  • Incinerator gauntlet
  • Incinerator gauntlets are a terran technology developed around the time of the Second Great War designed to augment the perdition flamethrowers and firestorm flamethrowers of firebats. These gauntlets channel the flamer's fuel through multiple ports rather than the single port of the older model, resulting in a much wider flame without any loss of intensity, allowing firebats to hold enemies at bay with a literal wall of fire.
  • Incinerator gauntlets are a terran technology developed around the time of the Second Great War designed to augment the perdition flamethrowers and firestorm flamethrowers of firebats. These gauntlets channel the flamer's fuel through multiple ports rather than the single port of the older model, resulting in a much wider flame without any loss of intensity, allowing firebats to hold enemies at bay with a literal wall of fire.