  • Tora Naprem
  • Tora Naprem
  • Tora Naprem
  • Tora Naprem
  • Tora Naprem ist Bajoranerin. Sie ist die Mutter von Tora Ziyal. Zur Zeit der Besetzung von Bajor ist sie Sklavin und verliebt sich in Gul Dukat. Er überlässt die gemeinsame Tochter ihrer Obhut. Weil Ziyal auf Cardassia ebenso wenig akzeptiert werden würde, wie auf Bajor, schickt Dukat Naprem mit der gemeinsamen Tochter zum neutralen Planeten Lissepia. Auf dem Weg dort hin wird das Transportschiff Ravinok jedoch von Breen-Schiffen bei Dozaria angegriffen und zur Notlandung gezwungen, bei der Naprem stirbt (DS9: ).
  • Tora Naprem était une bajorane qui fut la maîtresse de Gul Dukat quand il fut préfet de Bajor pendant l'Occupation. En 2353, ils eurent une fille, Tora Ziyal. En 2366, Dukat envoya Naprem et Ziyal sur Lissepia pour les mettre en sécurité. Cependant, leur transport, le Ravinok, fut attaqué par les Breens et échoua sur Dozaria. Naprem est morte dans l'accident et a été enterrée près de l'épave. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman who was forced to serve as one of Gul Dukat's comfort women. During this time, Dukat developed some sort of feelings for Naprem, and she succumbed to a sort of Stockholm Syndrome and reciprocated. They conceived a child together, Tora Ziyal, in 2353. When the Occupation of Bajor was about to end, though, Dukat sent Naprem and Ziyal away to Lissepia on the freighter Ravinok. The Ravinok never made it, however; it was shot down by the Breen and its crew and passengers taken prisoner. In 2371, Naprem was confirmed to be among the dead. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman in the Occupation of Bajor. She became Prefect Gul Skrain Dukat's mistress, and over time, truly felt feelings for him. This relationship bloomed to the point where Naprem became pregnant and gave birth to Dukat's half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian daughter, whom they named Tora Ziyal. Shortly after Ziyal's birth, Basso Tromac revealed Tora Naprem's relationship with Dukat to Kira Meru. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves)
  • Tora Naprem was een Bajoran vrouw die verliefd werd en een affaire had met gul Dukat toen hij prefect van Bajor was tijdens de bezetting. Samen kregen ze in 2353 een kind, Tora Ziyal. Dukat stuurde Naprem en Ziyal in 2366 naar Lissepia zodat ze enigszins in vrede konden leven. Hun transportschip, de Ravinok, werd echter door de Breen aangevallen en crashte op Dozaria. Naprem kwam bij de crash om het leven en werd bij het wrak begraven.
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman from Bajor in the 24th century. She became involved with Gul Dukat and conceived a child, Tora Ziyal. Tora fell in love and had an affair in 2353 with Gul Dukat when he was prefect of Bajor during the Occupation. She even wore a Bajoran pledge bracelet to signify the relationship. When it became clear that the Occupation was coming to an end, Dukat sent Naprem and Ziyal away to Lissepia to live out their lives in relative peace since they wouldn't be accepted either on Cardassia or Bajor. However, their transport, the Ravinok, was attacked by Breen and crash landed on Dozaria. Tora died in the crash and was buried near the wreckage.
  • Tora Naprem ist Bajoranerin. Sie ist die Mutter von Tora Ziyal. Zur Zeit der Besetzung von Bajor ist sie Sklavin und verliebt sich in Gul Dukat. Er überlässt die gemeinsame Tochter ihrer Obhut. Weil Ziyal auf Cardassia ebenso wenig akzeptiert werden würde, wie auf Bajor, schickt Dukat Naprem mit der gemeinsamen Tochter zum neutralen Planeten Lissepia. Auf dem Weg dort hin wird das Transportschiff Ravinok jedoch von Breen-Schiffen bei Dozaria angegriffen und zur Notlandung gezwungen, bei der Naprem stirbt (DS9: ).
  • Tora Naprem was een Bajoran vrouw die verliefd werd en een affaire had met gul Dukat toen hij prefect van Bajor was tijdens de bezetting. Samen kregen ze in 2353 een kind, Tora Ziyal. Dukat stuurde Naprem en Ziyal in 2366 naar Lissepia zodat ze enigszins in vrede konden leven. Hun transportschip, de Ravinok, werd echter door de Breen aangevallen en crashte op Dozaria. Naprem kwam bij de crash om het leven en werd bij het wrak begraven. In 2372 ontdekten Dukat en majoor Kira Nerys het wrak van de Ravinok. Aan de hand van haar oorring en armband wisten ze Naprem te identificeren. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem était une bajorane qui fut la maîtresse de Gul Dukat quand il fut préfet de Bajor pendant l'Occupation. En 2353, ils eurent une fille, Tora Ziyal. En 2366, Dukat envoya Naprem et Ziyal sur Lissepia pour les mettre en sécurité. Cependant, leur transport, le Ravinok, fut attaqué par les Breens et échoua sur Dozaria. Naprem est morte dans l'accident et a été enterrée près de l'épave. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman in the Occupation of Bajor. She became Prefect Gul Skrain Dukat's mistress, and over time, truly felt feelings for him. This relationship bloomed to the point where Naprem became pregnant and gave birth to Dukat's half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian daughter, whom they named Tora Ziyal. Shortly after Ziyal's birth, Basso Tromac revealed Tora Naprem's relationship with Dukat to Kira Meru. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves) Near the end of the Occupation, Dukat realized he could not protect his Bajoran family as his enemies would use them to ruin his career. So instead, he arranged for Naprem and Ziyal to travel on the Ravinok, where they would rendezvous with a freighter which would take them to Lissepia, where she and Ziyal could live out their lives in peace. This plan was undone, however, when two Breen warships attacked the Ravinok and forced it to crash on the planet Dozaria. Naprem died in the crash. (DS9 episode: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman from Bajor in the 24th century. She became involved with Gul Dukat and conceived a child, Tora Ziyal. Tora fell in love and had an affair in 2353 with Gul Dukat when he was prefect of Bajor during the Occupation. She even wore a Bajoran pledge bracelet to signify the relationship. When it became clear that the Occupation was coming to an end, Dukat sent Naprem and Ziyal away to Lissepia to live out their lives in relative peace since they wouldn't be accepted either on Cardassia or Bajor. However, their transport, the Ravinok, was attacked by Breen and crash landed on Dozaria. Tora died in the crash and was buried near the wreckage. In 2372, Dukat and Major Kira Nerys later found the Ravinok, and identified Naprem's remains based on her Bajoran earring, as well as the pledge bracelet. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
  • Tora Naprem was a Bajoran woman who was forced to serve as one of Gul Dukat's comfort women. During this time, Dukat developed some sort of feelings for Naprem, and she succumbed to a sort of Stockholm Syndrome and reciprocated. They conceived a child together, Tora Ziyal, in 2353. When the Occupation of Bajor was about to end, though, Dukat sent Naprem and Ziyal away to Lissepia on the freighter Ravinok. The Ravinok never made it, however; it was shot down by the Breen and its crew and passengers taken prisoner. In 2371, Naprem was confirmed to be among the dead. (DS9: "Indiscretion")
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