  • Plot (radar)
  • Air Plot: Used for tracking air contacts i.e. planes and EW information Surface Plot: Used for tracking contacts on the surface of the water i.e. other ships. It can also perform a variety of roles such as; * Providing a trace of a ship's own course and speed over time * Plotting the position of a man overboard * Can be used in naval gunfire support missions to plot unidentified contacts and keep track of friendly forces * It also plays an important part in anti-submarine warfare operations and using Torpedos
  • Air Plot: Used for tracking air contacts i.e. planes and EW information Surface Plot: Used for tracking contacts on the surface of the water i.e. other ships. It can also perform a variety of roles such as; * Providing a trace of a ship's own course and speed over time * Plotting the position of a man overboard * Can be used in naval gunfire support missions to plot unidentified contacts and keep track of friendly forces * It also plays an important part in anti-submarine warfare operations and using Torpedos Sub-Surface Plot: Used for tracking contacts below the surface of the water i.e. submarines General Operations Plot: Used for tracking shipping on a large scale chart. Was also used to display exercise boundaries, airlanes and other significant features of maritime interest. In the R.A.N. the scale used was generally 5 miles to 1 inch OR 10 miles to 1 inch.