  • The Luminous Three
  • The Luminous Three were created in 12 BBY by the Kaminoan Dr. Aqwe, at the urging of Inex Jonn. Using the kidnapped human woman Vonn Ellu as a template, Aqwe hoped to create a line of exquisitely beautiful clone assassins, suitable for employment within the upper-echelons of galactic society. The Amnesia Effect was never perfected, however. It was found that, used too heavily, the clone subject could lose access to training, or even basic motor functions. And if used too lightly, the clone might become aware of the crimes it was committing.
  • The Luminous Three were created in 12 BBY by the Kaminoan Dr. Aqwe, at the urging of Inex Jonn. Using the kidnapped human woman Vonn Ellu as a template, Aqwe hoped to create a line of exquisitely beautiful clone assassins, suitable for employment within the upper-echelons of galactic society. The production run of nine hundred ninety-nine genetically altered clones excelled in the fields of etiquette, dance, stealth, acrobatics, and hand-to-hand combat. However, as the clones matured, it was discovered that their template's dislike for violence was still very much a part of their psychological makeup, making them either unwilling to perform acts of violence, or unable to live with themselves if they did. To counteract this problem, Dr. Aqwe developed the 'Amnesia Effect': a partially chemical, partially hypnotic suggestion that, when triggered, would send its clone subject into a 'guiltless' state of mental distraction while it completed its grisly duties. When these duties were complete, the Amnesia Effect would conceal the block of time in question from conscious recall. The Amnesia Effect was never perfected, however. It was found that, used too heavily, the clone subject could lose access to training, or even basic motor functions. And if used too lightly, the clone might become aware of the crimes it was committing.