  • Andrew Hansen
  • Andrew Hansen is one of the most stunning comedians, musicians, and displays of multiple personality disorder to have come out of Australia in recent years. He also has many of the most bizarre hairstyles to have come out of Australia since it began. His multiple personalities include The Crazy Warehouse Guy, The Surprise Spruiker, Clive the Slightly Too-Loud Commuter, and Mr. Ten Questions. The reason for these strange manifestations is believed to be the effects of The War, or it could just be because he's a Doctor Who fan. We all know what they're like. Damn Sexy.
  • Andrew Hansen is one of the most stunning comedians, musicians, and displays of multiple personality disorder to have come out of Australia in recent years. He also has many of the most bizarre hairstyles to have come out of Australia since it began. His multiple personalities include The Crazy Warehouse Guy, The Surprise Spruiker, Clive the Slightly Too-Loud Commuter, and Mr. Ten Questions. The reason for these strange manifestations is believed to be the effects of The War, or it could just be because he's a Doctor Who fan. We all know what they're like. Damn Sexy.
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