  • Giant Facehugger
  • The Giant Facehugger is a large variant of Xenomorph Facehugger, used to guard and defend a nest's eggs. Although they are incapable of implanting hosts with xenomorph larvae, they can use both their legs and tail to subdue and pin opponents while regular facehuggers move to implant them. Retroactively, comparisons can be made between the Giant Facehugger and the Trilobite.
  • The Giant Facehugger is a large variant of Xenomorph Facehugger, used to guard and defend a nest's eggs. Although they are incapable of implanting hosts with xenomorph larvae, they can use both their legs and tail to subdue and pin opponents while regular facehuggers move to implant them. Retroactively, comparisons can be made between the Giant Facehugger and the Trilobite.