  • Monitor Station
  • Monitor Station is a room in Magmoor Caverns in Metroid Prime. It is large platform over a lake of lava, the focus being a central station constructed by the Space Pirates. This station has multiple levels, and ledges around the room lead up, providing access to higher doors. On the walls are several Red magma crystals. Closer to the lava, there are several Immersion pistons that channel geothermal energy from the lava, which they dip into at regular intervals. A Secret World can be found in this room: [1].
  • Puffers, Auto Defense Turrets, Flying Pirates
  • Access to Warrior Shrine, several other areas
  • Metroid Prime
  • Monitor Station
  • The station's exterior, located in the middle of the room.
Notable features
  • Immersion pistons, computer screens, Spinner controlling a bridge, Red magma crystals
  • Monitor Station is a room in Magmoor Caverns in Metroid Prime. It is large platform over a lake of lava, the focus being a central station constructed by the Space Pirates. This station has multiple levels, and ledges around the room lead up, providing access to higher doors. On the walls are several Red magma crystals. Closer to the lava, there are several Immersion pistons that channel geothermal energy from the lava, which they dip into at regular intervals. To access the highest door, Samus must cross through the lowest level of the station, climb platforms on the far side of the room, then jump back to the station's next level. From here, a bridge leads out, and the Space Jump Boots can be used to jump to the bridge above it. On top of the station, a spinner moves another bridge into place, which leads to the door to Warrior Shrine. A Secret World can be found in this room: [1].