  • Adoption
  • Adoption
  • Adoption
  • Adoption
  • Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent (or parents) other than the birth parents. In the United States there were approximately 127,000 adoptions in the year 2001. [1]
  • In The Sims, Sim couples get random calls from adoption centers asking if they want to adopt a baby; they cannot call the adoption center themselves, so this opportunity occurs purely by chance. On days that this happens, it will usually be at around 4pm. The adoption center will not call a single Sim. This is the most straightforward method by which a same-sex couple can have children.
  • Adoption of children by LGBT people is an issue of active debate; legislation to stop the practice has been introduced in the United States although such efforts have largely been defeated. There is agreement between the parties, however, that the welfare of children alone should dictate policy.
  • Adoption is a feature in The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire that allows the Dragonborn to adopt certain children.
  • Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents. Being adopted is a major theme on Smallville.
  • Adoptions are individual creatures that have been exported from a Creatures world and made available for other users to import into their game. There are many places in which adoptions may be found - popular sites include the Norn Adoption Clinics, Alien's Norn Adoption Center, and ZauberAlbia's Cyber-Station. These facilities are audited by the Albianischer Adoptions Prüfdienst.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Ob das mittelalterliche Recht im deutschen Raum eine wirkliche Adoption kannte, ist bestritten. Während ein Teil der Forscher nur das Vorhandensein adoptionsähnlicher Rechtsgeschäfte zugibt, die aber nie ein wirkliches Kindesverhältnis, sondern nur gewisse erbrechtliche, obligatorische oder sonstige rechtliche Beziehungen begründen, nehmen andere ein altgermanisches Rechtsinstitut der Adoption an, das in späterer Zeit benutzt wurde, nur einen Teil der ursprünglichen Wirkungen herbeizuführen.
  • Adoption nennt man die Sorgerechtübernahme für ein, nicht leibliches, Kind durch Pflegeeltern. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, weshalb die Kinder auf eine Pflegefamilie angewiesen sind. Grund kann der Tod der leiblichen Eltern sein. Auch die Aufgabe des Sorgerechts durch die leiblichen Eltern oder eine Verschleppung durch Fremde kann in einer Adoption enden.
  • Keyla Terrana adopted her dog Rhylo when she was a puppy. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights") Rom recalled when they were children, his brother Quark told everyone he was adopted in order to explain the younger boy's small lobes. (DS9: "Rivals") After his mother's death, Rugal, a Cardassian war orphan, was adopted by Proka Migdal. (DS9: "Cardassians")
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adoption]] adoptio, allied to adoptare to adopt.
  • L'adoption permet à un couple ou à une personne seule de prendre en charge un enfant, souvent en provenance d'un pays étranger. De façon à protéger les enfants, la Belgique a signé la Convention de La Haye de 1993 sur la protection des enfants et sur la coopération en matière d'adoption internationale.
  • [[Datei:Alesan.png|thumb|250px|Alesan, eines der neuen (Waisen-)Kinder]] Adoption ist eine Möglichkeit, die durch The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire erstmals in The Elder Scrolls hinzugefügt wird. Mit ihr ist es möglich, Kinder zu adoptieren; Voraussetzung ist jedoch, dass man ein eigenes Haus mit einem Kinderzimmer oder wenigstens mit mehreren Betten und Kleiderschränken besitzt; bei einem der drei Grundstücke letzteres oder das große Schlafzimmer; bei den normalen Häusern kann man Kinderzimmer anbauen.
  • Adoption usually refers to the process of taking ownership of—and responsibility for—a pet that a previous owner has abandoned, discarded, no longer wants, or can no longer keep. Common sources for adoptable animals are * Animal shelters, also known as pounds * Rescue groups * Animals found wandering loose that have no identification and remain unclaimed by any owner * Advertisements placed by individuals who are trying to find a new home for their own animals * Animals that have been abused or neglected and have been confiscated from the offending owner
  • Adoption is a new feature in Fable III. Children can be adopted allowing same-sex couples to start a family, unlike Fable II when you could only get married. Homosexual couples, heterosexual couples and even single parents can all adopt children. The achievement Adopt Or Die is earned for adopting one of the homeless children.
  • Mais voilà, après plusieurs tentatives in sexo, in vivo et in vitro, toujours pas d’enfants. Que faire ? Un bon gueuleton bien arrosé pour fêter ça semble l’option la plus logique. Une vie sans enfants, c’est la liberté, les vacances à Ibiza, les coupés sport 2 places sans remorque, les divorces clés en main faciles et peu coûteux, le bonheur quoi !
  • Adoption is the process of adopting a Monster on Moshi Monsters. When adopting a Monster, the player must fill in some information such as their owner name and age. There are six Monsters that are able to be adopted, Katsumas, Poppets, Diavlos, Furis , Zommers and Luvlis. Each one has their own unique personality and all have different colours to choose from. When the Monsters are scrolled over, they will say something like 'I am a Katsuma!' but obviously, each Monster will say what Monster they are.
  • Adoption
  • Proud Parent
  • Adoption
  • Adoption
  • 10
  • Adopt a child
  • Mais voilà, après plusieurs tentatives in sexo, in vivo et in vitro, toujours pas d’enfants. Que faire ? Un bon gueuleton bien arrosé pour fêter ça semble l’option la plus logique. Une vie sans enfants, c’est la liberté, les vacances à Ibiza, les coupés sport 2 places sans remorque, les divorces clés en main faciles et peu coûteux, le bonheur quoi ! Mais tout le monde ne partage pas cet avis. En fait, ce sont principalement ceux qui ont déjà des enfants qui voient les choses comme ça. Pour les autres, les handicapés de la progéniture, vivre avec son reflet à l’échelle 1:2 est un objectif à atteindre coûte que coûte, y compris hors période de soldes. Pour eux, un enfant, c’est la joie de voir grandir un petit être frêle et suffisamment ignare pour gober tout ce qu’on lui raconte comme si on était un VRP multicarte de la connaissance, un enfant, c’est une demi-part en plus sur sa déclaration fiscale de revenus, voire une part entière si on a la chance qu’en plus il soit invalide (on notera d’ailleurs à ce sujet le paradoxe qui veut qu’un enfant sans jambes vaille deux fois plus de part qu’un enfant normal), un enfant, c’est l’assurance de faire naître et grandir un monceau d’ingratitude quand viendra le temps béni où tout ce qui l’intéressera sera que vous creviez le plus vite possible afin de pouvoir toucher le peu d’argent que vous avez réussi à ne pas dilapider pour lui payer ses études, ses fringues, ses vacances et sa drogue. Que faire dès lors quand on est parents et qu’on veut un enfant sans pouvoir le faire ? On pense au kidnapping bien sûr mais beaucoup de parents hésitent à franchir le pas pour une raison pratique : souvent réalisé avec un manque flagrant de préparation, le kidnapping équivaut grosso modo à une loterie, on ne sait jamais si on va tirer un ticket gagnant ou pas. Reste l’adoption, solution un peu plus longue mais qui a au moins le mérite d’autoriser un large éventail de choix sur lesquels nous reviendrons dans la seconde partie de ce dossier, après cette page de pub.
  • [[Datei:Alesan.png|thumb|250px|Alesan, eines der neuen (Waisen-)Kinder]] Adoption ist eine Möglichkeit, die durch The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire erstmals in The Elder Scrolls hinzugefügt wird. Mit ihr ist es möglich, Kinder zu adoptieren; Voraussetzung ist jedoch, dass man ein eigenes Haus mit einem Kinderzimmer oder wenigstens mit mehreren Betten und Kleiderschränken besitzt; bei einem der drei Grundstücke letzteres oder das große Schlafzimmer; bei den normalen Häusern kann man Kinderzimmer anbauen. Pro Haus kann man zwei Kinder adoptieren; mit diesen Kindern kann man spielen, ihnen Dinge schicken und Ähnliches tun. Manchmal möchten sie auch Tiere als Haustiere aufnehmen. Ganz egal, wen man adoptiert, wird man vom Kind wie ein Vater / eine Mutter geliebt. Hat man in ein und demselben Haus zwei Kinder, kann es vorkommen, das diese sich, wenn man heim kommt, beschimpfen, z.B. mit "Horkergesicht" oder "Skeeverhirn". Kinder kann man adoptieren, indem man es ihnen anbietet. Es ist möglich, jedes elternlose Kind zu adoptieren; also nicht nur die Kinder, die schon Waisen sind, sondern auch Kinder, deren Eltern man tötet.
  • Adoption is the legal act of permanently placing a child with a parent (or parents) other than the birth parents. In the United States there were approximately 127,000 adoptions in the year 2001. [1]
  • In The Sims, Sim couples get random calls from adoption centers asking if they want to adopt a baby; they cannot call the adoption center themselves, so this opportunity occurs purely by chance. On days that this happens, it will usually be at around 4pm. The adoption center will not call a single Sim. This is the most straightforward method by which a same-sex couple can have children.
  • Adoption of children by LGBT people is an issue of active debate; legislation to stop the practice has been introduced in the United States although such efforts have largely been defeated. There is agreement between the parties, however, that the welfare of children alone should dictate policy.
  • Adoption is a feature in The Elder Scrolls V: Hearthfire that allows the Dragonborn to adopt certain children.
  • Adoption is a process whereby a person assumes the parenting for another and, in so doing, permanently transfers all rights and responsibilities from the original parent or parents. Being adopted is a major theme on Smallville.
  • Adoptions are individual creatures that have been exported from a Creatures world and made available for other users to import into their game. There are many places in which adoptions may be found - popular sites include the Norn Adoption Clinics, Alien's Norn Adoption Center, and ZauberAlbia's Cyber-Station. These facilities are audited by the Albianischer Adoptions Prüfdienst.
  • Adoption is a new feature in Fable III. Children can be adopted allowing same-sex couples to start a family, unlike Fable II when you could only get married. Homosexual couples, heterosexual couples and even single parents can all adopt children. The achievement Adopt Or Die is earned for adopting one of the homeless children. The Adoption Centre is in The Bowerstone Industrial Orphanage and Homeless Shelter. The player can adopt a baby or child from The Orphanage for the price of 500 gold. After adoption, you can choose where you want your new child to live, and they will be there when you visit that home. Jasper will congratulate the player and promise them that the child will bring them unending joy. If no spouse is present at the location, a nanny will be hired to care for them. Your own children (both biological and adoptive) will be sent to the orphanage if your spouse dies or divorces you. You are free to regain custody of your child at any time, but you must still pay the 500 gold adoption fee.
  • Adoption usually refers to the process of taking ownership of—and responsibility for—a pet that a previous owner has abandoned, discarded, no longer wants, or can no longer keep. Common sources for adoptable animals are * Animal shelters, also known as pounds * Rescue groups * Animals found wandering loose that have no identification and remain unclaimed by any owner * Advertisements placed by individuals who are trying to find a new home for their own animals * Animals that have been abused or neglected and have been confiscated from the offending owner Animals adopted from shelters are often referred to as shelter animals or pound puppies; animals adopted from rescue organizations are often called rescue animals (not to be confused with search and rescue dogs). Animals become available for adoption for a variety of reasons. Some of the more common: * Breeders are a leading cause of overpopulation because they may produce more animals than they can sell and may that do not fit the specification they were looking for. * Owner dies and no one in the family wants to (or can) keep the animal. * Financial or living arrangements change drastically and people feel that they can no longer provide an appropriate home for the animal. * Animal was purchased as a baby at a store, with little or no information provided; owners often discover that animals are much more work than expected, or require more space or exercise than they are prepared to give. * Animals leaves home for a variety of reasons, can't find its way home, and/or owner doesn't look for the animal. * Severe health problems make it impossible to have a animal in the house or impossible for the owner to care for the animal. * People become tired of caring for the animal, bored with the animal, or are unprepared to spend the time and effort required to train the animal. * People leave the country; quarantine laws in some countries can be traumatic to animals and owners, so the animals are often left behind. * Military personnel are deployed. (Many animals were surrendered to shelters located near military bases during Operfation Freedom in Afghanistan and the Iraqi war.) People deal with their unwanted animal in many ways. Some people have the animal euthanized (also known as putting them down or putting them to sleep), no matter how young or healthy it is, although most veterinarians do not consider this to be an ethical use of their resources. Other people simply abandon the animal by the side of a road, often in the country, with the expectation that the animal will be able to take care of itself or that a neighbor or passer-by will adopt the animal. More often, these animals succumb to hunger, weather, traffic, or common and treatable health problems. More responsibly, owners will take the animal to a shelter, or call a rescue organization, where the animal will be cared for properly until a home can be found. Homes cannot always be found, however, and euthanasia is often used for the excess animals to make room for newer animals. The central issue facing animal adoption is whether a new owner can provide a safe, secure, permanent home for animals. Many shelters, pounds, and rescue organizations refuse to supply animals to people whom they judge cannot supply the animal with a suitable home. A new owner might also face training challenges with a animal who has been neglected or abused, but unlink the popular myth, most animals adopted from rescue organizations are wonderful pets.
  • Art Zugehörigkeit Autor Einordnung Organisation Jahr Zeit Quelle Kategorie Ob das mittelalterliche Recht im deutschen Raum eine wirkliche Adoption kannte, ist bestritten. Während ein Teil der Forscher nur das Vorhandensein adoptionsähnlicher Rechtsgeschäfte zugibt, die aber nie ein wirkliches Kindesverhältnis, sondern nur gewisse erbrechtliche, obligatorische oder sonstige rechtliche Beziehungen begründen, nehmen andere ein altgermanisches Rechtsinstitut der Adoption an, das in späterer Zeit benutzt wurde, nur einen Teil der ursprünglichen Wirkungen herbeizuführen.
  • Adoption nennt man die Sorgerechtübernahme für ein, nicht leibliches, Kind durch Pflegeeltern. Es gibt verschiedene Gründe, weshalb die Kinder auf eine Pflegefamilie angewiesen sind. Grund kann der Tod der leiblichen Eltern sein. Auch die Aufgabe des Sorgerechts durch die leiblichen Eltern oder eine Verschleppung durch Fremde kann in einer Adoption enden.
  • Adoption is the process of adopting a Monster on Moshi Monsters. When adopting a Monster, the player must fill in some information such as their owner name and age. There are six Monsters that are able to be adopted, Katsumas, Poppets, Diavlos, Furis , Zommers and Luvlis. Each one has their own unique personality and all have different colours to choose from. When the Monsters are scrolled over, they will say something like 'I am a Katsuma!' but obviously, each Monster will say what Monster they are. When a player invites a friend to play Moshi Monsters, they will revice an email with a link to a virtual postcard. On it, the monsters argue and say things like 'Pick me!' they all end up in a small fight but then smile for the photo.
  • Keyla Terrana adopted her dog Rhylo when she was a puppy. (ENT: "Two Days and Two Nights") Rom recalled when they were children, his brother Quark told everyone he was adopted in order to explain the younger boy's small lobes. (DS9: "Rivals") After his mother's death, Rugal, a Cardassian war orphan, was adopted by Proka Migdal. (DS9: "Cardassians")
  • [[w:|]][[Category: derivations|Adoption]] adoptio, allied to adoptare to adopt.
  • L'adoption permet à un couple ou à une personne seule de prendre en charge un enfant, souvent en provenance d'un pays étranger. De façon à protéger les enfants, la Belgique a signé la Convention de La Haye de 1993 sur la protection des enfants et sur la coopération en matière d'adoption internationale.
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