  • USS Yuri Gagarin
  • USS Yuri Gagarin
  • Die USS Yuri Gagarin ist ein Raumschiff der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. 2365 wird dieses Schiff von Captain Alan Bernard kommandiert und patrouilliert in der neutralen Zone. Das Schiff wird auf dem Raumschiff-Einsatzstatus im Gerichtssaal auf Sternenbasis 173 erwähnt. (TNG: )
  • The USS Yuri Gagarin (NCC-25306) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. In 2365, Captain Alan Bernard was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, the Yuri Gagarin was assigned to patrol the Neutral Zone in Sector 142. The ship was listed on the Starship Deploy Status chart that was on display in the courtroom of Starbase 173. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" , okudagram) This starship was only mentioned in writing.
  • This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Gagarin of history. In the year 2365, the Gagarin was under the command of Captain Alan Bernard. He was assigned to captain Gagarin on a Neutral Zone space patrol mission in sector 142. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: "The Measure of a Man")
  • 2365
  • The Yuri Gagarin on a Starship Deploy Status chart
  • Active
  • active , succeeded in name by the by the 2370s.
  • 24
  • NCC-25306
  • USS Yuri Gagarin
  • fed
  • 45
  • 220
  • Die USS Yuri Gagarin ist ein Raumschiff der Sternenflotte im 24. Jahrhundert. 2365 wird dieses Schiff von Captain Alan Bernard kommandiert und patrouilliert in der neutralen Zone. Das Schiff wird auf dem Raumschiff-Einsatzstatus im Gerichtssaal auf Sternenbasis 173 erwähnt. (TNG: )
  • The USS Yuri Gagarin (NCC-25306) was a 24th century Federation starship operated by Starfleet. In 2365, Captain Alan Bernard was the commanding officer of this ship. In that year, the Yuri Gagarin was assigned to patrol the Neutral Zone in Sector 142. The ship was listed on the Starship Deploy Status chart that was on display in the courtroom of Starbase 173. (TNG: "The Measure Of A Man" , okudagram) This starship was only mentioned in writing.
  • This ship was named as a successor to previous vessels named Gagarin of history. In the year 2365, the Gagarin was under the command of Captain Alan Bernard. He was assigned to captain Gagarin on a Neutral Zone space patrol mission in sector 142. This information was listed on a starship deploy status report on a viewscreen on Starbase 173. (TNG episode: "The Measure of a Man")