  • Renaissance Man
  • The Renaissance Man is a mythical eight limbed beast created in the Middle Ages. Invented as a means of terrorizing school children and challenging the beliefs of Christians, the Renaissance Man published a number of articles challenging the gender of Jesus in an indecipherable script known only as the DaVinci Code. The Renaissance Man became notorious for forcing his victims to draw beautiful sketches of himself and create other beautiful works of art until a combination of boredom and impatience kills them. To this day, nobody has been able to kill the Renaissance Man, however his well known nemesis Michelangelo once came close during an epic merchandising battle involving Hasbro toys.
  • Renaissance Man is a general all race trait which appears in Lionheart.
  • Many modern day professionals work to be an expert in a field, be it Mathematics, History, or Graphic Design. This training is what allows them to not only make a living wage, but earn a comfortable life without overexerting their brain. Throughout history there have been people who step beyond this, and have excelled in multiple fields, called Polymaths. One period in history produced several of the ones that are now most famous, the Renaissance period. Because of this, today most people know them as Renaissance Men. Examples of Renaissance Man include:
  • None
  • LH
  • +1 Intelligence
  • -10
  • Many modern day professionals work to be an expert in a field, be it Mathematics, History, or Graphic Design. This training is what allows them to not only make a living wage, but earn a comfortable life without overexerting their brain. Throughout history there have been people who step beyond this, and have excelled in multiple fields, called Polymaths. One period in history produced several of the ones that are now most famous, the Renaissance period. Because of this, today most people know them as Renaissance Men. A Renaissance Man is anyone in Real Life or media who is an expert in many fields, having a broad base of skill and knowledge. This trope is an example of Truth in Television, as many experts in a field develop skills that are necessary in other fields, or find themselves requiring skills in another field. On the other hand, being a Renaissance Man used to be far easier than it is now, simply due to the unbelievable volume of knowledge that two centuries of scientific progress have produced. A hundred years ago it could be reasonable for a single intelligent man to know all of humanity's scientific knowledge, but well... Science Marches On. Take, for example, Mathematics. Until recently, Computer Science was the domain of the Mathematics department in many Universities, and many Mathematics courses are still cross listed with Computer Science. Such courses include Number Theory, and Graph Theory, just to name a few. Then there is the Physics department. In order to study motion, Isaac Newton invented Calculus. Then there is the connection between sociology and statistics, not to mention the field of Mathematics known as Bio-Informatics. Many Doctorate level Mathematicians will have experience and skill in one of these cross-over areas, and may be considered an expert in the other half of the field where the two fields merge. While the Renaissance Man is similar to the Omnidisciplinary Scientist, his fields don't need to be limited to science. He also isn't necessarily a master of all known science, just a notable chunk of it. The Renaissance Man may suffer from MD Envy if people object to calling him a "doctor" because he doesn't practice medicine. This trait may be used to show that yes, The Ace is just so insufferably cool. The trope codifier was Baldassare Castiglione's Book of the Courtier (in print in several languages since 1528), which explained that a gentleman ought to be able to do everything, but nothing well enough to look as though he was a specialist. Has nothing to do with the 1994 film starring Danny DeVito, or the next-to-last episode of Star Trek: Voyager. Polar opposite of Crippling Overspecialization. Examples of Renaissance Man include:
  • The Renaissance Man is a mythical eight limbed beast created in the Middle Ages. Invented as a means of terrorizing school children and challenging the beliefs of Christians, the Renaissance Man published a number of articles challenging the gender of Jesus in an indecipherable script known only as the DaVinci Code. The Renaissance Man became notorious for forcing his victims to draw beautiful sketches of himself and create other beautiful works of art until a combination of boredom and impatience kills them. To this day, nobody has been able to kill the Renaissance Man, however his well known nemesis Michelangelo once came close during an epic merchandising battle involving Hasbro toys.
  • Renaissance Man is a general all race trait which appears in Lionheart.