  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • <default>Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin</default> Beschreibung Aktueller Status Bürgerlicher Name Auch bekannt als Staatsangehörigkeit Mitgliedschaft(en) Spiel-Serie Augenfarbe Haarfarbe Auftritte Erster Auftritt Erfunden von Gestaltet von Sprecher (EN) Sprecher (JPN) Sprecher (DE) Motion capture Live action Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (* ??? † 2. September 1964), auch kurz Boris Volgin, Volgin oder Thunderbolt genannt, war der Oberst der GRU und ein führender Kopf der extremistischen Fraktion der sowjetischen Armee.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin, better known as either Colonel Volgin, or Thunderbolt is the main antagonist in the videogame Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. He is a Stalinist GRU colonel, who attempted to seize overthrow Nikita Krushev as leader of the Soviet Union. In the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Volgin returns as the tertiary antagonist. He is revealed to have been comatose (not killed), after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3. Despite this, his humanity was all but gone, and he had to be controlled by Tretji Rebenok. He is voiced by Neil Ross in Metal Gear Solid 3.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (russo: Евгений Борисович Волгин), também conhecido como Thunderbolt, foi um coronel stalinista GRU, bem como o comandante de operações estratégicas da União Soviética, que tentou tomar o controle da União Soviética derrubando Nikita Khrushchev E instalar Leonid Brezhnev e Alexei Kosygin em seu lugar. Volgin era um homem extremamente forte, mesmo para seu tamanho grande. Ele combinou sua tremenda força e habilidades com a habilidade psíquica de manipulação elétrica (eletrocinética), ganhando o apelido de "Thunderbolt" no Ocidente.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (Russian: Евгений Борисович Волгин), also known as Thunderbolt, was a Stalinist GRU colonel, as well as the strategic operations commander of the Soviet Union, who attempted to seize control of the Soviet Union by overthrowing Nikita Khrushchev and installing Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin in his place. Volgin was an extremely strong man, even for his large size. He combined his tremendous strength and skills with the psychic ability of electrical manipulation (electrokinesis), gaining him the nickname "Thunderbolt" in the West.
  • Yevgeny Volgin Borisovitch (en ruso: Евгений Борисович Волгин) (19XX-1984), también conocido como Thunderbolt, fue un coronel del GRU stalinista, así como el comandante de operaciones estratégicas de la Unión Soviética, que intentó hacerse con el control de dicho país derrocando a Nikita Khrushchev y emplazando a Leonid Brezhnev y Alexei Kosygin en su lugar. Volgin fue un hombre extremadamente fuerte, incluso para su tamaño. Combinaba su tremenda fuerza y capacidades con una inexplicable habilidad de manipulación eléctrica, granjeándose el apodo de Thunderbolt en Occidente.
  • Blau
  • 70.0
type of villain
  • Power Hungry Terrorist, Sadist
Nombre real
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
comentario imagen
  • Volgin.
  • Blond
  • Sowjetunion
  • Overthrow Nikita Khrushchev and replace him with Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin .
  • Complete the Shagohod .
  • Kill Big Boss/Snake and Eva .
  • Coronel Volgin
  • * Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater * Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
Birth Date
  • c. 1905 – c. 1914
  • Glowing yellow
  • Green gray
  • Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater
  • Electrokinesis
  • Combat proficiency
  • Torture methodology
  • Incredible strength
  • 70.0
  • Verstorben
  • Blond gray
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • (Евгений Борисович Волгин)
  • Caucasian
  • Volgin, 1964
Em Fogo
  • 250
Data de Nascimento
  • c. 1905 – c. 1914
  • * Thunderbolt * Man on Fire
  • Thunderbolt
  • Man on Fire
  • Colonel Volgin
  • Hombre de Fuego
  • Volgin Thunderbolt
  • Torturing and killing his enemies.
  • 1905
  • 201.0
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin Евгений Борисович Волгин
death date
  • 1984
  • MGSV=250px
  • *NKVD *GRU *Brezhnev faction *XOF
  • 200
  • Military officer
  • GRU colonel
  • * Boris Volgin * Ivan Raidenovitch Raikov
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • * Mark Musashi * Dave Fouquette * Rene Verburg
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • 180
  • 22
  • 250
  • Thunderbolt, Boris Volgin, Man on Fire
actor movimiento
  • Mark Musashi
  • Rene Verburg
  • 250
  • Oficial militar
  • Russo soviético
Cor dos Olhos
  • Amarelo
  • Cinza verde
principais aparência(s)
  • * Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater * Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
captura de movimentos
  • * Mark Musashi * Dave Fouquette * Rene Verburg
cor de cabelo
  • Cinza loiro
  • * NKVD * GRU * Brezhnev faction * XOF
também conhecido como
  • Thunderbolt Man on Fire
Richtiger Name
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin
  • <default>Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin</default> Beschreibung Aktueller Status Bürgerlicher Name Auch bekannt als Staatsangehörigkeit Mitgliedschaft(en) Spiel-Serie Augenfarbe Haarfarbe Auftritte Erster Auftritt Erfunden von Gestaltet von Sprecher (EN) Sprecher (JPN) Sprecher (DE) Motion capture Live action Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (* ??? † 2. September 1964), auch kurz Boris Volgin, Volgin oder Thunderbolt genannt, war der Oberst der GRU und ein führender Kopf der extremistischen Fraktion der sowjetischen Armee.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (russo: Евгений Борисович Волгин), também conhecido como Thunderbolt, foi um coronel stalinista GRU, bem como o comandante de operações estratégicas da União Soviética, que tentou tomar o controle da União Soviética derrubando Nikita Khrushchev E instalar Leonid Brezhnev e Alexei Kosygin em seu lugar. Volgin era um homem extremamente forte, mesmo para seu tamanho grande. Ele combinou sua tremenda força e habilidades com a habilidade psíquica de manipulação elétrica (eletrocinética), ganhando o apelido de "Thunderbolt" no Ocidente. Depois da Operação Snake Eater, seu corpo em coma foi levado para um instituto de pesquisa em Moscou, onde foi experimentado. O desejo de vingança de Volgin contra Big Boss manteve-o vivo por muitos anos e ao influenciar Tretij Rebenok para acompanhá-lo, ele ganhou pirocinese e começou sua fúria como o Homem em Fogo.
  • Yevgeny Volgin Borisovitch (en ruso: Евгений Борисович Волгин) (19XX-1984), también conocido como Thunderbolt, fue un coronel del GRU stalinista, así como el comandante de operaciones estratégicas de la Unión Soviética, que intentó hacerse con el control de dicho país derrocando a Nikita Khrushchev y emplazando a Leonid Brezhnev y Alexei Kosygin en su lugar. Volgin fue un hombre extremadamente fuerte, incluso para su tamaño. Combinaba su tremenda fuerza y capacidades con una inexplicable habilidad de manipulación eléctrica, granjeándose el apodo de Thunderbolt en Occidente. Tras la Operación Snake Eater experimentaron con él, consiguiendo además piroquinesis, y siendo rebautizado como Hombre de Fuego dentro de las fuerzas de XOF.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin, better known as either Colonel Volgin, or Thunderbolt is the main antagonist in the videogame Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. He is a Stalinist GRU colonel, who attempted to seize overthrow Nikita Krushev as leader of the Soviet Union. In the game Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Volgin returns as the tertiary antagonist. He is revealed to have been comatose (not killed), after the events of Metal Gear Solid 3. Despite this, his humanity was all but gone, and he had to be controlled by Tretji Rebenok. He is voiced by Neil Ross in Metal Gear Solid 3.
  • Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin (Russian: Евгений Борисович Волгин), also known as Thunderbolt, was a Stalinist GRU colonel, as well as the strategic operations commander of the Soviet Union, who attempted to seize control of the Soviet Union by overthrowing Nikita Khrushchev and installing Leonid Brezhnev and Alexei Kosygin in his place. Volgin was an extremely strong man, even for his large size. He combined his tremendous strength and skills with the psychic ability of electrical manipulation (electrokinesis), gaining him the nickname "Thunderbolt" in the West. After Operation Snake Eater, his comatose body was taken to a research institute in Moscow where he was further experimented upon. Volgin's desire for vengeance against Big Boss kept him alive for many years and upon influencing Tretij Rebenok to accompany him, he gained pyrokinesis and began his rampage as the Man on Fire.
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