  • Geyr
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceBy the Sword (novel) The mercenary Geyr serves in the mercenary company the Skybolts. He rose through the ranks, becoming co-commander of the company of specialists, along with Shallan. He is shay'a'chern and is from a land far to the south of Rethwellan, so far that Kerowyn had never heard of it until he enlisted. His homeland is never specified, but is most likely the Haighlei Empire. He is described as "a true black man from his hair to his feet" (By the Sword) with gold patterns inlaid in his front teeth.
  • Geyr
  • By the Sword
  • Mercenary
  • Haighlei Empire
  • Full name Class Nationality First appearanceBy the Sword (novel) The mercenary Geyr serves in the mercenary company the Skybolts. He rose through the ranks, becoming co-commander of the company of specialists, along with Shallan. He is shay'a'chern and is from a land far to the south of Rethwellan, so far that Kerowyn had never heard of it until he enlisted. His homeland is never specified, but is most likely the Haighlei Empire. He is described as "a true black man from his hair to his feet" (By the Sword) with gold patterns inlaid in his front teeth. Geyr breeds and trains dogs that are used by the company. His messenger dogs are gray blurs on the field, running to the specified person for the sake of an ear rub and a treat. Important messages are placed in tubes attached to their collars. They are small enough and run fast enough that they cannot be caught on the battlefield. Geyr also bred (probably with help from Kra'heera and the Tayledras) an oversized variety of mastiff that he trained to inspect wagons, smelling out poisoned grain and contraband substances.