  • Hobbit Farm
  • The Hobbit Farm is one of Imladris' resource buildings and is available at settlements. It is unique because unlike other resource buildings, it can defend itself even at level 1 thanks to three which dwell there. As the Hobbit Farm levels, two additional hobbits appear to defend it from enemy attacks (for a total of seven at level 3). If the hobbits are killed, they respawn over time. They cannot be directly controlled.
  • Hobbit Farms are buildings that spawn in the Shire, and are home to multiple farm animals, a few farmhands and a farmer, with whom you can trade and hire farmhands.
Created by
  • Maximilliano Penna
  • 1
added in
  • 17
unit hiring
treasure chests
  • One double chest with various food and farming items
  • The Hobbit Farm is one of Imladris' resource buildings and is available at settlements. It is unique because unlike other resource buildings, it can defend itself even at level 1 thanks to three which dwell there. As the Hobbit Farm levels, two additional hobbits appear to defend it from enemy attacks (for a total of seven at level 3). If the hobbits are killed, they respawn over time. They cannot be directly controlled.
  • Hobbit Farms are buildings that spawn in the Shire, and are home to multiple farm animals, a few farmhands and a farmer, with whom you can trade and hire farmhands.