  • Fujoshi Shihōin
  • Fujoshi is a quiet woman, keeping mostly to herself. She seems to care very deeply for her village and those she is put in charge of protecting. She and Ryun have developed a special bond; the two of them acting like siblings half of the time. As head of his security team, she keeps a close eye on him, even though he is in every way stronger than she is. She also reviles normal ninjutsu, as she has seen it put to use in many evil ways; such as the murder of her entire clan.
  • Fujoshi is a quiet woman, keeping mostly to herself. She seems to care very deeply for her village and those she is put in charge of protecting. She and Ryun have developed a special bond; the two of them acting like siblings half of the time. As head of his security team, she keeps a close eye on him, even though he is in every way stronger than she is. She also reviles normal ninjutsu, as she has seen it put to use in many evil ways; such as the murder of her entire clan.