  • Dies Irae
  • Dies Irae
  • Dies Irae
  • Dies Irae
  • Dies irae
  • Dies irae
  • Dies Irae (translated as "Day of Wrath") is the main theme for Wolfgang Krauser in Fatal Fury 2. The arcade version is composed by the SNK Sound Team while the arranged version is the real theme once composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  • Dies irae, dies illa, solvet saeculum in favilla, teste David et Sibylla Quantus tremor est futurus, quando judex est venturus, cuncta stricte discussurus! Dia de ira, aquele dia no qual os séculos se desfarão em cinzas assim testificam Davi e Sibila Quanto temor haverá então, Quando o Juiz vier, Para julgar com rigor todas as coisas
  • Dies irae dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla: Teste David cum Sibylla. Quantus tremor est futurus, Quando iudex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus!
  • Dies Irae (ディエス・イレ) is a weapon in the series.
  • Dies Irae are a Helsinki, Finland based doom metal act, formed initially in 1992 by Anna Korsari and her brother Tomi Korsari. The band were then a five peice black metal outfit going by the unsurprising name Mordor. The band had many fits and starts over the years, putting out initially three demos in their first five months before disbanding. The band reformed again, this time as Dies Irae and put out two more demo's before once more disbanding. The band returned in their third form a year and a bit later, this time for good
  • Dies Irae is an achievement and trophy in the video game Sine Mora. It is obtained by being promoted to Major General, playing for over 24 hours total, encountering the Killer Piano, finishing a stage with half or less than one second remaining, completing the arcade mode with all characters, completing the arcade mode without using a continue, completing the arcade mode using only primary weapons and finishing a stage on the Insane difficulty without picking up anything. As an achievement, Dies Irae is worth 20 Gamerscore, while its trophy is gold. "Dies irae" is a Latin phrase meaning, "day of wrath." Dies Irae's icon art references the Killer Piano which must be found to earn the meta-award.
  • thumb|312px El Dies Irae (pronunciado "Dies Ira") era un poderoso Titán Imperator de la Legio Mortis. Su nombre significa "Día de la Ira" en latín, uno de los antiguos lenguajes de Terra. Se alzaba como un dios antiguo procedente de tiempos inmemoriales. El Dies Irae era un inmenso monumento a la guerra y a la destrucción.
  • thumb|A takie niepozorne chuchro... Dies irae, właśc. Picea dies irae (z łac. Dzień gniewu) - gatunek świerku, dzieło inżynierii genetycznej. Drzewo posiada szyszki będące taktyczną bombą jądrową, których detonacja następuje poprzez zapalnik barometryczny. Gdy świerk osiąga wysokość 2 metrów, następuje wybuch.
  • When the Warmaster Horus ordered the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet to unleash a virus-bomb attack on the one-third of the Space Marine Traitor Legions' forces that were fighting against the Slaaneshi-corrupted rebels on the surface of Istvaan III but had remained loyal to the Emperor, Princeps Esau Turnet had already chosen to support the Warmaster. He ordered the massive Titan to stop its support of the Loyalist Death Guard Space Marines it had been deployed to aid in the assault and then initiated the great machine's protective protocols against nuclear, biological and chemical attack, sealing it airtight against the deadly virus. The crew watched in horror as the virus-bombs' lethal cargo killed all organic life on the planet within minutes and withstood the hideous firestorm that engulfed t
  • The Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) is a masterforged Phrik Vibrorapier, belonging to Lorenzo Salvatori. Forged in the old republic, the blade has been wrought in a style distinctive of the Noua region of Telerath, and contains the artistic brilliance and metallurgical mastery so typical of the world. All in all, the blade is constructed of a Phrik and Titanium amalgamate, which imbues the blade with incredible strength, while at the same time a surprising lightness. The hilt of the blade has been forged in a swept-hilt basket style; essentially a cross-guard, over which a wire half basket has been inset. This guard is made out of old republic bronze, and is decorated highly with strapwork, detailed wire lacing, and iridescence. It should be noted that the guard itself is made out of this bronze,
  • Dies irae (= dag van toorn) zijn, in de katholieke eredienst, de beroemde eerste woorden van de sequentia uit de Latijnse mis der overledenen, waarmee ook meestal naar de gehele sequentia wordt verwezen. Tot de bekendere Dies Irae behoren die van Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem in d-klein, KV 626 uit 1791 en die van Giuseppe Verdi uit 1874, deze worden vooral gekenmerkt door harde, snelle muziek, vooral het begin van Verdi's Dies Irae.
  • Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) is a famous thirteenth century Latin hymn thought to be written by Thomas of Celano. It is a medieval Latin poem characterized by its accentual stress and its rhymed lines. The metre is trochaic. The poem describes the day of judgment, the last trumpet summoning souls before the throne of God, where the saved will be delivered and the unsaved cast into eternal flames.
  • 68
  • 88
Row 4 info
  • Black Metal
  • Epic Doom Metal
Row 1 info
  • Dies Irae
Row 4 title
  • Genre
  • 50
Row 2 info
Row 6 info
  • Negative Records 2007
  • AT Forite X x3, Cold Scythe x2, Kishin Hammer x2
  • Kinshicho Black Market
  • Q's Blacksmith
Row 1 title
  • Band Name
Row 5 info
  • 2006
Row 2 title
  • Members
Row 6 title
  • Label
Row 5 title
  • Years Active
  • None
Row 3 info
  • Helsinki, Finland
Row 3 title
  • Origin
  • 506
  • -
Box Title
  • Dies Irae
  • Sine Mora
  • smt4
  • smt4a
  • smtsj
  • Dies Irae
  • Blunt
  • -
  • Promoted to Promoted to General of the Air Force
  • Clarinet, Bowed Pad, Harp, Harpsichord, Church Organ, Tubular Bells, String Ensemble 1
  • No
  • -
  • Gold
  • 4
  • -
  • Halloween 2015
  • Dies Irae
  • 326.0
  • Dies Irae.ogg
  • -
  • Low
  • 2015-10-29
  • Ashleigh Bridges
  • -
  • Halloween Events
  • -
  • 1
  • All
  • -
  • :Dies irae, dies illa :Solvet saeclum in favilla, :Teste David cum Sibylla. :Quantus tremor est futurus, :Quando judex est venturus, :Cuncta stricte discussurus! :Tuba mirum spargens sonum :Per sepulcra regionum, :Coget omnes ante thronum. :Mors stupebit et natura, :Cum resurget creatura, :Judicanti responsura. :Liber scriptus proferetur, :In quo totum continetur, :Unde mundus judicetur. :Judex ergo cum sedebit, :Quidquid latet apparebit. :Nil inultum remanebit. :Quid sum miser tunc dicturus? :Quem patronum rogaturus, :Cum vix justus sit securus? :Rex tremendae majestatis :qui salvandos salvas gratis :salva me, fons pietatis :Recordare, Jesu pie, :Quod sum causa tuae viae: :Ne me perdas illa die. :Quaerens me, sedisti, lassus; :Redemisti crucem passus; :Tantus labor non sit cassus. :Juste Judex ultionis, :Donum fac remissionis :Ante diem rationis. :Ingemisco tanquam reus, :Culpa rubet vultus meus; :Supplicanti parce, Deus. :Qui Mariam absolvisti, :Et latronem exaudisti, :Mihi quoque spem dedisti. :Preces meae non sunt dignae, :Sed tu, bonus, fac benigne, :Ne perenni cremer igne. :Inter oves locum praesta, :Et ab hoedis me sequestra, :Statuens in parte dextra. :Confutatis maledictis :Flammis acribus addictis, :Voca me cum benedictis. :Oro supplex et acclinis, :Cor contritum quasi cinis, :Gere curam mei finis. :Lacrimosa dies illa, :Qua resurget ex favilla :Judicandus homo reus.: :Huic ergo parce, Deus: :Pie Jesu Domine: :Dona eis requiem. Amen.
  • :Dag der toorn, o die dag :zal de wereld in de as vergaan :zoals voorzegd door David en de Sibylle. :Welk een angst zal er zijn :wanneer de rechter zal komen :om alles streng te oordelen :De bazuin, een zonderling geschal verspreidend :over de graven van alle landstreken, :zal allen vóór de troon ontbieden. :Dood en leven zullen verstommen, :wanneer de schepping zal herrijzen :om zijn rechter rekenschap te geven. :Het boek met aantekeningen zal worden aangebracht :waarin alles staat opgetekend :waarop de wereld zal geoordeeld worden. :Als dan de rechter zetelen zal, :zal al wat verborgen is verschijnen, :niets zal ongewroken blijven. :Wat zal ik, ellendige, dan te zeggen hebben, :welke pleiter zal ik vragen, :als zelfs de rechtvaardige nauwelijks zeker is? :Vorst met geduchte majesteit, :die genadig heelt wie verdient geheeld te worden, :red ook mij, bron van genade! :Gedenk, lieve Jezus, :dat ik de reden van uw komst ben, :laat mij die dag dan niet verloren gaan. :Op zoek naar mij, zijt gij vermoeid gaan zitten, :hebt mij vrijgekocht door uw lijden aan het kruis, :laat zulk lijden niet vergeefs zijn. :Rechtvaardige Rechter der Wrake, :schenk mij de gave der vergiffenis, :nog vóór de dag der rekenschap. :Ik zucht, als de zondaar die ik ben, :van de schuld kleurt mijn aangezicht rood, :God, wees deze smekeling genadig! :Gij, die Maria van schuld hebt bevrijd, :en die de rover hebt verhoord, :hebt ook mij hoop gegeven. :Mijn gebeden zijn niet waardig, :maar gij, die goed zijt, wees mild en maak :dat ik niet verteerd word door het eeuwig vuur. :Bereid mij een plaats tussen uw schapen, :zonder mij af van de bokken, :en laat mij staan aan uw rechterzijde. :Wanneer de vervloekten zijn verslagen :en aan de verterende vlammen prijsgegeven, :roep mij dan onder de gezegenden. :Ik bid u, deemoedig en neergeknield, :en mijn hart bijna tot as gekrompen, :draag zorg voor mij in mijn laatste uur. :Die tranenrijke dag, :waarop uit zijn as verrijzen zal :de zondige mens, om geoordeeld te worden. :Ontzie dan deze mens, mijn God; :Here Jezus lief, :schenk hen de rust. Amen. ::::
  • 442
  • Dies Irae (translated as "Day of Wrath") is the main theme for Wolfgang Krauser in Fatal Fury 2. The arcade version is composed by the SNK Sound Team while the arranged version is the real theme once composed by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
  • Dies irae, dies illa, solvet saeculum in favilla, teste David et Sibylla Quantus tremor est futurus, quando judex est venturus, cuncta stricte discussurus! Dia de ira, aquele dia no qual os séculos se desfarão em cinzas assim testificam Davi e Sibila Quanto temor haverá então, Quando o Juiz vier, Para julgar com rigor todas as coisas
  • Dies irae dies illa, Solvet saeclum in favilla: Teste David cum Sibylla. Quantus tremor est futurus, Quando iudex est venturus, Cuncta stricte discussurus!
  • Dies Irae (ディエス・イレ) is a weapon in the series.
  • Dies Irae are a Helsinki, Finland based doom metal act, formed initially in 1992 by Anna Korsari and her brother Tomi Korsari. The band were then a five peice black metal outfit going by the unsurprising name Mordor. The band had many fits and starts over the years, putting out initially three demos in their first five months before disbanding. The band reformed again, this time as Dies Irae and put out two more demo's before once more disbanding. The band returned in their third form a year and a bit later, this time for good
  • Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) is a famous thirteenth century Latin hymn thought to be written by Thomas of Celano. It is a medieval Latin poem characterized by its accentual stress and its rhymed lines. The metre is trochaic. The poem describes the day of judgment, the last trumpet summoning souls before the throne of God, where the saved will be delivered and the unsaved cast into eternal flames. The hymn is best known from its use as a sequence in the Roman Catholic Requiem Mass. It was removed from the ordinary form of the Catholic Eucharistic liturgy in the liturgical reform of 1969-1970, but was retained as a hymn of the Divine Office . It can also still be heard when the extraordinary form of the Mass is used. An English version of it is found in various missals used in the Anglican Communion.
  • Dies Irae is an achievement and trophy in the video game Sine Mora. It is obtained by being promoted to Major General, playing for over 24 hours total, encountering the Killer Piano, finishing a stage with half or less than one second remaining, completing the arcade mode with all characters, completing the arcade mode without using a continue, completing the arcade mode using only primary weapons and finishing a stage on the Insane difficulty without picking up anything. As an achievement, Dies Irae is worth 20 Gamerscore, while its trophy is gold. "Dies irae" is a Latin phrase meaning, "day of wrath." Dies Irae's icon art references the Killer Piano which must be found to earn the meta-award.
  • When the Warmaster Horus ordered the 63rd Expeditionary Fleet to unleash a virus-bomb attack on the one-third of the Space Marine Traitor Legions' forces that were fighting against the Slaaneshi-corrupted rebels on the surface of Istvaan III but had remained loyal to the Emperor, Princeps Esau Turnet had already chosen to support the Warmaster. He ordered the massive Titan to stop its support of the Loyalist Death Guard Space Marines it had been deployed to aid in the assault and then initiated the great machine's protective protocols against nuclear, biological and chemical attack, sealing it airtight against the deadly virus. The crew watched in horror as the virus-bombs' lethal cargo killed all organic life on the planet within minutes and withstood the hideous firestorm that engulfed the planet when Horus' fleet ignited the flammable gases of decay now present in the Istvaanian atmosphere. The Titan's crew barely weathered the firestorm as the Dies Irae's internal cooling mechanisms were nearly overwhelmed. One of the Titan's Moderati Primus, Titus Cassar, a devout believer in the divinity of the Emperor, turned against Princeps Turnet and tried to kill him with his sidearm, but was murdered in turn by his own friend and fellow Moderati Jonah Aruken, whose ambition to one day become a Princeps himself and take control of a powerful Battle Titan overwhelmed his moral sense. Believing that if he stood against Princeps Turnet he would never receive the command he so desperately hungered for, Aruken shot Cassar in the back with his own autopistol and fully committed himself to the Heresy. The Dies Irae was then deployed by the Traitor forces against their Loyalist former Battle-Brothers and the Titan was ultimately partly responsible for the death of the Loyalists' leader at Istvaan III, Captain Garviel Loken of the Sons of Horus. Loken had become trapped in the wreckage produced by the Titan following his duel with First Captain Ezekyle Abaddon of the Sons of Horus. During the Siege of the Imperial Palace on Terra at the climax of the Horus Heresy, the Dies Irae participated along with the rest of the Legio Mortis and the other Traitor Titans in the operation to breach the palace's fortifications. The Dies Irae was the first Traitor Titan to breach the Imperial Palace's walls, which allowed the Chaos Space Marines and their allied legions of daemons to overwhelm the Loyalist defenders who rushed to fill the breach. This action earned the Dies Irae both infamy and the hatred of the Loyalist Titan Legions, who determined in the future that it would be worth the loss of an entire Legion of Battle Titans to destroy the greatest of the Traitor Titans. The Dies Irae survived the defeat of Horus at Terra by the Emperor and retreated into the Eye of Terror with the rest of the Traitor Legions and the Dark Mechanicus' forces, where thousands of years of exposure to the influence of Chaos slowly mutated the form of the once proud Titan and imbued its artificial intelligence with a fiendish, daemonic presence and aspect. It is unknown if the Titan remained crewed by Princeps Turnet and Moderati Aruken throughout its entire existence, but this is not beyond the realm of possibility, though like all the devotees of Chaos it is likely the two would have been hideously warped and mutated by their long exposure to the Immaterium. The Dies Irae fought its final battle against the Imperium of Man as part of an Iron Warriors Traitor Legion warband that attacked the fortress of Tor Christo on the Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World of Hydra Cordatus in 999.M41 as part of the 13th Black Crusade. Now a twisted Dark Titan of Chaos, the Dies Irae had become the lead Battle Titan of its own Dark Mechanicus Titan battlegroup. It supported the Iron Warriors' assaults on the fortress and ultimately was responsible for the destruction of several Imperial Titans and the death of the Imperial Titan battlegroups' commanding Princeps. The Dies Irae met its end after a Warlord-class Battle Titan badly damaged it by intentionally detonating its plasma reactor in proximity to the Dark Titan, allowing another Warlord-class Titan to penetrate its damaged armour and destroy its main fusion plasma reactor with its Power Claw. The reactor went critical and incinerated the Dies Irae and its corrupted crew, finally earning the Collegia Titanica its vengeance after 10,000 years.
  • thumb|312px El Dies Irae (pronunciado "Dies Ira") era un poderoso Titán Imperator de la Legio Mortis. Su nombre significa "Día de la Ira" en latín, uno de los antiguos lenguajes de Terra. Se alzaba como un dios antiguo procedente de tiempos inmemoriales. El Dies Irae era un inmenso monumento a la guerra y a la destrucción.
  • thumb|A takie niepozorne chuchro... Dies irae, właśc. Picea dies irae (z łac. Dzień gniewu) - gatunek świerku, dzieło inżynierii genetycznej. Drzewo posiada szyszki będące taktyczną bombą jądrową, których detonacja następuje poprzez zapalnik barometryczny. Gdy świerk osiąga wysokość 2 metrów, następuje wybuch.
  • The Dies Irae (Day of Wrath) is a masterforged Phrik Vibrorapier, belonging to Lorenzo Salvatori. Forged in the old republic, the blade has been wrought in a style distinctive of the Noua region of Telerath, and contains the artistic brilliance and metallurgical mastery so typical of the world. All in all, the blade is constructed of a Phrik and Titanium amalgamate, which imbues the blade with incredible strength, while at the same time a surprising lightness. The hilt of the blade has been forged in a swept-hilt basket style; essentially a cross-guard, over which a wire half basket has been inset. This guard is made out of old republic bronze, and is decorated highly with strapwork, detailed wire lacing, and iridescence. It should be noted that the guard itself is made out of this bronze, though not the cross-guard itself, allowing for blocks and parries of otherwise harmful blades by the wielder. The blade itself has been polished to a high sheen, almost appearing luminescent. Across its surface, detailed etchings and mouldings have been chiseled into its surface, depicting angels and cherubs, beautiful and serene in appearance. Despite the blades appearance though, it can indeed inflict severe damage on a target; inset deep within the hilt, and surrounded by a layer of inert power insulator, is a Ultrasonic vibration generator. Capable of vibrating the blade up to three thousand microvibrations a second, it enables the blade to cut through flesh, bone, armor, and even durasteel almost effortlessly. Truly, while a unique and simple weapon when compared to more flashy weapons such as a lightsaber, it is indeed still dangerous. * Blade length: 1.2 meters * Hilt Length: 17.7 centimeters * Blade width: 2.54 centimeters * Cross guard width: 16.5 centimeters * Basket Hilt Width: 12 centimeters (Encloses the hand) * Blade depth: 1 centimeter * Overall weight: 1 kilogram
  • Dies irae (= dag van toorn) zijn, in de katholieke eredienst, de beroemde eerste woorden van de sequentia uit de Latijnse mis der overledenen, waarmee ook meestal naar de gehele sequentia wordt verwezen. De tekst, die ontstond in de 13e eeuw (? door Thomas van Celano, ± 1250), wordt beheerst door angst en huiver voor Gods laatste oordeel over de overledenen, en wordt omwille van die lugubere sfeer niet vaak meer uitgevoerd in de eigentijdse uitvaartliturgie. Verschillende componisten hebben er evenwel schitterende muziek voor geschreven, en het thema van de oorspronkelijke Gregoriaanse versie heeft veel andere componisten tot in onze tijd geïnspireerd bij het schrijven van (profane) muziek met een lugubere achtergrond, onder meer Berlioz in de Symphonie fantastique, Saint-Saëns in de Danse Macabre, Mahler in zijn Tweede Symfonie, enz. Franz Liszt’s Totentanz is een stel vrije variaties geheel gebaseerd op het openingsthema van het Dies Irae. Tot de bekendere Dies Irae behoren die van Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Requiem in d-klein, KV 626 uit 1791 en die van Giuseppe Verdi uit 1874, deze worden vooral gekenmerkt door harde, snelle muziek, vooral het begin van Verdi's Dies Irae.