  • Nurse (Episode 8403)
  • The unnamed Nurse attended on Carla Barlow when she miscarried her baby in June 2014. Although Carla was initially unhappy to be pregnant, she was devastated at the loss. She therefore told the nurse that she didn't want to see a visitor she was about to show in but when she heard the voice of Roy Cropper she instantly changed her mind and insisted on seeing him, managing a smile on her face to greet him.
Number of Appearances
  • 1
First Appearance
  • 2014-06-06
Character Name
  • Nurse
Played By
  • The unnamed Nurse attended on Carla Barlow when she miscarried her baby in June 2014. Although Carla was initially unhappy to be pregnant, she was devastated at the loss. She therefore told the nurse that she didn't want to see a visitor she was about to show in but when she heard the voice of Roy Cropper she instantly changed her mind and insisted on seeing him, managing a smile on her face to greet him.