  • Bubbles (Total Drama Before Time)
  • Bubbles is one of the three Powerpuff Girls that first appeared in A New Enemy Approaches: Part 2. She has a very sweet nature. Her appearance in Total Drama Before Time is based off of Fusion Fall. Her color scheme relates to her use of water type Pokemon. She has the more Pokemon than Blossom and Buttercup combined. She has also made some great dino friends like Littlefoot.
  • Bubbles is one of the three Powerpuff Girls that first appeared in A New Enemy Approaches: Part 2. She has a very sweet nature. Her appearance in Total Drama Before Time is based off of Fusion Fall. Her color scheme relates to her use of water type Pokemon. She has the more Pokemon than Blossom and Buttercup combined. She has also made some great dino friends like Littlefoot.