  • Horath
  • Horath
  • Horath
  • Horath
  • Tritor was a prisoner of the Machine Empire who escaped with Bulk & Skull to fight the cogs and destroy the engine that manipulated Tommy into becoming a puppet for Prince Gasket. After that, the engine was used to send Bulk & Skull back on earth and Tritor went back to Horath to spread their story and their unusual 'Slapstick' fighting style. King for a Day
  • Horath may refer to: * Horath (Kesprytt), an individual * Horath (song), a song
  • De Horath is een Haliian lied, vaak gezongen tijdens de Batarael viering, elk jaar op de planeet Halii. In de familie van Aquiel Uhnari zong zij de Horath elk jaar, totdat ze op Relais station 47 werd gestationeerd. (TNG: "Aquiel") De tekst, gezongen in de Haliian taal, begint met: "Jomiael hahnalia ma marou natalia Rumael tavariel fatra di va Jomiael..."
  • Horath was the immortal tyrant of the Dark Empire in the galaxy of Mutter's Spiral. In 2009, Horath was variously described as a computer or as a cybernetic creature. Whatever his nature, he had the power to destroy or create worlds at will. According to Mr Smith, Horath used his power to crush the civilisations of all but the most primitive of planets.
  • Horath herrscht während des Dark Empire (Dunklen Imperiums). Legenden zufolge ist er unsterblich. Horath ist ein kybernetischer Organismus. Ein Computer, der die physischen Gesetze des Universums beherrschen kann. Er kann Welten vernichten und sie von einem Augenblick zum anderen neu erschaffen. 2009 versuchen Mrs. Wormwood und Commander Kaagh Horaths Körper mit seinem Geist zu vereinen. Sarah Jane Smith verhindert dieses jedoch. Sie zerstört das Portal. Kategorie:Gegenspieler von Sarah Jane Kategorie:SJA Personen Kategorie:Außerirdische
  • Enemy of the Bane
  • männlich
  • 210
  • Unbekannt mann.jpg
wikipage disambiguates
  • Tritor was a prisoner of the Machine Empire who escaped with Bulk & Skull to fight the cogs and destroy the engine that manipulated Tommy into becoming a puppet for Prince Gasket. After that, the engine was used to send Bulk & Skull back on earth and Tritor went back to Horath to spread their story and their unusual 'Slapstick' fighting style. King for a Day
  • Horath may refer to: * Horath (Kesprytt), an individual * Horath (song), a song
  • Horath was the immortal tyrant of the Dark Empire in the galaxy of Mutter's Spiral. In 2009, Horath was variously described as a computer or as a cybernetic creature. Whatever his nature, he had the power to destroy or create worlds at will. According to Mr Smith, Horath used his power to crush the civilisations of all but the most primitive of planets. Horath was overthrown circa 1000 BC. He could not be killed, so his consciousness and his body were believed to have been separated, with one part going into a crystal in the Kaldeann Cluster, and the other part being left in an unknown place (speculated to have possibly been another dimension); a place which could be accessed by placing the piece of Horath's consciousness within the Kaldeann crystal into a Tunguska scroll, which would hone in on its location. The scroll and crystal could be placed inside the heart of a stone monument similar to Stonehenge. This would allow entry to this place on the then-primitive planet Earth. In 2009, Mrs Wormwood and Commander Kaagh sought to revive Horath and use him to attain power over the whole galaxy. A portal leading to Horath appeared, which Kaagh closed. Sarah Jane then used her sonic lipstick to destroy the crystal and scroll, ensuring no one would find Horath again. (TV: Enemy of the Bane)
  • Horath herrscht während des Dark Empire (Dunklen Imperiums). Legenden zufolge ist er unsterblich. Horath ist ein kybernetischer Organismus. Ein Computer, der die physischen Gesetze des Universums beherrschen kann. Er kann Welten vernichten und sie von einem Augenblick zum anderen neu erschaffen. Er zerstört die Zivilisationen aller Planeten, mit Ausnahme der primitivsten Planten. Jedoch wird Horath besiegt. Da er nicht getötet werden kann werden sein Körper und sein Geist getrennt und an entgegengesetzten Enden der Galaxie versteckt. Sein Geist befindet sich am Kaldeann Sternenhaufen und sein Körper an einer unbekannten Stelle. 2009 versuchen Mrs. Wormwood und Commander Kaagh Horaths Körper mit seinem Geist zu vereinen. Sarah Jane Smith verhindert dieses jedoch. Sie zerstört das Portal. Kategorie:Gegenspieler von Sarah Jane Kategorie:SJA Personen Kategorie:Außerirdische
  • De Horath is een Haliian lied, vaak gezongen tijdens de Batarael viering, elk jaar op de planeet Halii. In de familie van Aquiel Uhnari zong zij de Horath elk jaar, totdat ze op Relais station 47 werd gestationeerd. (TNG: "Aquiel") De tekst, gezongen in de Haliian taal, begint met: "Jomiael hahnalia ma marou natalia Rumael tavariel fatra di va Jomiael..."