  • 341
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  • 341 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa szczytowa, która kursowała na trasie z Ursynowa Południowego na Kłobucką.
  • On this site, you will make contributions to the wiki pages on the children's novels that you've read for ENGL 341. Help with the technical issues of editing these pages is available here. While not required, I highly recommend creating an account and logging in each time you make a contribution; this will assure that your additions are credited to you. At the very least, you should always put your name in the "Summary" box, located just above the "Save page" button, to identify your work.
  • El trescientos cuarenta y uno (341) es el número natural que sigue al 340 y precede al 342. Categoría:Números
  • A showdown is taking place in the office of Dr. Dave Woodard. Dr. Julia Hoffman has confronted her colleague over the theft of her notebook, which details the truth about Barnabas Collins. Woodard watches, astounded, as a bat appears outside the window...and then Barnabas materializes inside the room. Julia begs the vampire to give her another chance to change Woodard's mind about reporting his findings to the police. But Woodard refuses to be persuaded. He is shocked to learn Barnabas plans to leave his death in Julia's hands.
  • Simone hat Oliver kurzerhand als Sportarzt im Zentrum eingestellt und muss diesen Alleingang vor Richard verteidigen. Entschlossen, sich nicht unterkriegen zu lassen und das Siedlungsprojekt voran zu treiben, überlässt sie schließlich Maximilian bei der Wahl seiner Mittel freie Hand. Sie ahnt nicht, dass sie dadurch ungewollt Vanessa in Gefahr bringt. Oliver erkennt, dass die Steinkamps ihn nicht ohne Grund einstellen wollen. So leicht lässt sich Oliver allerdings nicht manipulieren. Erst nach einem Gespräch mit Mike und Ingo kommt er auf die Idee, das Angebot der Steinkamps für sich und seine Forschung zu nutzen. Annette hat schwer daran zu knapsen, dass Ingo und Lena trotz Lenas Betrug wieder ein Paar sind. In der Kneipe provoziert sie Lena solange, bis Ingo sich schützend vor seine Freu
  • 341
  • 1967-10-11
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  • 1968
  • 1967-10-16
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  • A showdown is taking place in the office of Dr. Dave Woodard. Dr. Julia Hoffman has confronted her colleague over the theft of her notebook, which details the truth about Barnabas Collins. Woodard watches, astounded, as a bat appears outside the window...and then Barnabas materializes inside the room. Julia begs the vampire to give her another chance to change Woodard's mind about reporting his findings to the police. But Woodard refuses to be persuaded. He is shocked to learn Barnabas plans to leave his death in Julia's hands. Woodard prefers death to being changed into something as loathsome, evil, and inhuman as Barnabas is. His only regret will be not living to see the undead figure before him destroyed. Barnabas grabs hold of Woodard, and Julia tries one last time to convince her friend to help with the experiment. It is in vain. Barnabas orders her to proceed, and Julia hesitates as she reaches for the prepared hypodermic she brought with her in her purse. She cannot bring herself to kill Woodard. Barnabas takes the hypodermic from her, but when he starts to inject Woodard, the other man cries out Sarah Collins' name. This distracts Barnabas long enough for Woodard to try to escape. But the enraged vampire catches him, demands assurance that Sarah had not appeared, and injects him with the hypodermic in the scapula area of the back left shoulder through a coat and suit and shirt. Woodard drops dead in an instant. Julia breaks down in tears. Barnabas has moved Woodard's body into a seated position behind the desk. Julia, beyond distraught, is anxious to leave. But Barnabas wants her assurance that it will appear as if Woodard died of a heart attack. It will indeed, she tells him. Barnabas instructs her to retrieve the hypodermic and the notebook, which Julia, in her distress, has forgotten about. They are startled as the telephone begins to ring... Elsewhere in Collinsport, it is Sheriff George Patterson attempting to return Woodard's earlier call. As Barnabas and Julia make haste to leave, Julia hears Woodard's voice and proclaims her former friend is not dead. But Barnabas, who has heard nothing, urges the emotionally shattered woman to leave. Some time later, at the Blue Whale, Sam Evans is enjoying a drink at the bar when Sheriff Patterson comes in searching for Dr. Woodard. Sam learns that Woodard was urgently searching for the Sheriff, but never contacted him again. He relates Woodard's excitement when he saw him two hours ago, as if the doctor was on the verge of discovering something important. A woman's scream outside the Blue Whale draws everyone outside. But the woman had only been startled by a bat. Sam and Patterson decide to go to Woodard's office, and as the two men start to leave they see a bat outside the window. Rattled, the pair hurry on their way. At Woodard's office, Sam breaks down the locked door and he and the Sheriff find their friend's dead body inside. Both Sam and Patterson believe Woodard has been murdered. The Sheriff calls the coroner. At the Old House, Julia stares at the hypodermic before throwing it into the fireplace. When Barnabas enters the room, she cannot bear to look at him and begs to be left alone. He assures her the burden of their shared guilt in Woodard's murder will lessen in time. Julia, overcome with grief and guilt, moves to toss her notebook into the fire. Barnabas stops her. He reminds her that retrieving the notebook cost Woodard his life. Julia decides to leave Collinsport, and give up trying to cure Barnabas' vampirism. But that, as Barnabas points out, is impossible. With Woodard gone, he is the only friend Julia has.
  • 341 – nieistniejąca linia autobusowa zwykła okresowa szczytowa, która kursowała na trasie z Ursynowa Południowego na Kłobucką.
  • On this site, you will make contributions to the wiki pages on the children's novels that you've read for ENGL 341. Help with the technical issues of editing these pages is available here. While not required, I highly recommend creating an account and logging in each time you make a contribution; this will assure that your additions are credited to you. At the very least, you should always put your name in the "Summary" box, located just above the "Save page" button, to identify your work.
  • El trescientos cuarenta y uno (341) es el número natural que sigue al 340 y precede al 342. Categoría:Números
  • Simone hat Oliver kurzerhand als Sportarzt im Zentrum eingestellt und muss diesen Alleingang vor Richard verteidigen. Entschlossen, sich nicht unterkriegen zu lassen und das Siedlungsprojekt voran zu treiben, überlässt sie schließlich Maximilian bei der Wahl seiner Mittel freie Hand. Sie ahnt nicht, dass sie dadurch ungewollt Vanessa in Gefahr bringt. Oliver erkennt, dass die Steinkamps ihn nicht ohne Grund einstellen wollen. So leicht lässt sich Oliver allerdings nicht manipulieren. Erst nach einem Gespräch mit Mike und Ingo kommt er auf die Idee, das Angebot der Steinkamps für sich und seine Forschung zu nutzen. Annette hat schwer daran zu knapsen, dass Ingo und Lena trotz Lenas Betrug wieder ein Paar sind. In der Kneipe provoziert sie Lena solange, bis Ingo sich schützend vor seine Freundin stellt. Als Lena Ingo dafür dankt, stellt er klar, dass er das nicht für sie getan hat...
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