  • Tom the Dark Lord
  • The villain is a universe-destroying, child-killing, virgin-raping douche and his name is Steve. Generally played for laughs, Tom the Dark Lord is when a character that's evil doesn't have a particularly evil name. In fact, this could effectively be used as Nightmare Fuel if you have the character human and a Complete Monster. Tom the Dark Lord sometimes goes hand in hand with Embarrassing First Name, but not always. Bonus points if it manages to be meaningful or ironic. Contrast with Names to Run Away From Really Fast, which is about evil people with obviously evil names. See also Fluffy the Terrible which is about vicious animals and beasts with cutesy names.
  • The villain is a universe-destroying, child-killing, virgin-raping douche and his name is Steve. Generally played for laughs, Tom the Dark Lord is when a character that's evil doesn't have a particularly evil name. In fact, this could effectively be used as Nightmare Fuel if you have the character human and a Complete Monster. Tom the Dark Lord sometimes goes hand in hand with Embarrassing First Name, but not always. Bonus points if it manages to be meaningful or ironic. Contrast with Names to Run Away From Really Fast, which is about evil people with obviously evil names. See also Fluffy the Terrible which is about vicious animals and beasts with cutesy names. Examples of Tom the Dark Lord include: