  • Donations
  • If you like gmpc/libmpd and use it daily you might consider a donation. I have a paypal account where I'm trying to get enough money to buy a new battery for my laptop, so I can code on gmpc in the train again. My paypal e-mail account is: qball at qballcow dot nl.
  • Please visit my Regards Please visit my Regards
  • Players can donate to Club Penguin Rewritten to help support it's services. They are one time and are not monthly. Donators are rewarded with a free shirt as well as a badge depending on how much they have donated.
  • There are a number of organizations in Tsukuba that can benefit from donations from the international community. * Alien Times * Tsukuba International School
  • Click here to donate $500 to All donations are automatically charged through your ISP!
  • This is the page for listing opportunities to give help in the simplest way - donation. Sometimes we cannot or don't want to help in any way other than by making a donation, and there are many, many avenues for doing this. However, by giving readers the chance to write their own information about what happens when they make a donation, we can build public, shared information that helps ensure our money gets to the right people and gets used in the way we intended. Donation opportunities are given below...
  • Sryth is a "freemium" game. You can play it for free for as long as you like, but most of the content is only accessible to AG players (subscribers). See the Adventurers Guild page for an extensive discussion of AG advantages. The AG subscription fees keep the server running and the GM employed. However, not all of Sryth income comes from the AG subscriptions. The GM also accepts donations in behalf of the game. In turn, he rewards donations with the most valuable game currency: Adventurer Tokens.
  • If you like gmpc/libmpd and use it daily you might consider a donation. I have a paypal account where I'm trying to get enough money to buy a new battery for my laptop, so I can code on gmpc in the train again. My paypal e-mail account is: qball at qballcow dot nl.
  • Please visit my Regards Please visit my Regards
  • Sryth is a "freemium" game. You can play it for free for as long as you like, but most of the content is only accessible to AG players (subscribers). See the Adventurers Guild page for an extensive discussion of AG advantages. The AG subscription fees keep the server running and the GM employed. However, not all of Sryth income comes from the AG subscriptions. The GM also accepts donations in behalf of the game. In turn, he rewards donations with the most valuable game currency: Adventurer Tokens. Donations come in two "flavors": Regular donations you can make anytime, and special renewal donations. AT earned through donations are available for all characters through the Small windowless building with a blue door.
  • Players can donate to Club Penguin Rewritten to help support it's services. They are one time and are not monthly. Donators are rewarded with a free shirt as well as a badge depending on how much they have donated.
  • There are a number of organizations in Tsukuba that can benefit from donations from the international community. * Alien Times * Tsukuba International School
  • Click here to donate $500 to All donations are automatically charged through your ISP!
  • This is the page for listing opportunities to give help in the simplest way - donation. Sometimes we cannot or don't want to help in any way other than by making a donation, and there are many, many avenues for doing this. However, by giving readers the chance to write their own information about what happens when they make a donation, we can build public, shared information that helps ensure our money gets to the right people and gets used in the way we intended. Donation opportunities are given below...