  • Puppeteer
  • Puppeteer
  • The Puppeteer originally known as the Puppet Master, is a DC Comics supervillain.
  • Puppeteer is an Occupation normally listed under Other Crew. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Special Effects or Visual Effects.
  • The Puppeteer was a supervillain who joined the Legion of Doom.
  • The Puppeteers are one of the 13 Major Guilds that exist in Stygia. Puppeteers practice the Arcanos of Puppetry.
  • Info Coming Soon!
  • A puppeteer is someone who controls and operates and puppet. That puppeteer can range from many different puppets, such as Marionettes. The performer most likely stands from above and performs the characters. A ventriloquist performers his or her puppet right beside them. And for some puppet shows they use arm rod and glove puppets and perform them from under using a curtain or staying out of the camera angle so you can not see them. Some famous puppeteers are known world wide such as Jim Henson, Edger Bergan, Shari Lewis and many others.
  • Puppeteer is the 2013 video game.
  • iyg kb hj
  • This little critter looks like the other carriers, the only difference is the longer legs, and long sagging abdomen. They are usually accompanied by regular Carriers that mostly infect the living. puppet masters have a tendency to infect the dead.There is usually ten in each room that has carriers, no counting the ones already in hosts.
  • Jordan Weir first appeared as a villain to Green Lantern. His shtick was a "hyptno-ray" which allowed him to control most individuals that came under its sway. Jordan was defeated by Green Lantern, and except for an appearance working for Doctor Destiny plaguing the Justice League, wasn't seen for several years until resurfacing as a hired gun for the villainous organization, the H.I.V.E., who hired him to eliminate the Titans. Though he was able to successfully able to control Wonder Girl, Starfire, Cyborg and Kid Flash simultaneously, the remaining Titans ( Robin, Raven and Beast Boy (then called Changeling)), were able to free their comrades and track down and imprison the Puppeteer.
  • Jordan Weir was a scientist who created a "hypno-ray" with which he could use to force his victims to obey his commands. As the Puppet Master, he embarked on a crime spree, manipulating minor criminals to do his dirty work for him. When Green Lantern interfered, Weir managed to take control of him as well, but was finally defeated. He was later, as the Puppeteer, a H.I.V.E. member and Teen Titans enemy. He has also used robot puppets.
  • Puppeteer is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.
  • In recent weeks I have begun to remember the details of my brother’s death. I was only seven years old when it happened, and I never truly remembered it, till now. I guess I should tell you about the days preceding the killing, or at least the unusual things. My brother and I were a good thirteen years apart in age, don’t ask. And our parents were getting a divorce so I lived with him so either way I wasn’t pulled to one side or the other. My sister, or my late brother’s girlfriend, died peacefully. Her last words were, “Thank you for bringing him and me both to heaven.”
  • Der Gong der Klingel hallte drei Mal durch den großen Saal. Das Licht wurde gedämpft und er konnte das leise Tuscheln der Menschen hören, die im Publikum saßen. Er grinste, gleich begann seine Show! Der Vorhang öffnete sich und das Licht der Scheinwerfer erleuchtete die Mitte der Bühne. Er atmete noch einmal tief durch, bevor er aus dem Dunkeln trat und das helle Licht ihn empfing. "Willkommen willkommen, meine Damen und Herren!" , er begrüßte seine Gäste mit einer einladenden Handbewegung. Werd mit dir spielen, keiner von vielen, zieh ich an Fäden, führe dich vor.
  • Alan Hale, the Puppeteer, took his super hero name from his profession, which was that of a puppet maker. He transforms into the Puppeteer whenever Raven, his talking bald eagle (however everyone including Raven refers to him as a raven), plays Beethoven's Fifth Symphony on a magic pipe organ in the back of Alan's puppet shop. His powers include super strength and flight by way of red, white, and blue "v-beams." He has also been called Captain V and has a similar costume to earlier hero V-Man.
  • 160
  • 425
Row 4 info
  • Alec Hope
Magic Defense
  • 359
Battle Start
  • Time to play, everyone!
Loot Tier
  • 6
  • 6650
  • 7315
skill lv
  • All allies' ATK 300% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 300% up / 20% chance
Row 1 info
  • Alan Hale
  • 9000
  • True
Row 4 title
  • Created by
Magic Attack
  • 445
  • 400
  • 0
Row 2 info
  • *All Top Comics #1 *Rocket Kelly #2
Row 1 title
  • Real Name
  • 1
  • 9000
Missile Attack
  • --
Row 2 title
  • First Appearance
  • 6550
  • 7205
friendship max
  • Treat him like you would me.
  • You can have this little guy.
  • 350
friendship event
  • Please stay with us forever.
  • They all just love you.
  • You're my first friend who's
  • not a puppet.
battle end
  • Sorry, everyone...
Row 3 info
  • Fox Features
  • UR
Row 3 title
  • Original Publisher
Patch Introduced
  • Hee hee, everyone's so happy
  • that you've returned.
Box Title
  • The Puppeteer
  • Dark
  • 500
  • Dragon Quest VIIIVIII
  • Puppeteer
Character Name
  • Puppeteer
  • #b36006
  • Everyone, this is our new
  • friend. Go on, say hello.
  • 325
  • Human
  • 6500
  • 7150
  • 1500000
  • Puppet Master
Image size
  • 210
  • Marionette
  • #baa969
Real Name
  • Jordan Weir
  • This puppeteer puts part of her soul into all of her puppets, making them even more lifelike.
  • Slash
  • 66
  • 79
  • Don't be afraid. They're all
  • my very special friends.
  • Bludgeon, Pierce, Slash
  • Humanoid
  • 400
  • 9000
wikipage disambiguates
atk g
  • 10087
cost g
  • 87
def g
  • 10010
skill g lv
  • All allies' ATK 400% up / 15% chance
  • All allies' ATK 400% up / 20% chance
soldiers g
  • 9510
Melee Attack
  • 565
Melee Defense
  • 605
  • The Puppeteer originally known as the Puppet Master, is a DC Comics supervillain.
  • Puppeteer is an Occupation normally listed under Other Crew. If the credits directly indicate it, then it might also be listed under Special Effects or Visual Effects.
  • The Puppeteer was a supervillain who joined the Legion of Doom.
  • The Puppeteers are one of the 13 Major Guilds that exist in Stygia. Puppeteers practice the Arcanos of Puppetry.
  • Info Coming Soon!
  • A puppeteer is someone who controls and operates and puppet. That puppeteer can range from many different puppets, such as Marionettes. The performer most likely stands from above and performs the characters. A ventriloquist performers his or her puppet right beside them. And for some puppet shows they use arm rod and glove puppets and perform them from under using a curtain or staying out of the camera angle so you can not see them. Some famous puppeteers are known world wide such as Jim Henson, Edger Bergan, Shari Lewis and many others.
  • Puppeteer is the 2013 video game.
  • iyg kb hj
  • Alan Hale, the Puppeteer, took his super hero name from his profession, which was that of a puppet maker. He transforms into the Puppeteer whenever Raven, his talking bald eagle (however everyone including Raven refers to him as a raven), plays Beethoven's Fifth Symphony on a magic pipe organ in the back of Alan's puppet shop. His powers include super strength and flight by way of red, white, and blue "v-beams." He has also been called Captain V and has a similar costume to earlier hero V-Man. In his first adventure as Captain V (written as Capt. V throughout), he battles the cunning devices of the Royal Family of Crime.
  • In recent weeks I have begun to remember the details of my brother’s death. I was only seven years old when it happened, and I never truly remembered it, till now. I guess I should tell you about the days preceding the killing, or at least the unusual things. My brother and I were a good thirteen years apart in age, don’t ask. And our parents were getting a divorce so I lived with him so either way I wasn’t pulled to one side or the other. The judge wanted the most impartial decision I could give, so that’s why I lived with my brother in the weeks before his death. His girlfriend was pregnant then, and she thought of me as practice for being a good mother, so of course, she was a tad clingy but I loved the attention I was getting. I slept in what was going to be the nursery and then I simply passed the thought, but now I’m thinking that what I saw those nights were a… premonition of sorts to what was yet to come. Every night, like clockwork I’d see a tall, ominous shadow pass over the window. I never saw a face, or any real details at all, just the shadow. I can only describe it as tall, thin, and wearing a top hat, like Abraham Lincoln wore, actually just like he wore. Sometimes I would hear laughing, like a deep voice, far deeper than my brother’s laugh. Other times I would hear sounds like muffled screams, but I’d cover my head with my blanket and plug my ears, eventually I’d fall asleep. I never told my brother about it, but once I told his girlfriend, she passed it off as a nightmare. I recently looked at some of my better drawings and one consistent thing in them was the shadow, most of the time the shadow appeared as much, but not as its own essence, but as the main object’s shadow, except for one time. It was during the time period I was writing this, I woke up at my drawing table with an art piece finished. It was him. The dream, or memory, of the night I drew it was the first time I saw the shadow’s face. I can only call him by one name, Puppeteer. The night is still a blur but I do remember for the first time since I saw the shadow, he stopped at my window. I guess I can’t trust this memory because I was seven and it’s been years, but still. I now remember the shadow disappearing then appearing above me. Puppeteer was bent down because he was so tall, his face was like a mask, yet I touched his face and it felt like skin. I knew it wasn’t makeup, it was his skin. His face looked like large scales, except for his mouth, which was like a nutcracker’s. One eye showed past the dark blue scales, it danced with insanity, yet with hurt and sorrow as well. He didn’t hurt me, in fact I don’t recall being scared at all, he spoke a language I couldn’t quite make out but as soon as he understood I didn’t know the language he disappeared. The next time I saw him was when he killed my brother. I didn’t even see the shadows after that night. But I remember that night now like it was yesterday. I finally saw Puppeteer’s shadow, so I ran into my brother’s room. Puppeteer was standing over him, bent at the waist with his nutcracker mouth sucking a black essence from my brother. That was how my brother died. Now and then since I recovered my memories I have seen Puppeteer on occasion, always before the death of a murderer. I know he did something to me, because my nephew, Jason, is nearly ninety, and yet, I am younger than one of his great-grandchildren. I stopped aging once I hit the age of twenty; I never am bothered by this, since I only wanted knowledge, not love or money. Jason told his children, and their children, and their children, about Puppeteer, he has become the symbol of my family. Whether it is a good symbol or bad, I know not of yet, but I do believe it is good. No one in my family since my brother’s death has ever had bad deaths, they have all died peacefully. My sister, or my late brother’s girlfriend, died peacefully. Her last words were, “Thank you for bringing him and me both to heaven.” Then she died. I can only imagine that out of guilt Puppeteer took my brother’s soul to heaven. I saw him once, fifty years ago, Puppeteer came to in the dead of night and spoke a phrase and disappeared, “I knocked on Death’s door, I wish he answered.”
  • This little critter looks like the other carriers, the only difference is the longer legs, and long sagging abdomen. They are usually accompanied by regular Carriers that mostly infect the living. puppet masters have a tendency to infect the dead.There is usually ten in each room that has carriers, no counting the ones already in hosts.
  • Der Gong der Klingel hallte drei Mal durch den großen Saal. Das Licht wurde gedämpft und er konnte das leise Tuscheln der Menschen hören, die im Publikum saßen. Er grinste, gleich begann seine Show! Der Vorhang öffnete sich und das Licht der Scheinwerfer erleuchtete die Mitte der Bühne. Er atmete noch einmal tief durch, bevor er aus dem Dunkeln trat und das helle Licht ihn empfing. "Willkommen willkommen, meine Damen und Herren!" , er begrüßte seine Gäste mit einer einladenden Handbewegung. "Diese Show wird unvergesslich und einzigartig für Sie werden. Denn dieses Mal werden sie meine Marionetten sein." , er lächelte ins Publikum. Das Tuscheln wurde lauter und sein Lächeln verwandelte sich in ein breites grinsen. "Dann werde ich mir jemanden aussuchen!" Er fing an am Rand der Bühne hin und her zu stolzieren. Der Blick des Puppenspielers blieb an einem kleinen Mädchen hängen, das nervös zu Boden starrte. "Du sollst heute meine Hauptdarstellerin sein!", er zeige auf das braunhaarige Mädchen. Ihre grünen Augen sahen ihn verängstigt an, doch ihr Körper bewegte sich Richtung Bühne. Die Menschen applaudierten, dass es einen Freiwilligen gab. Jetzt richteten sich die Scheinwerfer auf die zweite Person auf der Bühne und als dies geschah fing er an zu singen: Werd mit dir spielen, keiner von vielen, zieh ich an Fäden, führe dich vor. Ich lass dich gehen, stehen und drehen, ich bin der Spieler, du bist der Tor. Bei dieses Worten ließ er das Mädchen tanzen. Er wirbelte es es drei Mal um sich selbst und ließ es sich vor dem Publikum verbeugen. Deine Versprechen, werde ich brechen, all deine Eide, schwörst du auf mich. Närrische Fragen, lass ich dich sagen, ich bin der Zweifel, der dich beschlich. Zu dem Mädchen kam nun ein Junge aus dem Publikum dazu, der das Kinn des Mädchens anhob. Es fing an sich aufzurichten. Sie tanzten miteinander und küssten sich. Sie sagte etwas auf einer anderen Sprache und er lachte. Es sah so aus, als amüsierten sie sich, doch wenn man in ihre Beiden Augen sah, spiegelte sich dort nur diese emotionslose, Kälte Hülle wieder, aus der schon alle Menschlichkeit gewichen war. Sie verstummte auf Einmal und sah zum Puppenspieler. Sie nahm den Kopf des Jungen in Beide Hände. Es sah schon fast grotesk aus, wie sie seinen Kopf um 180 grad drehte. Es war ein lautes Knacken zu hören, doch es schien sie nicht zu stören. Du kannst mir nicht widersteh'n, an meinen Fäden sollst du geh'n! Ganz wie ich will, wird es gescheh'n! Das Mädchen ließ den Jungen los und schleuderte ihn von der Bühne. Er sackte leblos zusammen. Ein erschrockenes Keuchen war Seitens der Zuschauer zu hören. Eine Frau rief. Ich lass dich leiden, werde mich weiden, an deiner Sehnsucht, an deiner Lust. Schlag Kopf und Hände, wild gegen Wände, ich bin die Hoffnung, die du vertust. Das Mädchen begann sich zu wehren und hielt sich den Kopf. Sie krallte ihre langen Fingernägel in Ihre Kopfhaut und begann langsam ihre Haut mit ihren Haaren abzukratzen. Dabei schrie sie, aber es klang emotionslos. Das Publikum schrie und begann wild durcheinander zu rennen. Du kannst mir nicht widersteh'n... Er hob seine Hände und das Publikum wurde schlagartig ruhig. Wie hypnotisiert setzten sie sich wieder und schauten mit glasig, kalten Augen Richtung Tribüne, als wäre nichts vorgefallen. Du kannst dich winden, betteln und auch fleh'n, an meinen Fäden, sollst du dich dreh'n! Sie hatte jetzt all ihre Haare und Kopfhaut abgekratzt. Den blutigen Batzen hatte sie achtlos außer Reichweite geworfen und saß kniend auf allen Vieren auf dem Boden. Das Blut lief ihr Gesicht hinab und gab einen krassen Kontrast zu ihrer bleichen Haut ab. Der Puppenspieler kniete sich hin und hob ihr Kinn hoch. Du kannst mir nicht widersteh'n... Mit diesen Worten drehte er ihren Kopf zur Seite und die sackte leblos zusammen. Kategorie:Kurz Kategorie:Gedicht Kategorie:Tod Kategorie:Artikel ohne Bilder Kategorie:Mord Kategorie:Geisteskrankheit
  • Jordan Weir first appeared as a villain to Green Lantern. His shtick was a "hyptno-ray" which allowed him to control most individuals that came under its sway. Jordan was defeated by Green Lantern, and except for an appearance working for Doctor Destiny plaguing the Justice League, wasn't seen for several years until resurfacing as a hired gun for the villainous organization, the H.I.V.E., who hired him to eliminate the Titans. Though he was able to successfully able to control Wonder Girl, Starfire, Cyborg and Kid Flash simultaneously, the remaining Titans ( Robin, Raven and Beast Boy (then called Changeling)), were able to free their comrades and track down and imprison the Puppeteer.
  • Jordan Weir was a scientist who created a "hypno-ray" with which he could use to force his victims to obey his commands. As the Puppet Master, he embarked on a crime spree, manipulating minor criminals to do his dirty work for him. When Green Lantern interfered, Weir managed to take control of him as well, but was finally defeated. He was later, as the Puppeteer, a H.I.V.E. member and Teen Titans enemy. He has also used robot puppets.
  • Puppeteer is a monster who appears in the Dragon Quest game series.