  • Ostend
  • Ostend
  • Ostend was a city in Belgium. While visiting it with the Sixth Doctor in 1913, Peri Brown was going to send H. G. Wells a postcard. It was in a local hotel that the two encountered Toby the Sapient Pig and Marcel Proust. (AUDIO: Year of the Pig) When she was a child, Charley Pollard went on a holiday to Ostend with her family, during which she read Treasure Island. (AUDIO: The Girl Who Never Was; The Fall of the House of Pollard) File:StubTab.png
  • The flag of Ostend.
  • In the winter of 1598, Lope de Vega purchased passage to Ostend, Spanish Netherlands on Captain Adams' ship Oom Karl. De Vega had just been released from a makeshift prisoner-of-war camp in the Southwark bear-baiting arena with the help of William Shakespeare and purchased his passage with part of a pound of gold Shakespeare had anonymously given him.
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  • Ostend was a city in Belgium. While visiting it with the Sixth Doctor in 1913, Peri Brown was going to send H. G. Wells a postcard. It was in a local hotel that the two encountered Toby the Sapient Pig and Marcel Proust. (AUDIO: Year of the Pig) When she was a child, Charley Pollard went on a holiday to Ostend with her family, during which she read Treasure Island. (AUDIO: The Girl Who Never Was; The Fall of the House of Pollard) File:StubTab.png
  • The flag of Ostend.
  • In the winter of 1598, Lope de Vega purchased passage to Ostend, Spanish Netherlands on Captain Adams' ship Oom Karl. De Vega had just been released from a makeshift prisoner-of-war camp in the Southwark bear-baiting arena with the help of William Shakespeare and purchased his passage with part of a pound of gold Shakespeare had anonymously given him.
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