  • Cregal
  • Cregal
  • A instancias de Eclipse, Black Death desvio el New Black Comet al planeta natal de los Wisp en camino a Mobius. Allí, los Black Arms recogieron una serie de Wisp para experimentación, lo que llevo al cultivo de los Dark Arms.Los Dark Arms todavía estaban en su estado de huevo cuando el New Black Comet llego a Mobius y fueron evacuados junto con Eclipse para salvarlos de la destrucción de sus compañeros Black Arms. Aterrizando forzosamente en Angel Island, solo cuatro de ellos lograron sobrevivir, siendo uno de ellos Cregal. Después de pasar algún tiempo al cuidado de Eclipse y casi ser descubiertos por le Team Dark y Knuckles the Echidna, Cregal y sus hermanos se unieron a Eclipse para atacar Shrine Island y reclamar la Master Emerald. Los poderes de Cregal se usaron segundos, permitiendol
  • At the urging of Eclipse, Black Death diverted the New Black Comet to the homeworld of the Wisps on its way to Mobius. There the Black Arms collected a number of Wisps for experimentation, with this research leading to the cultivation of the Dark Arms. The Dark Arms were still in their egg state when the New Black Comet arrived at Mobius, and were evacuated with Eclipse to save them from the destruction of their fellow Black Arms. Crash-landing on Angel Island, only four of them would end up surviving, one of them being Cregal. After spending some time in Eclipse's care and nearly being discovered by the searching Team Dark and Knuckles the Echidna, Cregal and his brethren joined Eclipse in attacking Shrine Isle to claim the Master Emerald. Cregal's powers were utilized second, allowing Ec
  • At the urging of Eclipse, Black Death diverted the New Black Comet to the homeworld of the Wisps on its way to Mobius. There the Black Arms collected a number of Wisps for experimentation, with this research leading to the cultivation of the Dark Arms. The Dark Arms were still in their egg state when the New Black Comet arrived at Mobius, and were evacuated with Eclipse to save them from the destruction of their fellow Black Arms. Crash-landing on Angel Island, only four of them would end up surviving, one of them being Cregal. After spending some time in Eclipse's care and nearly being discovered by the searching Team Dark and Knuckles the Echidna, Cregal and his brethren joined Eclipse in attacking Shrine Isle to claim the Master Emerald. Cregal's powers were utilized second, allowing Eclipse to best Rouge the Bat after Blurk's abilities subdued E-123 Omega. However, their ownership of the Master Emerald was brief, as Knuckles and Shadow the Hedgehog caught up to them and defeated them in battle, and the gem was shattered into fragments. Cregal and the others, wearied by their struggles, then escaped to a swamp on Mobius' surface. (SU: #59, #62, #67, #68, #69, #70)
  • A instancias de Eclipse, Black Death desvio el New Black Comet al planeta natal de los Wisp en camino a Mobius. Allí, los Black Arms recogieron una serie de Wisp para experimentación, lo que llevo al cultivo de los Dark Arms.Los Dark Arms todavía estaban en su estado de huevo cuando el New Black Comet llego a Mobius y fueron evacuados junto con Eclipse para salvarlos de la destrucción de sus compañeros Black Arms. Aterrizando forzosamente en Angel Island, solo cuatro de ellos lograron sobrevivir, siendo uno de ellos Cregal. Después de pasar algún tiempo al cuidado de Eclipse y casi ser descubiertos por le Team Dark y Knuckles the Echidna, Cregal y sus hermanos se unieron a Eclipse para atacar Shrine Island y reclamar la Master Emerald. Los poderes de Cregal se usaron segundos, permitiendole a Eclipse derrotar a Rouge the Bat después de someter a E-123 Omega con los poderes de Blurk. Sin embargo, la posesión de la Master Emerald fue corta, ya que Knuckles y Shadow the Hedgehog los derrotaron en una batalla y la gema se rompió en fragmentos. Cregal y los otros, cansados por las peleas escaparon a un pantano en la superficie de Mobius.