  • First American War (French Trafalgar, British Waterloo)
  • The First American War, also known as the War of 1812, was a military conflict between the United States of America and the British Empire. The war was a long time in coming, and the efforts by the Congressional "War Hawks" to promote the expansion of American power into Canada and further west was met with force by British supported Indian tribes, who attacked the various settlements that sprung up in what was traditionally their land, in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. The War Hawks pushed newly elected President James Madison to stand up to the British, though he tried to end the crisis diplomatically. Madison was forced to declare war in June 1812, however, when calls for war soon echoed across the union as the news of massacres and violent raids were heard in the eastern states.
  • British Army *58,230 *25,000 Provincial Forces Royal Navy *Ships of the Line: 15 *Frigates: 34 *Other vessels: 52 *Assorted Coastal Defense Forces Unknown Native allies
  • 1750
  • 3457
  • 3957
  • 2500
  • 3750
  • 19000
  • United States Army *32,000 *450,000 State Militia Forces US Navy and US Marines * Frigates: 6 * Other Vessels: 14 Unknown Native allies
  • 1814-02-15
  • First American War
  • 1812-07-14
  • British Victory, Treaty of Liverpool
  • North America, Atlantic Ocean
  • The First American War, also known as the War of 1812, was a military conflict between the United States of America and the British Empire. The war was a long time in coming, and the efforts by the Congressional "War Hawks" to promote the expansion of American power into Canada and further west was met with force by British supported Indian tribes, who attacked the various settlements that sprung up in what was traditionally their land, in Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. The War Hawks pushed newly elected President James Madison to stand up to the British, though he tried to end the crisis diplomatically. Madison was forced to declare war in June 1812, however, when calls for war soon echoed across the union as the news of massacres and violent raids were heard in the eastern states. The war was mostly fought over American attempts to expand westwards into British supported Native territory, including the Louisiana Purchase. With the ability to focus its entire strength in North America, having ended the war with Napoleonic France in 1806, the initial American attempts to invade Canada, while successful, were soon beaten back. Battles of the western frontier swayed back and forth for most of the war, with the outnumbered British, the untrained American's, and each sides Indian allies never managing to gain the upper hand. The assault into New York State by the British after recapturing York (Toronto) and beating back the attack on Montreal in 1813 sparked panic in the US, and efforts to reform the army, and instituting a draft managed to eventually halt the attack, and the efforts of General Andrew Jackson soon turned the tide in the North-East. Indian raids in the west forced American settlers back west and the British still held Maine, Northern Vermont and Northern New York. The attack on Washington D.C. in 1814 was the final straw of the war, and forced the United States to seek peace. This lead to the punitive Treaty of Liverpool, which forced the US to give up almost half of the Louisiana Purchase, as well as pay damages to Canadian colonialists.
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