  • Hohenzollern
  • Hohenzollern
  • Hohenzollern
  • El fabricante de locomotoras Hohenzollern (Aktiengesellschaft für Lokomotivbau Hohenzollern) era una compañía que operó de 1872 a 1929. Construyó tanto locomotoras de vapor convencionales, como sin fuego, así como locomotoras diésel. * Más información sobre el fabricante Hohenzollern.
  • Hohenzollern was a human female on active service with Starfleet in the early 25th century. A member of the German royal family, Hohenzollern was a cousin to the sitting kaiser and 8th or 9th in line to the throne. She was assigned to USS Bajor's assault team after the Iconian War. During a 4 January 2411 raid on a Borg outpost on Delta-86017114-3, Hohenzollern was repeatedly reminded to watch the flanks by her commanding officer, Lieutenant Alicia Gantumur. (Bait and Switch: "Brother on Brother, Daughter on Mother")
  • Kaiser of Germany
  • red
  • female
  • 24
  • El fabricante de locomotoras Hohenzollern (Aktiengesellschaft für Lokomotivbau Hohenzollern) era una compañía que operó de 1872 a 1929. Construyó tanto locomotoras de vapor convencionales, como sin fuego, así como locomotoras diésel. * Más información sobre el fabricante Hohenzollern.
  • Hohenzollern was a human female on active service with Starfleet in the early 25th century. A member of the German royal family, Hohenzollern was a cousin to the sitting kaiser and 8th or 9th in line to the throne. She was assigned to USS Bajor's assault team after the Iconian War. During a 4 January 2411 raid on a Borg outpost on Delta-86017114-3, Hohenzollern was repeatedly reminded to watch the flanks by her commanding officer, Lieutenant Alicia Gantumur. (Bait and Switch: "Brother on Brother, Daughter on Mother") The House of Hohenzollern is the former royal family of the German Empire--this implies that Hohenzollern is the character's family name.