  • They Live Animated Prop
  • The right arm of the prop is fully posable from the elbow to the hand. It uses an internal industrial motor to cause the arm to move up and down to simulate a scene in the movie where one of the aliens relays a message into its communicator watch that the main character can see their true form. As the motor and pistons that drive the arm are made of solid metal instead of plastic, it is considered to be of high quality construction and will survive a good deal of wear and tear or abuse.
  • The right arm of the prop is fully posable from the elbow to the hand. It uses an internal industrial motor to cause the arm to move up and down to simulate a scene in the movie where one of the aliens relays a message into its communicator watch that the main character can see their true form. As the motor and pistons that drive the arm are made of solid metal instead of plastic, it is considered to be of high quality construction and will survive a good deal of wear and tear or abuse.