  • Milk toddy
  • A milk toddy was a warm or hot beverage mixture of milk and various other ingredients – depending on taste – from Earth. It was often used as a home remedy for insomnia, as the amino acid in the heated lactose acts as a natural sedative. Captain Jean-Luc Picard's aunt Adele had a recipe for steamed hot milk toddy with nutmeg, which Picard shared with Doctor Crusher. (TNG: "Cause and Effect" ) Dr. Crusher also prescribed a glass of warm milk toddy to Commander Riker – with a dash of nutmeg – to help him sleep. (TNG: "Schisms" , "All Good Things..." )
  • A milk toddy was a warm or hot beverage mixture of milk and various other ingredients – depending on taste – from Earth. It was often used as a home remedy for insomnia, as the amino acid in the heated lactose acts as a natural sedative. Captain Jean-Luc Picard's aunt Adele had a recipe for steamed hot milk toddy with nutmeg, which Picard shared with Doctor Crusher. (TNG: "Cause and Effect" ) Dr. Crusher also prescribed a glass of warm milk toddy to Commander Riker – with a dash of nutmeg – to help him sleep. (TNG: "Schisms" , "All Good Things..." )