto responses will also be sent for ready checks. Typing /afk while in a battleground makes you leave that battleground. However, doing so will give the player the Deserter debuff, which prevents joining a battleground for 15 minutes. Example: Person A says: /afk eating food. Person B says: /w A Hello. Person B receives: A is Away from Keyboard: eating food Image:Questionmark.png What do you call AFK people on a PvP server? - A Free Kill.
  • From: DanielleP23 on Twitter
  • Es cuando un player deja su char en tibia sin hacer nada.
  • Abbreviation for the phrase "Away From Keyboard". Used to indicate that the player has their character logged-in, but they will not be at their computer to respond to anything that happens in Tibia. Sometimes a person will say "BRB" ("Be Right Back") to indicate that they are stepping away from their computer for a short amount of time.
  • __NOEDITSECTION__ Skrót AFK pochodzi z języka angielskiego i oznacza "away from keybord". Oznacza to, że osoba zawiadamiająca o swoim AFK odchodzi na jakiś czas od komputera. Kategoria:Słownik
  • AFK to akronim od angielskiego terminu :Away From Keyboard", który oznacza, że dany użytkownik nie jest teraz przy komputerze. Komenda /afk istnieje, by można było dać znać innym, że obecnie jest się AFK. Imię postaci będzie wtedy wyświetlane w formie Imię, a każdy kto wyśle do takiej postaci wiadomość, otrzyma automatyczne powiadomienie o tym stanie. Użycie komendy /afk podczas gry na polu bitewnym spowoduje automatyczne jego opuszczenie. Warto pamiętać, że użytkownik wychodzący z pola bitewnego przed zakończeniem walki otrzyma osłabienie Dezerter, które nie pozwoli mu na wejście na jakiekolwiek inne pole bitewne w ciągu najbliższych 15 minut. Użytkownik wpisujący komendę /afk może również ustawić jej opis, w kodzie wpisując go po spacji. Przykład: Osoba A mówi: /afk eating food. Osoba B mówi: /w A Hello. Osoba B otrzymuje: A is Away from Keyboard: eating food. Termin AFK na serwerach PvP oznacza: "A Free Kill".
  • AFK = Away From Keyboard Often seen in chat or as the name of a shop to indicate that the player is not nearby to respond to messages.
  • Away from keyboard, azaz távol a billentyűzettől, a kifejezés azt jelenti, hogy a felhasználó épp nem tartózkodik a gépnél. A /afk parancs segítségével bárki AFK jelzéssel láthatja el magát. Ekkor a karakter neve az Név formátumban jelenik meg, illetve bárki, aki üzenetet küld az adott karakternek, automatikus választ kap. A /afk parancs után megadható egy rövid üzenet is, amely az automatikus válasz része lesz. Az automatikus válaszokat ready checkkek esetén is küldi a játék. A /afk parancs begépelése egy battlegroundon kiléptet onnan. Ekkor a játékos egy "Deserter" nevű debuffot kap, ami miatt 15 percig nem léphet be egy battlegroundra sem. Általában ez nem jelent gondot, hiszen az emberek ok nélkül nem használják bg közben a /afk parancsot. Person A says: /afk vacsorázok Person B says: /w A Hello. Person B receives: A is Away from Keyboard: vacsorázok
  • Afk (Away From Keyboard/Lejos de teclado) es un término que se usa en partidas online y significa que un jugador está ausente, está lejos del ordenador o el teclado o simplemente que no está disponible. Debido al aumento de juegos online, el término se ha masificado considerablemente. Categoría:Warcraft II Categoría:Warcraft III Categoría:Warcraft: Orcs & Humans
  • thumb|left|372px|Skriv !afk på för att bli AFK! Om du måste gå iväg från datorn är det bra att kunna visa andra att du inte är där. Du gör det genom att bli AFK. Hur blir man det då? Jo, du skriver "!afk på" för att starta det, och "!afk av" för att stänga av det. När du startat det ser det ut som om din hund sover. När du är AFK kan du fortfarande bli skadad och attackerad. Det är därför det är en bra idé att bli AFK på ett säkert ställe. De bästa platserna för dig att bli AFK är i din hundkoja och i templet där inget ont kan hända dig.
  • AFK is dead for the moment, for we decided to uh.. SCATTER TO THE WINDS. You can find the main core of AFK members in the new guild, Canard. It also consists of Kaze members. PM any one of us if you ever like what you see of it~!
  • AFK, acronyme anglais de away from keyboard (loin du clavier), désigne le fait qu'un joueur ne soit plus devant son ordinateur ou occupé, donc indisponible.
  • AFK-away from keyboard. This is often used like brb to say that you are not at your computer,the term AFK is used like an adjective (to be away from keyboard). Sometimes in irc environments this can be used for a prolonged amount of time.
  • Away From Keyboard. Commonly used abbreviation in online games to tell other players that one is away for a while.
  • AFK means "Away From Keyboard", and is generally said in a game or chat, to let others know that they may not see any comments directed to them. Many times, it also means that the person is going to take a while before returning, however in some cases, it is used for a short time absence when the term "BRB" could have been used as well.
  • The zZz symbol does not necessarily mean that a character is AFK, however. Some players may choose to appear AFK if not desiring to interact with others. Bad computer freezes can result in a player being unable to access the game, even though that player's character may still be logged in. This may result in Death. In a few cases of deaths caused by widespread freezing, Game Masters have helped players to recover their possessions.
  • AFK means Away From Keyboard and is a frequently used acronym in MMOs and other games.