  • Mario Kart TV
  • Mario Kart TV
  • Mario Kart TV
  • Mario Kart TV (auch MKTV) ist ein Modus, der in Mario Kart 8 zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Bei diesem handelt es sich um von Lakitu gefilmte Aufnahmen des Rennens, die man sich dann ansehen kann. So kann man sich nach dem Rennen die Higlihghts anschauen, in jeder Szene anhalten und vor- und zurückspulen.
  • Similar to the later replay versions, Mario Kart TV captures the driver from several different angles and views, and the standard broadcast is a Highlight Reel, which captures the most appealing events in the race/battle.
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  • Similar to the later replay versions, Mario Kart TV captures the driver from several different angles and views, and the standard broadcast is a Highlight Reel, which captures the most appealing events in the race/battle. Fortunately, the replay can now be edited greatly- there can be a total of three featured drivers (they appear in the video equally), the focus of the shots (Items, Action, Drifting, Hits, Big Hits), the length of time for the video, ranging from just 30 seconds to the whole race. And even more, moving the control stick left or right can fast forward the video or reverse, so if you miss something epic, you don't have to start the whole dang thing over again like previous replay modes. Also, holding down the B button makes the video go in slow motion, which is cool for suspense...strategy, stuff like that. MKTV can be accessed from the main menu, which, when selected, goes to the giant broadcast news room. Here, random Miis are enjoying the highlights, and you can select which races to view. 12 of your past races can be viewed, along with your top favorite 6 (activated by pressin' + on the results screen) and online videos. Mario Kart Television also shows an optional highlight review after every race, and it also comes right after the Cup is finished with another cast.
  • Mario Kart TV (auch MKTV) ist ein Modus, der in Mario Kart 8 zur Verfügung gestellt wird. Bei diesem handelt es sich um von Lakitu gefilmte Aufnahmen des Rennens, die man sich dann ansehen kann. So kann man sich nach dem Rennen die Higlihghts anschauen, in jeder Szene anhalten und vor- und zurückspulen.