  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr is a minifigure from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars line. He has only appeared in one official set, one keychain set, and one other magnet set, and is constructed from three pieces, being: Part x903pb1 for his head, Part 973px690 for his torso, and Part 970c00 for his legs.
  • Onaconda Farr a Doldur szektor rodian szenátora volt 33 YE és 21 YE között, amikor le kellett mondania posztjáról. Farr sok dologban támogatta Finis Valorum főkancellár törekvéseit, valamint helyeselte az Yinchorri bolygó elleni szankciókat. Mindezek mellett a Perem Frakció egyik nagyon fontos tagja is volt egyben. Később csatlakozott a Független Rendszerek Konföderációjához a népe javát keresve, de nem sokkal később újra a Köztársaságot támogatta.
  • Vuonna 22 BBY coruscantilla Farr ja muut militaristit olivat äänestämässä uusien kloonien valmistamisen lopettamisen puolesta. Senaattori Padmé Amidala oli juuri esittänyt asian senaatissa ja he joivat Farrin kanssa lasilliset joissa oli rodialaiset tappavaa myrkkyä. Myrkyn oli Farrin lasiin laittanut toinen rodialainen Lolo, joka pidätettiin myöhemmin.
  • Onaconda Farr has set specific head and torso pieces which give him a unique look and add to the appeal of the set. In addition to the LEGO minifigure in the Separatist Shuttle set you could also find him in the magnet set along with Chancellor Palpatine and Nute Gunray.
  • Onaconda Farr Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži
  • Onaconda Farr war ein Senator der während der Klonkriege lebte. Als er vergiftet wurde vermutete man dass der Senator von Umbara Mee Deechi ihn getötet hat, doch dieser war bereits selbst tot. Es stellte sich herraus dass seine Freundin Lolo Purs ihn ermordet hat.
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian Senator before and during the Clone Wars.
  • Senator Onaconda Farr ist der Vertreter seiner Heimatwelt Rodia und der Onkel von Padmé Amidala. Einst thumb|251px bat er die KUS um Nahrung, da die Republik ihren Notruf nicht entgegennahm, im Gegenzug verlangt Vizekönig Nute Gunray die Auslieferung von Padmé. Als der Vizekönig drastische Maßnahmen gegen die Senatorin einleitet in Form einer Hinrichtung, erkennt Onaconda den Fehler, mit der Handelsförderation Geschäfte zu machen und schlägt sich auf die Seite der Republik und befreit so die Senatorin. Palpatine schickt unterdessen Nahrung und Vorräte für den Planeten.
  • Onaconda Farr a fost un Rodian de pe planeta Rodia.El a fost un senator.El a fost omorat in 22 ÎBY de către Lolo Purs. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • [Source] Onaconda Farr est un Rodien, sénateur de Rodia et ami de Padmé Amidala
  • Onaconda Farr war ein Rodianer, der vor und während der Klonkriege als Senator im Galaktischen Senat der Republik arbeitete. Nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges sah Farr sich gezwungen, die Separatisten um Hilfe zu bitten, da das rodianische Volk Hunger litt. Dennoch erkannte er, dass die Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme nicht im Sinne des Volkes handelte und bereute seine Entscheidung. Auch danach geriet er in zahlreiche politische Intrigen. Nachdem sich der rodianische Senator zusammen mit Bail Organa und Padmé Amidala dafür eingesetzt hatte, Friedensgespräche mit den Separatisten zu beginnen, wurde er durch seine Gehilfin Lolo Purs vergiftet, die Farr die Schuld für die durch den Krieg verursachten Umstände auf Rodia gab.
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian politician that served as the Senator of Rodia in the last years of the Galactic Republic. In the early days of the Clone Wars, Senator Farr felt compelled to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to secure much needed supplies for his planet. Farr returned to the Republic cause with the help of his friend, Senator Padmé Amidala after capturing Viceroy Nute Gunray, and securing Republic Aid for his people.
  • Onaconda Farr fue un rodiano masculino del planeta Rodia y el corrupto Senador del Sector Savareen en el Senado Galáctico durante los últimos años de la República Galáctica. Durante la Crisis Separatista el senado comenzó a debatir el Acta de Creación Militar, la cual crearía un ejército para la República por primera vez en un milenio. Durante el debate, el Senador Farr se volvió un fuerte Militarista y partidario del Acta. Era conocido como un organismo de control contra influencias Separatistas en el senado y era un gran crítico del Comité Leal del Supremo Canciller Palpatine, llegando tan lejos como para afirmar que era un gobierno en la sombra. Luego de exponer los lazos Separatistas del Senador Havriso Looruya, se le concedió a Farr una posición en el Comité Leal, un nombramiento que
  • In 22 BBY, the Separatist Crisis exploded into the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Emergency Powers granted to Palpatine resulted in the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic without the Military Creation Act ever coming to a vote. Farr was installed as the head of the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense, a position he used for personal advancement. Around the beginning of the war, supplies en route to Farr's homeworld of Rodia became the repeated targets of pirates. After Rodia's pleas for assistance were consistently ignored by the Republic, Farr abandoned the Senate and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In exchange for much-needed supplies, Separatist Council member Nute Gunray
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian from the planet Rodia and the corrupt Senator of the Savareen sector in the Galactic Senate during the latter years of the Galactic Republic. During the Separatist Crisis the senate began to debate the Military Creation Act, which would create an army for the Republic for the first time in a millennium. During the debate, Senator Farr became a strong Militarist and supporter of the Act. He was known as a watchdog against Separatist influences in the senate and was highly critical of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee, going so far as to claim it was a shadow government. After exposing Senator Havriso Looruya's Separatist ties, Farr was granted a position on the Loyalist Committee, an appointment that confused many members of the senate. Despit
  • Masculin
  • 250
  • 135.0
  • *Galaktinen Tasavalta **Galaktinen senaatti ***Militaristit *Itsenäisten aurinkokuntien konfederaatio
  • *República Galáctica **Senado Galáctico ***Militaristas ***Subcomité de Acción del Senado para la Defensa de la Espina de Comercio Corelliana *Consejo de Sistemas Neutrales *Confederación de Sistemas Independientes **Federación de Comercio **Consejo Separatista
  • c. 33–21 ABY
  • c. 21 ABY, Coruscant
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Azul
  • siehe links
  • 88
  • 1
  • *Episode I - II *Clone Wars 50px|Republik
  • n. 22 BBY, Coruscant
  • Sininen
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • 8036
  • 852840
  • 852844
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Star WarsThe Clone Wars
  • siehe links
  • Galactic senate
  • Blue
  • Brown
  • Fekete
  • Senador del sector Savareen
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Galaktikus Köztársaság
  • *Galactic Republic
  • *République Galactique **Sénat Galactique *Confédération des Systèmes Indépendants
  • *Galactic Republic **Galactic Senate *Confederacy of Independent Systems
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Bombad Jedi
  • Galactic Senate History Gallery
  • Rodia Represents
  • Galactic Republic
  • A Doldur szektor szenátora
Spalte 1 Titel
  • Spezies
  • Onaconda Farr
Spalte 3 Titel
  • Heimat
  • 21
Spalte 1 Info
  • Rodianer
Spalte 2 Titel
  • Geschlecht
Spalte 3 Info
  • Rodia
Spalte 2 Info
  • Männlich
  • Desconocido
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • teal
  • 1.75
  • 1.91
  • Onaconda Farr
  • 250
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Онаконда Фарр
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Rep
  • Onaconda Farr
  • 20092010
  • Star Wars universe
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • Onaconda Farr
  • theclonewars/guide/episode008.html
  • episode-ii/explore/attack/2002/06/imageattack20020618.html
  • galactic-senate-history-gallery
  • Turquoise
  • White
  • Rodia
  • 21
  • file:Onaconda Farr.png
  • 21
Spalte 4 Info
  • Senator
Spalte 4 Titel
  • Beruf
Spalte 6 Info
  • Senat
Spalte 6 Titel
  • Zugehörigkeit
Spalte 5 Titel
  • Tod
Spalte 5 Info
  • Durch seine Freundin Lolo Purs
  • kb. YE 32–YE 21
  • Ismeretlen, később Vörös Navik
  • Ismeretlen
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian politician that served as the Senator of Rodia in the last years of the Galactic Republic. In the early days of the Clone Wars, Senator Farr felt compelled to join the Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to secure much needed supplies for his planet. Farr returned to the Republic cause with the help of his friend, Senator Padmé Amidala after capturing Viceroy Nute Gunray, and securing Republic Aid for his people. Senator Farr remained a staunch Republic Loyalist for the remainder of the war and was noted for his involvement in several attempts at ending the conflict, along with a group of like-minded Senators, such as: Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, and Mon Mothma. Farr was murdered by his personal aide, Lolo Purs amidst a debate regarding the Republic military enhancement bill, as she was upset because he brought the war to their homeworld.
  • Onaconda Farr is a minifigure from the Star Wars: The Clone Wars line. He has only appeared in one official set, one keychain set, and one other magnet set, and is constructed from three pieces, being: Part x903pb1 for his head, Part 973px690 for his torso, and Part 970c00 for his legs.
  • Onaconda Farr a Doldur szektor rodian szenátora volt 33 YE és 21 YE között, amikor le kellett mondania posztjáról. Farr sok dologban támogatta Finis Valorum főkancellár törekvéseit, valamint helyeselte az Yinchorri bolygó elleni szankciókat. Mindezek mellett a Perem Frakció egyik nagyon fontos tagja is volt egyben. Később csatlakozott a Független Rendszerek Konföderációjához a népe javát keresve, de nem sokkal később újra a Köztársaságot támogatta.
  • Vuonna 22 BBY coruscantilla Farr ja muut militaristit olivat äänestämässä uusien kloonien valmistamisen lopettamisen puolesta. Senaattori Padmé Amidala oli juuri esittänyt asian senaatissa ja he joivat Farrin kanssa lasilliset joissa oli rodialaiset tappavaa myrkkyä. Myrkyn oli Farrin lasiin laittanut toinen rodialainen Lolo, joka pidätettiin myöhemmin.
  • Onaconda Farr has set specific head and torso pieces which give him a unique look and add to the appeal of the set. In addition to the LEGO minifigure in the Separatist Shuttle set you could also find him in the magnet set along with Chancellor Palpatine and Nute Gunray.
  • Onaconda Farr Kategória:Jedinci Kategória:Muži
  • In 22 BBY, the Separatist Crisis exploded into the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Emergency Powers granted to Palpatine resulted in the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic without the Military Creation Act ever coming to a vote. Farr was installed as the head of the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense, a position he used for personal advancement. Around the beginning of the war, supplies en route to Farr's homeworld of Rodia became the repeated targets of pirates. After Rodia's pleas for assistance were consistently ignored by the Republic, Farr abandoned the Senate and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In exchange for much-needed supplies, Separatist Council member Nute Gunray demanded that Farr aid him in capturing the Rodian's long-time friend, Senator Padme Amidala of Naboo. Amidala came to Rodia in order to aid in the supply crisis, but was instead imprisoned by Farr and Gunray's Battle Droid forces. After learning Gunray's plan to execute Amidala, Farr realized the error in his decision to join the Confederacy and turned on the Separatist leader. Farr then assisted Amidala and Representative Jar Jar Binks in arresting Gunray and turning him over to Republic forces
  • Onaconda Farr fue un rodiano masculino del planeta Rodia y el corrupto Senador del Sector Savareen en el Senado Galáctico durante los últimos años de la República Galáctica. Durante la Crisis Separatista el senado comenzó a debatir el Acta de Creación Militar, la cual crearía un ejército para la República por primera vez en un milenio. Durante el debate, el Senador Farr se volvió un fuerte Militarista y partidario del Acta. Era conocido como un organismo de control contra influencias Separatistas en el senado y era un gran crítico del Comité Leal del Supremo Canciller Palpatine, llegando tan lejos como para afirmar que era un gobierno en la sombra. Luego de exponer los lazos Separatistas del Senador Havriso Looruya, se le concedió a Farr una posición en el Comité Leal, un nombramiento que confudnió a muchos miembros del Senado. A pesar del nombramiento, continuó siendo un crítico del manejo que le daba el Canciller a la Crisis Separatista, reclamando que Palpatine estaba siguiendo su propia agenda en perjuicio de la República. En el 22 ABY, la Crisis Separatista estalló en las Guerras Clon, un conflicto en toda la galaxia entre la República y la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes. Los Poderes de Emergencia dados a Palpatine resultaron en la creación del Gran Ejército de la República sin que la Acta de Creación Militar llegara siquiera a una votación. Farr fue instalado como la cabeza del Subcomité de Acción del Senado para la Defensa de la Espina de Comercio Corelliana, una posición que utilizó para un avance personal. Al rededor del inicio de la guerra, suministros con destino a Rodia, el planeta natal de Farr, fueron reiterados objetivos de piratas. Luego de que las peticiones de ayuda de Rodia fueron reiteradamente ignoradas por la República, Farr abandonó el Senado y se unió a la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes. A cambio de los muy necesitados suministros, el miembro del Consejo Separatista Nute Gunray exigió a Farr que lo ayudara a capturar a una gran amiga del rodiano, la Senadora Padmé Amidala de Naboo. Amidala viajó a Rodia para ayudar en la crisis de suministros, pero fue en su lugar encarcelada por Farr y las fuerzas droides de Gunray. Luego de conocer el plan de Gunray para ejecutar a Amidala, Farr se dio cuenta del error cometido al unirse a la Confederación de Sistemas Independientes y se volvió contra el líder Separatista. Farr luego ayudó a Amidala y al Representante Jar Jar Binks para lograr arrestar a Gunray y llevarlo ante fuerzas de la República. Luego del incidente con Gunray, Farr se reincorporó al Senado. Poco después fue tomado como rehén junto con otros senadores en el Edificio Ejecutivo de la República, por un grupo de Cazarrecompensas liderado por Cad Bane. Bane utilizó a sus rehenes como palanca en la negociación para liberar al Hutt señor del crimen Ziro Desilijic Tiure, un aliado de la Confederación que había sido capturado por la República anteriormente en la guerra. Bane cumplió con su misión y escapó del Edificio Ejecutivo de la República antes de detonar una serie de explosivos que tenían como objetivo asesinar a los senadores rehenes. Farr y el resto de los senadores sobrevivieron al intento de asesinato gracias al esfuerzo del Caballero Jedi Anakin Skywalker. A raíz del ataque, Farr retornó a Rodia para descubrir que la vida silvestre alrededor de un pantano en el planeta estaba siendo aniquilada. Con la ayuda del Maestro Jedi Kit Fisto, descubrió que la causa era una estación de la Confederación comandada por Robonino, uno de los cazarrecompensas que había ayudado a Cad Bane en Coruscant. Más tarde en la guerra, Farr se opuso vehementemente a una propuesta para aumentar el gasto de soldados clon e incrementar el esfuerzo en la misma. Sin embargo, fue asesinado por un veneno puesto en su bebida por su ayudante Lolo Purs, quien quería castigarlo por haber llevado la guerra a Rodia.
  • Onaconda Farr war ein Senator der während der Klonkriege lebte. Als er vergiftet wurde vermutete man dass der Senator von Umbara Mee Deechi ihn getötet hat, doch dieser war bereits selbst tot. Es stellte sich herraus dass seine Freundin Lolo Purs ihn ermordet hat.
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian from the planet Rodia and the corrupt Senator of the Savareen sector in the Galactic Senate during the latter years of the Galactic Republic. During the Separatist Crisis the senate began to debate the Military Creation Act, which would create an army for the Republic for the first time in a millennium. During the debate, Senator Farr became a strong Militarist and supporter of the Act. He was known as a watchdog against Separatist influences in the senate and was highly critical of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine's Loyalist Committee, going so far as to claim it was a shadow government. After exposing Senator Havriso Looruya's Separatist ties, Farr was granted a position on the Loyalist Committee, an appointment that confused many members of the senate. Despite the appointment, he continued to be critical of the Chancellor's handling of the Separatist Crisis, claiming that Palpatine was following his own agenda to the detriment of the Republic. In 22 BBY, the Separatist Crisis exploded into the Clone Wars, a galaxy-wide conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems Emergency Powers granted to Palpatine resulted in the creation of the Grand Army of the Republic without the Military Creation act ever coming to a vote. Farr was installed as the head of the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense, a position he used for personal advancement. Around the beginning of the war, supplies en route to Farr's homeworld of Rodia became the repeated targets of pirates. After Rodia's pleas for assistance were consistently ignored by the Republic, Farr abandoned the senate and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. In exchange for much-needed supplies, Separatist Council member Nute Gunray demanded that Farr aid him in capturing the Rodian's long-time friend, Senator Padmé Amidala of Naboo. Amidala came to Rodia in order to aid in the supply crisis, but was instead imprisoned by Farr and Gunray's battle droid forces. After learning Gunray's plan to execute Amidala, Farr realized the error in his decision to join the Confederacy and turned on the Separatist leader. Farr then assisted Amidala and Associate Planetary Representative Jar Jar Binks in arresting Gunray and turning him over to Republic forces. Following the incident with Gunray, Farr rejoined the senate. Shortly after, he and several other senators were taken hostage in the Republic Executive Building by a group of bounty hunters lead by Cad Bane. Bane used his hostages as leverage when negotiating the release of Ziro Desilijic Tiure, a Confederate ally that had been captured by the Republic earlier in the war. Bane accomplished his mission and escaped the Republic Executive Building before detonating a series of explosives intended to kill the hostage senators. Farr and the rest of the senators survived the assassination attempt through the efforts of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker. In the wake of the attack, Farr returned to Rodia to find that the wildlife around a swamp on the planet was being killed. With the aid of Jedi Master Kit Fisto, he learned that the cause was a Confederate station under the command of Robonino, one of the bounty hunters who had aided Cad Bane on Coruscant. Later in the war, Farr's corrupt nature lead him to bribe follow member of the Senate Action Subcommittee for Corellian Trade Spine Defense, Senator Ronet Coorr, to reassign several Star Destroyers originally intended to be stationed over Duro. Coorr accepted Farr's bribe and the Star Destroyers instead ended up over Rodia. Duro later fell to the Confederacy and Farr and Coorr's culpability in the defeat was revealed, leading both to resign from the senate. In 32 BBY, Farr, along with Senators Tikkes of Dac and Mot-Not Rab of Tarnab, attended to an unofficial audience organized by Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth. At that point, Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum had just finished a crisis and was suddenly accused of corruption. Taa admitted to have delayed the accusation because the situation at that point would allow the Senate to oust and replace Valorum, which was Taa's goal. Neither Farr or Rab openly supported Taa's scheme at that point.Cloak of Deception
  • Onaconda Farr was a male Rodian Senator before and during the Clone Wars.
  • Senator Onaconda Farr ist der Vertreter seiner Heimatwelt Rodia und der Onkel von Padmé Amidala. Einst thumb|251px bat er die KUS um Nahrung, da die Republik ihren Notruf nicht entgegennahm, im Gegenzug verlangt Vizekönig Nute Gunray die Auslieferung von Padmé. Als der Vizekönig drastische Maßnahmen gegen die Senatorin einleitet in Form einer Hinrichtung, erkennt Onaconda den Fehler, mit der Handelsförderation Geschäfte zu machen und schlägt sich auf die Seite der Republik und befreit so die Senatorin. Palpatine schickt unterdessen Nahrung und Vorräte für den Planeten.
  • Onaconda Farr a fost un Rodian de pe planeta Rodia.El a fost un senator.El a fost omorat in 22 ÎBY de către Lolo Purs. * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * [ ] * * [ ] * [ ] * [ ]
  • [Source] Onaconda Farr est un Rodien, sénateur de Rodia et ami de Padmé Amidala
  • Onaconda Farr war ein Rodianer, der vor und während der Klonkriege als Senator im Galaktischen Senat der Republik arbeitete. Nach dem Ausbruch des Krieges sah Farr sich gezwungen, die Separatisten um Hilfe zu bitten, da das rodianische Volk Hunger litt. Dennoch erkannte er, dass die Konföderation unabhängiger Systeme nicht im Sinne des Volkes handelte und bereute seine Entscheidung. Auch danach geriet er in zahlreiche politische Intrigen. Nachdem sich der rodianische Senator zusammen mit Bail Organa und Padmé Amidala dafür eingesetzt hatte, Friedensgespräche mit den Separatisten zu beginnen, wurde er durch seine Gehilfin Lolo Purs vergiftet, die Farr die Schuld für die durch den Krieg verursachten Umstände auf Rodia gab.
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