  • Holobillboard
  • By 2015, holobillboards had replaced all conventional billboards. Goldie Wilson III had a holographic billboard advertising his hover conversion company, Goldie Wilson Hover Conversion Systems. An opinion poll titled 3D BILLBOARDS: FREE SPEECH OR TRAFFIC HAZARDS? was announced in a box-out in the top right-hand corner of the October 22, 2015 issue of USA Today, which asked the question Was billboard responsible for 2 traffic fatalities?
  • By 2015, holobillboards had replaced all conventional billboards. Goldie Wilson III had a holographic billboard advertising his hover conversion company, Goldie Wilson Hover Conversion Systems. An opinion poll titled 3D BILLBOARDS: FREE SPEECH OR TRAFFIC HAZARDS? was announced in a box-out in the top right-hand corner of the October 22, 2015 issue of USA Today, which asked the question Was billboard responsible for 2 traffic fatalities?