  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero is a lolicon manga still in production, made by Gitaroo Productions. It features a duo of kickass guitar players who like to fist each other with their respective axes in their spare time. 18+ only.
  • El juego fue lanzado en noviembre de 2005 y ha gozado de un tremendo éxito por el de público y crítica.
  • thumb|200px|Logo thumb|200px|Inna wersja okładki Guitar Hero – wymysł kujonów, którzy zawsze chcieli grać na gitarze, ale byli za mało mroczni i szatańscy. Gra zrzesza ludzi nie umiejących grać na instrumentach i daje im szansę na osiągnięcie sławy w wyimaginowanym świecie rocka. Niektórych tak pochłonęły okrzyki pikselowatych fanów na widowni, że biedacy nagrywają się i chwalą osiągnięciami na YouTube, a potem (o zgrozo!) kupią normalną gitarę za 1000 zł, która i tak za 3 miesiące trafi na strych.
  • Guitar Hero franchise
  • Guitar Hero is a song by Amanda Palmer.
  • Guitar Hero is the 56th Honest Game Trailer.
  • Guitar Hero is a guitar video game created by Activision, Neversoft, Harmonix, and Red Octane.
  • Guitar Hero è un videogioco multipiatto in cui il giocatore ha il compito di esaltarsi il più possibile suonando una finta pseudo-chitarra giocattolo andante contro qualsiasi regola della musica dodecafonica.
  • What we did before Rock Band.
  • If you play this game sitting down, you fail. Laying on your back with your guitar over your head and playing like a rockstar on drugs is perfectly acceptable. - ChaosTony(logged in, this time)
  • Guitar Hero is a rock music video game series. Using a guitar-shaped controller, players play along to popular songs by famous rock bands.
  • Guitar Hero is a series of rhythm-based videogames created by Harmonix, developed later by Neversoft and Vicarious Visions, and marketed by Activision for various game system platforms. The game has the player use a game controller in the form of a musical instrument (mainly a guitar) to follow the musical notes of a song as they appear on the screen in the form of dots and bars on a constantly-scrolling guitar neck. One of the games in the series, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, appears in The Smurfs movie as a form of entertainment that Patrick Winslow and the Smurfs that were staying with him and his wife Grace engage in, performing to the Aerosmith/Run D.M.C. version of "Walk This Way".
  • Guitar Hero is a video game series that has the player use a guitar shaped controller to simulate playing a guitar or bass. The player taps coloured buttons as notes appear on the screen to score points. The fourth game in the series, Guitar Hero: World Tour, allowed the player to use a drum controller and a microphone to simulate drumming and singing respectively. The series features songs from numerous rock bands, including Muse.
  • thumb Guitar Hero es un juego de música desarrollado por Harmonix Music Systems y publicado por RedOctane. El sistema de juego de Guitar Hero es similar a otros videojuegos de música rítmicos, en los cuales el jugador debe presionar botones del controlador en el tiempo exacto en el que las notas musicales se desplazan en la pantalla de juego, en donde el jugador debe obtener la mayor puntuación posible, para así, completar con éxito la canción y entrar en los marcadores on-line del juego.
  • In Guitar Hero, players use the strum bar along with the fret buttons to play notes that scroll down the screen along a fretboard. The Easy difficulty only uses the first three fret buttons, that is, the green, red, and yellow. The Medium difficulty uses the blue button in addition to those three, and Hard and Expert use all five buttons.
  • Guitar Hero ist ein indiziertes Killerspiel, das Zwietracht und brutalen Hass unter den einzelnen Spielern fördert.
  • Guitar Hero is a video games in which a player uses a guitar shaped controller to shred along with popular Rock and Roll tunes. The game has 5 levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, expert, and Stephen Colbert. The game, developed in conjunction with Colbert, it said to realistically recreate the unparalleled speed and accuracy with which Stephen is known to shred. The last level features a shred-off in which the gamer is pitted against Colbert in a shred-off of The National Anthem. No gamer has yet beaten the virtual Colbert level, but it is rumored that The Colbert Report's writers struck so they would have more time to practice in hopes of one day beating the guitar god. A spinoff series of games, called Bassoon Hero, is reportedly in development. Colbert is truly the god of Guitar H
  • Guitar hero est une jeu d'origine grecque apparu il y a environ plusieurs siècles. Malheureusement, faute de support adéquat, la sortie de ce jeu a été repoussée et repoussée, jusqu'aux fameuses calendes grecques. Il détient d'ailleurs le (triste) record du jeu le plus repoussé, ex-æquo avec la série des Gran Turismo dont les dates de sortie ont réussi à cumuler plus de retard que le tram de Nice et la construction du Tunnel sous la Manche.
  • 288.0
nombre solicitado
  • es.guitarhero
  • 1
  • 1
  • Guitar Hero
  • La enciclopedia virtual dedicada a la saga Guitar Hero.
  • 15
  • While is active, you heal for 50% of the damage dealt by Basic Attacks.
  • Vic V.
  • Abandonada
  • Guitar Hero Wiki
Song name
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero
  • Guitar Hero is a lolicon manga still in production, made by Gitaroo Productions. It features a duo of kickass guitar players who like to fist each other with their respective axes in their spare time. 18+ only.
  • El juego fue lanzado en noviembre de 2005 y ha gozado de un tremendo éxito por el de público y crítica.
  • thumb|200px|Logo thumb|200px|Inna wersja okładki Guitar Hero – wymysł kujonów, którzy zawsze chcieli grać na gitarze, ale byli za mało mroczni i szatańscy. Gra zrzesza ludzi nie umiejących grać na instrumentach i daje im szansę na osiągnięcie sławy w wyimaginowanym świecie rocka. Niektórych tak pochłonęły okrzyki pikselowatych fanów na widowni, że biedacy nagrywają się i chwalą osiągnięciami na YouTube, a potem (o zgrozo!) kupią normalną gitarę za 1000 zł, która i tak za 3 miesiące trafi na strych.
  • Guitar Hero is a video games in which a player uses a guitar shaped controller to shred along with popular Rock and Roll tunes. The game has 5 levels of difficulty: easy, medium, hard, expert, and Stephen Colbert. The game, developed in conjunction with Colbert, it said to realistically recreate the unparalleled speed and accuracy with which Stephen is known to shred. The last level features a shred-off in which the gamer is pitted against Colbert in a shred-off of The National Anthem. No gamer has yet beaten the virtual Colbert level, but it is rumored that The Colbert Report's writers struck so they would have more time to practice in hopes of one day beating the guitar god. A spinoff series of games, called Bassoon Hero, is reportedly in development. Colbert is truly the god of Guitar Hero. This article is a stub. You can get a Tip of the Hat* from Stephen by adding only truthiness to it.*Tip of the Hat not guaranteed.
  • Guitar Hero franchise
  • Guitar Hero is a song by Amanda Palmer.
  • Guitar Hero is the 56th Honest Game Trailer.
  • Guitar Hero is a guitar video game created by Activision, Neversoft, Harmonix, and Red Octane.
  • Guitar Hero è un videogioco multipiatto in cui il giocatore ha il compito di esaltarsi il più possibile suonando una finta pseudo-chitarra giocattolo andante contro qualsiasi regola della musica dodecafonica.
  • What we did before Rock Band.
  • If you play this game sitting down, you fail. Laying on your back with your guitar over your head and playing like a rockstar on drugs is perfectly acceptable. - ChaosTony(logged in, this time)
  • Guitar Hero is a rock music video game series. Using a guitar-shaped controller, players play along to popular songs by famous rock bands.
  • Guitar hero est une jeu d'origine grecque apparu il y a environ plusieurs siècles. Malheureusement, faute de support adéquat, la sortie de ce jeu a été repoussée et repoussée, jusqu'aux fameuses calendes grecques. Il détient d'ailleurs le (triste) record du jeu le plus repoussé, ex-æquo avec la série des Gran Turismo dont les dates de sortie ont réussi à cumuler plus de retard que le tram de Nice et la construction du Tunnel sous la Manche. Des années plus tard, un vilain copieur reprit l'idée de ce jeu et inventa un instrument de musique sans même se donner la peine d'en changer le nom, ce qui donna naissance à de grands moment d'anthologie comme par exemple Johnny B. Goode.
  • Guitar Hero is a series of rhythm-based videogames created by Harmonix, developed later by Neversoft and Vicarious Visions, and marketed by Activision for various game system platforms. The game has the player use a game controller in the form of a musical instrument (mainly a guitar) to follow the musical notes of a song as they appear on the screen in the form of dots and bars on a constantly-scrolling guitar neck. One of the games in the series, Guitar Hero: Aerosmith, appears in The Smurfs movie as a form of entertainment that Patrick Winslow and the Smurfs that were staying with him and his wife Grace engage in, performing to the Aerosmith/Run D.M.C. version of "Walk This Way".
  • Guitar Hero is a video game series that has the player use a guitar shaped controller to simulate playing a guitar or bass. The player taps coloured buttons as notes appear on the screen to score points. The fourth game in the series, Guitar Hero: World Tour, allowed the player to use a drum controller and a microphone to simulate drumming and singing respectively. The series features songs from numerous rock bands, including Muse.
  • thumb Guitar Hero es un juego de música desarrollado por Harmonix Music Systems y publicado por RedOctane. El sistema de juego de Guitar Hero es similar a otros videojuegos de música rítmicos, en los cuales el jugador debe presionar botones del controlador en el tiempo exacto en el que las notas musicales se desplazan en la pantalla de juego, en donde el jugador debe obtener la mayor puntuación posible, para así, completar con éxito la canción y entrar en los marcadores on-line del juego.
  • In Guitar Hero, players use the strum bar along with the fret buttons to play notes that scroll down the screen along a fretboard. The Easy difficulty only uses the first three fret buttons, that is, the green, red, and yellow. The Medium difficulty uses the blue button in addition to those three, and Hard and Expert use all five buttons.
  • Guitar Hero ist ein indiziertes Killerspiel, das Zwietracht und brutalen Hass unter den einzelnen Spielern fördert.
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