  • His Quirk Lives On
  • This is a trope where one character will adopt one or more traits of another character to remember the latter. Sometimes, the original character who had that habit, phrase or trait is forgotten, and people mistakenly think that the habit/trait/phrase started with the second character. An example could be James Bond's Catch Phrase: “Bond, James Bond.” In the first James Bond novel, it started with the Bond Girl Sylvia Trench, who introduced herself with “Trench, Sylvia Trench”; but only if Bond had adopted the catch phrase as a nod to her.
  • This is a trope where one character will adopt one or more traits of another character to remember the latter. Sometimes, the original character who had that habit, phrase or trait is forgotten, and people mistakenly think that the habit/trait/phrase started with the second character. An example could be James Bond's Catch Phrase: “Bond, James Bond.” In the first James Bond novel, it started with the Bond Girl Sylvia Trench, who introduced herself with “Trench, Sylvia Trench”; but only if Bond had adopted the catch phrase as a nod to her. Note that the person being remembered doesn't have to be dead. See also Dead Person Impersonation, also: Because it's a Death Trope, there will be spoilers.