  • Zakdorn
  • Zakdorn
  • Zakdorn
  • The Zakdorn was a humanoid civilization, natives of the planet Zakdorn in the Zakdorn system.
  • Les Zakdorns étaient des humanoïdes avec de larges rides sur les joues.
  • The Zakdorn were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets. They were characterized by three pouches of thick, fibrous tissue on both of their cheeks. For nine millennia, they were regarded by potential foes as having the greatest innately strategic minds in the galaxy. Because of this perception, no one has tested the Zakdorn in combat, prompting Worf to dismissively note that "the reputation means nothing." As a people, the Zakdorn were generally replete with self-assuredness and overconfidence.
  • thumb|Sirna Kolrami, ein männlicher Zakdorn Die Zakdorn sind eine humanoide Spezies und Mitglied der Föderation. Sie sind von Natur aus sehr begabte Strategen und halten sich in diesen Belangen den meisten anderen Spezies für überlegen. (TNG: ) 2366 nehmen die Zakdorn an der Handelskonferenz auf Betazed teil. (TNG: ) Die Zakdorn verwalten zudem das Schiffsdepot Z15 im Orbit von Qualor II. (TNG: ) Auf der von der Föderation geleiteten bajoranischen Station Deep Space 9 sind in den 2370ern des Öfteren Zakdorn zu sehen. ([[]])
Species Name
  • Zakdorn
  • Sirna Kolrami, a Zakdorn male
  • United Federation of Planets
Distinctive Features
  • facial skin folds
  • male, female
  • The Zakdorn was a humanoid civilization, natives of the planet Zakdorn in the Zakdorn system.
  • Les Zakdorns étaient des humanoïdes avec de larges rides sur les joues.
  • The Zakdorn were a sentient, humanoid species, whose homeworld was a member of the United Federation of Planets. They were characterized by three pouches of thick, fibrous tissue on both of their cheeks. For nine millennia, they were regarded by potential foes as having the greatest innately strategic minds in the galaxy. Because of this perception, no one has tested the Zakdorn in combat, prompting Worf to dismissively note that "the reputation means nothing." As a people, the Zakdorn were generally replete with self-assuredness and overconfidence. In 2365, the master strategist Sirna Kolrami visited the USS Enterprise-D to serve as observer and mediator during a war games exercise in the Braslota system. (TNG: "Peak Performance" ) They were one of the many species that attended the biennial Trade Agreements Conference held on Betazed in 2366. (TNG: "Ménage à Troi" ) As of 2368, the Zakdorn operated the Starfleet Surplus Depot Z15 in orbit of Qualor II. (TNG: "Unification I" ) According to a line cut from DS9: "The Maquis, Part II", Benjamin Sisko and Calvin Hudson were persuaded by Curzon Dax to play a game of dom-jot against two Zakdorn on Pelios Station. The Zakdorn were triumphant and Curzon revealed he had placed a bet on their victory. According to the script for "Peak Performance", Zakdorn was pronounced as "ZACK-dorn". According to Star Trek: Star Charts ("United Federation of Planets II") and Stellar Cartography: The Starfleet Reference Library ("Federation Historical Highlights, 2161-2385"), there was a star system named Zakdorn, which might possibly be the system of origin for this species, in the Beta Quadrant. This was a binary system with a M-class star and K-class star.
  • thumb|Sirna Kolrami, ein männlicher Zakdorn Die Zakdorn sind eine humanoide Spezies und Mitglied der Föderation. Sie sind von Natur aus sehr begabte Strategen und halten sich in diesen Belangen den meisten anderen Spezies für überlegen. (TNG: ) 2366 nehmen die Zakdorn an der Handelskonferenz auf Betazed teil. (TNG: ) Die Zakdorn verwalten zudem das Schiffsdepot Z15 im Orbit von Qualor II. (TNG: ) Auf der von der Föderation geleiteten bajoranischen Station Deep Space 9 sind in den 2370ern des Öfteren Zakdorn zu sehen. ([[]]) Man sieht sie nur im Hintergrund und sie werden nie explizit als Zakdorn bezeichnet, aber ihr Aussehen lässt das stark vermuten, z.b. in DS9: , , .
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