  • Comparative pharmacology
  • Comparative pharmacology was a sub-discipline of pharmacology that compared individuals' different reactions to drugs. In 2374, Chakotay suggested that members of the dream species would have less of a tolerance for stimulants like animazine than Humans would. The Doctor, initially missing the commander's point, said he would be happy to discuss comparative pharmacology with him after he injected himself with the drug. (VOY: "Waking Moments")
  • Comparative pharmacology was a sub-discipline of pharmacology that compared individuals' different reactions to drugs. In 2374, Chakotay suggested that members of the dream species would have less of a tolerance for stimulants like animazine than Humans would. The Doctor, initially missing the commander's point, said he would be happy to discuss comparative pharmacology with him after he injected himself with the drug. (VOY: "Waking Moments")