  • Volunteers
  • ... translate some custom STEP EXPRESS schema into EBNF for use with (contact mpictor-a.T-gmailDOTCOM) (This would be for FBICS, which currently uses STEPTools)
  • "Volunteers" is the 40th and fourth episode of Robotech: The Masters.
  • When the remains of a young black man and a white woman are found under the foundation of a building, Rush and Valens discover that not only did the two go missing in 1969, but that they may have been killed professionally for their work in an underground abortion clinic.
  • A Volunteer is a player who is over level 40 and has applied via Live Help. Volunteers are people who are supposed to help people.
  • In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, volunteers are soldiers that join the ranks of Diamond Dogs on their own accord, as apposed to prisoners or enemy combatants that must be Fultoned back to Mother Base and (particularly later in the game) held in the brig until Ocelot convinces them to join. The rank of randomly generated staff members that the player receives is mainly influenced by the player's level of heroism, though the amount and type are also influenced by other factors such as mission completion speed. Unique volunteers are given at scripted points in the game.
  • Roland Kirk, a homeless man, is found beaten up in an alley on Bedford Street, the middle class neighborhood he calls home. He has multiple fractures of the skull, broken knee cap, and a broken leg, and he's in a coma. The weapon used is a three foot long metal bar. Kirk was carrying $2,200 in cash, and witnesses say that Kirk was dangerous, because he was always high on crack. None of the neighbors heard or saw the attack. The jury acquits Harold of all charges, except second-degree assault, and Judge Rebecca Stein sentences him to time served and two years probation.
  • VOLUNTEERS: World University & School is seeking Volunteers {Universitians} - like Wikipedians - to help grow this open, free University & School, for the developing world and everyone! Please email: Programmer who knows MediaWiki, PHP, CSS and Wikidata. World University & School, as wiki, is an amazing, education-oriented Volunteer SERVICE Project for your organization, with lots of learning opportunities, in all languages. Let WUaS know if you'd like specifics :) Mission (Master Plan)
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
  • Sweeps
  • September
  • Van_Buren_Volunteers.jpg
  • Volunteers
  • L&O
Skill Name
  • Gunman
  • Physician
  • Gunsmith
  • Surgeon
  • Quick Reload
  • Radar Specialist
  • Transportation Specialist
  • 2
  • 69017
  • 4
  • 1993
  • 29
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
  • Discord
  • Rare
  • 3
  • 40
  • Neutral
  • Volunteers
  • Forgotten Wars
  • Law & Order
  • Bastard Harrier
  • Biting Tree Frog
  • Blazing Mastodon
  • Blue Salamander
  • Brutal Tree Frog
  • Creeping Buzzard
  • Dizzy Centipede
  • Fire Kangaroo
  • Flaming Buffalo
  • Frantic Squirrel
  • Glacier Mongoose
  • Gray Chameleon
  • Green Sturgeon
  • Green Tree Frog
  • Howling Platypus
  • Hungry Squirrel
  • Killer Stallion
  • Lonely Buffalo
  • Night Sturgeon
  • Raging Buzzard
  • Razor Hedgehog
  • Running Mongoose
  • Scowling Wallaby
  • Spunky Platypus
  • Volunteers Episode Guide
  • Fortune
  • ongoing
  • 1985-04-26
  • 2004-03-07
  • Until your next turn: At the end of each player's turn, that player can deploy a non-unique creature for free. They must meet its level requirements.
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
skill info
  • 1.0
  • When assigned to Medical Team, staff injury recovery increases by 3%.
  • Assign to R&D Team to reduce development and usage GMP requirements by 3%, and enable development of derivative models.
  • When assigned to R&D Team, enables the development of the Cargo 2 Fulton upgrade.
  • When assigned to Medical Team, illness recovery speed of sickbay residents increased by 3%; can stack up to ten times for the maximum 30% increase.
  • When assigned to R&D Team, enables the development of the Active Sonar and other equipment.
  • When deployed as a Combat Unit staff member, weapon reload speed increased by 50%.
  • 176716
  • 3
  • E
  • D
  • S
  • A+
  • S+
  • S++
  • A++
  • Volunteers
  • English
  • Russian
  • Afrikaans
  • 16
  • L&O
  • /infopedia/episodes/viewepisode.php?episode=40&seriescode=RMA
  • 1969-06-03
  • ... translate some custom STEP EXPRESS schema into EBNF for use with (contact mpictor-a.T-gmailDOTCOM) (This would be for FBICS, which currently uses STEPTools)
  • "Volunteers" is the 40th and fourth episode of Robotech: The Masters.
  • When the remains of a young black man and a white woman are found under the foundation of a building, Rush and Valens discover that not only did the two go missing in 1969, but that they may have been killed professionally for their work in an underground abortion clinic.
  • VOLUNTEERS: World University & School is seeking Volunteers {Universitians} - like Wikipedians - to help grow this open, free University & School, for the developing world and everyone! Please email: Programmer who knows MediaWiki, PHP, CSS and Wikidata. World University & School, as wiki, is an amazing, education-oriented Volunteer SERVICE Project for your organization, with lots of learning opportunities, in all languages. Let WUaS know if you'd like specifics :) Welcome to World University and School, a global, virtual, open, (potentially degree-granting - Ph.D., M.D., & Music School, etc.), free-to-students, university and school, with great universities (e.g. MIT, Ivy League Schools, Stanford, U.C. Berkeley, Oxford, T.U.M., Sorbonne, L.M.U., Juilliard Music School, Cambridge, Collège de France, Cal Tech, B.T.U., University of Chicago, etc.) as key web content generators, based on a Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware model, especially for the developing world, and for everyone. Mission World University & School's ( - like Wikipedia with MIT Open Course Ware) - mission, in reaching out to the entire world, is to provide a free, wiki-based education platform and, through facilitating the development of broadband worldwide, to make our service accessible to under served parts of the world. The WUaS mission is thus to facilitate all levels of teaching and learning opportunities (and future degrees) through an open, editable wiki in all languages, nation-states and subjects with great universities, and for One Laptop per Child countries and everyone. (Master Plan)
  • A Volunteer is a player who is over level 40 and has applied via Live Help. Volunteers are people who are supposed to help people.
  • In Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, volunteers are soldiers that join the ranks of Diamond Dogs on their own accord, as apposed to prisoners or enemy combatants that must be Fultoned back to Mother Base and (particularly later in the game) held in the brig until Ocelot convinces them to join. The rank of randomly generated staff members that the player receives is mainly influenced by the player's level of heroism, though the amount and type are also influenced by other factors such as mission completion speed. Unique volunteers are given at scripted points in the game.
  • Roland Kirk, a homeless man, is found beaten up in an alley on Bedford Street, the middle class neighborhood he calls home. He has multiple fractures of the skull, broken knee cap, and a broken leg, and he's in a coma. The weapon used is a three foot long metal bar. Kirk was carrying $2,200 in cash, and witnesses say that Kirk was dangerous, because he was always high on crack. None of the neighbors heard or saw the attack. Kirk has a rap sheet. The Bedford Street neighborhood's residents say that Kirk should have been in jail, but he was always released after a two week stay at Friedland psychiatric hospital. Kirk was carrying an appointment card from Friedland. Another homeless man, George Siddell, has Kirk's Medicaid card. Siddell says Kirk gave it to him. He used it last Tuesday to get sixty tablets of Lithium. Friedland Psychiatric confirms Siddell's story, and says that Kirk had been a patient since 1977. In the past, the courts had ordered evaluations, but two weeks later, the Friedland psychiatric center would always release Kirk. Kirk's sister Sharon says that Kirk was fine as long as he took his medication. He had recently started sending her checks. The bank account shows Richard Gillrich, of Mental Health Legal Advocates, as the trustee. Gillrich says Kirk was being harassed. The neighborhood's block association wanted Kirk committed. Gillrich won a judgement and settled the case for $30,000 plus costs. The neighborhood's block association members were clearly outraged by that. Briscoe and Logan discover that Kirk had viciously mugged Irene Morrissey on the night he was attacked. Kirk comes out of his coma and says a bald woman was pounding on his chest, and kissing him. Briscoe and Logan check the ininutes of the block association. Mrs. Bondy says she saw Dr. Creighton in the alley. Creighton is bald, and he has Kirk's blood on his slippers. Kirk, who is no longer in a coma, identifies Creighton. Dr. Creighton is arrested, and he admits that he tried to revive Kirk with CPR. He admits he was afraid of a lawsuit. Leon Prosky was suppose to call 911, but Prosky says that Creighton was supposed to call 911. Olivet believes that the drugs Kirk's on are causing Kirk's psychotic episodes. The ER supervisor remembers Irene and Harold Morrissey, and telephone records prove that Harold Morrissey called Prosky twice from the hospital. Prosky admits that he witnessed Harold Morrissey pick up the metal bar, and then go into the alley and beat Kirk up with it. Harold was furious at Kirk for attacking Irene. Because of what has happened in the past, Harold believed that the system would do what it always did -- do absolutely nothing about Kirk. Harold is arrested. Dr. Creighton testifies that Prosky was in the alley. Creighton administered CPR, but he didn't wait for the paramedics. Prosky testifies that Harold picked up the bar and attacked Kirk, but only after Kirk attacked Harold. That forces Stone to put Kirk on the stand. Kirk goes off the deep end, which is not what Stone wanted. Harold testifies and he goes off, stating that he's thought about pounding Stone's head in because, for three years, Kirk has terrorized the Bedford Street neighborhood, and the system has never done anything about Kirk. Harold's attorney argues the truth that Kirk has terrorized the Bedford Street neighborhood for three years, noting some examples: when Kirk threw a garbage can through a plate glass window, he was sent to Friedland psychiatric hospital and released two weeks later, and he went right back to Bedford Street. When Kirk pushed an 11-year-old boy right into the path of a moving car that, thankfully, did not hit the boy, Kirk was sent to Friedland and released two weeks later, and he went right back to Bedford Street. When Kirk viciously mugged Irene Morrissey, Irene's husband Harold got fed up with Kirk, and he beat Kirk with the metal bar, much to the delight of the neighborhood's block association members, who were fed up with Kirk, and fed up with a system that wouldn't do anything about Kirk. Stone admits that, when it comes to Kirk, the system broke down. The jury acquits Harold of all charges, except second-degree assault, and Judge Rebecca Stein sentences him to time served and two years probation.
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